September 29, 2019

School Pictures

September 30th:  K-8, 4/5 yr old PS, MWF 3 yr old PS

October 1st:  Make-ups and T/Th 3 yr old PS

October 8th:  Retakes and make-ups

New Report Cards and Mid-Term Progress Reports

Beginning this fall, our report cards and mid-term progress reports will have a new look to them.  The new reports will allow more feedback to be given.  The first mid-term ended Wednesday, and progress reports will be sent home shortly.  We’re discovering how much more work these report cards require!

“Magazine” Sale

Home & School’s “magazine” sale continues.  This fund-raiser is the largest one by our Home & School.  Home & School helps provide for the needs of all students.  It is a major contributor toward the annual upkeep of the gym floor and the re-mulching of the two playgrounds.  It provides each teacher with $300 toward the needs in their classrooms.  (Did you know that teachers spend, on average nationally, about $500 of their own money each year on classroom supplies?  I wonder if this is common in other professions.)  Please support JFK’s Home & School Association.

Locals Love Us – Do You?

Vote for JFK on  Preschool, childcare, and K-8 Private school categories.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:

Demographic Information

October 1st is the due date for some demographic reporting about the school.  JFK continues its trend toward more diversity in ethnicity, race, financial means of families (indicated by free/reduced lunch participation), and disabilities of students.  It also continues the same five year downward trend in K-8 enrollment that the other Catholic elementary schools in Davenport are facing.  (Lourdes seems to be at about the same enrollment it was five years ago.)


Official Enrollment 2019 Budgeted 2019 Official Enrollment 2018 Official Enrollment 2017 Official Enrollment 2016 Official Enrollment 2015
3 yr old PS T/Th only 12 11 7
3 yr old PS MWF only 5 9 6
3 yr old PS and ECLC (M-F) 4 3 7
3 yr old PS (Total of TTh, MWF, and M-F) 21 23 20 22 18 20
4/5 yr old PS 55 64 74 80 80 80
ECLC (3, 4, or 5 yr olds) 18 14 21 22 24 24
K 43 42 32 39
1st 34 30 38 41
2nd 36 35 40 46
3rd 39 40 42 41
4th 41 39 38 33
5th 39 38 30 51
6th 25 28 46 46
7th 41 41 48 47
8th 46 47 41 51
Total K-8 344 340 355 395 409 418
Total PS-8 420 449 497 507 518
Free/reduced lunches, K-8 18.3% 17.8% 12.1% 14.2% 15.5%
Transportation services, registered 47.7% 40.7% 40.5% 43.3% 44%
4/5 yr PS-8 Enrollment by Ethnicity = Hispanic 18.0% 17.8% 16.4% 16% 18%
4 /5 yr PS-8 Enrollment by Race
Native American 0% 0% 0% 0.2% 0.2%
Asian 2.3% 1.6% 1.9% 2% 1.4%
Black 2.8% 2.3% 1.9% 2% 1.7%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
White 90.0% 89.9% 91.3% 91.9% 93.6%
Two or More Races 5% 6.1% 4.8% 3.9% 3.1%
Students with disabilities (IEPs or 504 plans) 6.7% 6.2% 6.1%


Enrollment by Percent Catholic

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
K-8 88% 88% 88% 88% 87%
PS – 4 yr old 49% 45% 55% 57% 61%+


Budgeted Cost per K-8 Student

2019 2018 2017 2016
Cost per pupil K-8 $5,828 $5,516 $5,087 $4,777


Just Being Near

On Thursday, my oldest daughter and her boyfriend made it to Davenport from North Carolina, and my youngest surprised us by arriving earlier from Kansas than we had thought she would.  We went out to dinner, and the girls went to the AHS football game while the boys watched football on TV.  When everyone was back together after the AHS game, I felt as if I didn’t want the evening to end.

On Friday, my other daughter timed it just right to make it to Davenport from Des Moines without driving through rain storms.  We ate a good meal together at home, had a MarioCart tournament, and watched more football.  When I stepped away for a bit, I almost had a tear in my eye as it was just such a pleasant time being together.  The only piece that was missing was that Tom, our son, ended up having to work and couldn’t make it from South Carolina.

On Saturday, we kept splitting into smaller groups to run to the store or do this, that, and that other thing, but there always seemed to be at least two people together.  We caught pieces of the games of people’s alma maters or of the favorite teams of those on TV:  Iowa, Kansas, Iowa State, Notre Dame, South Carolina, Ohio State (Big 10), and Cubs.  An extended family dinner capped the evening off.

By Sunday, things were sadly coming to an end.  Colleen and Justin left by 5:30 a.m.  On the way home from the 9:00 a.m. Mass, the conversation drifted to return travel plans and the weather.  Kirsten probably left before 11:30 a.m., and Caitlin, with a new travel route that would allow her to avoid the storms forecast to move across the I-80 corridor all afternoon and evening, left right at noon.  By 1:00, Lynn and I were lamenting how quiet the house seemed.  It’s not really that we always have to be doing something together with family members; it’s just being near enough to be able to do something that would be nice.
