Principal’s Post for August 29, 2021

Heat Index of 106 — Not a Problem with our Air Conditioning

When the heat index hit 106 on Tuesday, we didn’t even think a bit about having to close early due to the heat.  Air conditioning is a blessing!


Principal’s Posts are written each weekend and posted on our website, available off the front page.  I also send a link via email and post it to the school’s Facebook account.  A hard copy Principal’s Post also gets sent home via via “backpack mail” with the “youngest or only child” in a family at the beginning of each week.  I use the Principal’s Post to reach the whole school community and sometimes highlight happenings in particular grades.  You will also receive numerous email communications from teachers.  Email is probably the number one form of communication in schools.

We also utilize a JFK Facebook page, and there is a closed Facebook group, JFK Moms & Dads, where people can post to others in the group.  JFK’s Facebook page can be accessed from the front page of our website.  If you’d like to be a member of the JFK Moms & Dads group, please let Angie Hillebrand, in the school office know via a Facebook request or even via email.   Social media is not the best venue for voicing a concern, and posts that appear to do so will be removed while we try to reach out to address the concern through a better means.  Social media, including our Facebook pages, are great ways to share your photos and connect with other JFK families.  Photos from an event are often posted to these pages by families before we can even get photos taken by staff posted.  Make sure you “like” us on both Facebook pages!

Occasionally, we will also “blast” a text message to families.  A good example of a mass text message would be a last minute school closing due to weather.  If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Accounting Transitions with Regionalization

As Fr. Jake indicated last week, we have been making some major changes to our accounting processes this summer.  Checks, ACH’s and other payments should have finally been processed last week.  (Just in time to start the September payments, right?)  With a short summer, it was further into the summer when we were closing the books for the 2020-21 fiscal year, and then making the accounting changes to handle the 2021-22 school year transactions has been very time consuming.  We apologize for the delays.
As we move toward one Scott County Catholic School system, having unified accounting practices is critical.  Being able to tell where each school is at financially is essential, and that requires accounting practices to be the same at each school.  One school doing “accrual basis” accounting while the others do “cash basis” or vice versa, while still sound accounting practices, throws things off for the whole group.
For a recent article regarding the movement toward regionalization, check out the Catholic Messenger:  Scott County Catholic Schools.

Parking Lot Drop-Off/Pick-Up Changes

Here’s a few tips from what we’ve seen with the new parking lot pattern:

  • Kindergarten parents, in particular, should park, get out of their cars, and greet the kindergarten teachers as the students are released to those picking up the students.  Without yet knowing all of our parents, grandparents, daycare providers, etc. that are picking up the kindergarteners, in particular, dismissal time is a little harrowing.
  • Pull all the way forward in the green-coned area before loading or unloading.  We should be able to load/unload about 3-4 cars at the same time.
  • Stop before and proceed cautiously across the crosswalks.
  • Parking and waiting in pick up areas inhibits a smooth flow of traffic.  If you must park and wait, please do so in a parking space.

Please observe the new parking lot traffic pattern on the north side of the parking lot.  By shifting the car line for dropping off/picking up to go past the church and along the divider and concrete barriers, the line will not back up onto 42nd or Division streets.  A low quality photo is below.  For a better view, use the following link:   Parking lot traffic patterns, 2021


  • Red arrows are the drop off/pick up zones.  Note that the main one is at the north, but there is also one that can be used at the south.
  • Blue arrows are the one-way pick-up lanes.  
  • Orange arrows are one-way lanes.
  • Green arrows indicate where traffic goes in both directions.
  • Note that in some areas there are two lanes going in the same direction:  one lane is just driving through (orange arrows) and the other lane is the pick up lane leading to the drop off/pick up zone (blue and red arrows).

As always, be careful in the parking lot.  Even though our younger students must be accompanied to/from the barriers by parents when parents are parked in the lot, there are a lot of people and cars moving at the same time.  Drive slowly, pay attention, and keep the cell phones put away.  Parents who are waiting for their little ones should stand on the school side of the barriers this year.

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.


Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Aug 27, 2021

  • In comparison to a year ago, this week’s case counts per 100,000 in Scott County and test positivity rates are about where they were in late October or early November.  The trend is also upward both now and last fall.  (We were also at about this level in Scott County in April, but the trend was downward last spring.)
  • Scott County is also seeing cases of RSV earlier than typical.  A concern is that RSV, seasonal flu, and COVID will all converge this fall/winter.  Due to masking and social distancing last year, there were very few cases of flu.  It is not anticipated to be the same this year.

Substitutes Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes for both long-term assignments (like maternity leaves) and short-term assignments (like when a teacher needs to stay home with his/her own sick child).  You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.

If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.

Parent Zoom Meetings

Homeroom teachers will conduct Zoom parent meetings beginning this week so you can find out more information about your child’s grade.  Invites will be sent from homeroom teachers.

  • Mon Aug 30:  6:00 6th; 6:45 7th
  • Tues, Aug 31: 6:00 8th

Other Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Sept 2:  Picture day
  • Sept 6:  Labor Day.  No school/ECLC closed

Picture Day

School Picture Day is Thursday, September 2nd.  Students may be out of uniform, following the out of uniform dress code policy listed on the school website.  Please see the attachment to register to see your student’s photos and place orders .JFK Picture Day 2021-2022.jpg   If you have any questions, please contact Angie Hillebrand at 563 391 3030, or

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.


Principal’s Post for August 22, 2021

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year

Welcome to the 2021-22 school year!  I’m sure you noticed our most exciting change for this school year when you came to Meet Your Teacher/Unpack Your Backpack night:  building-wide air-conditioning!  We are still working on some of the electronic controls for the system, but it’s working!  It looks like we’ll need it this week too!

First Principal’s Post for 2021-22

Principal’s Posts are written each weekend and posted on our website, available off the front page.  I also send a link via email and post it to the school’s Facebook account.  A hard copy Principal’s Post also gets sent home via via “backpack mail” with the “youngest or only child” in a family at the beginning of each week.  I use the Principal’s Post to reach the whole school community and sometimes highlight happenings in particular grades.  You will also receive numerous email communications from teachers.  Email is probably the number one form of communication in schools.

We also utilize a JFK Facebook page, and there is a closed Facebook group, JFK Moms & Dads, where people can post to others in the group.  JFK’s Facebook page can be accessed from the front page of our website.  If you’d like to be a member of the JFK Moms & Dads group, please let Angie Hillebrand, in the school office know via a Facebook request or even via email.   Social media is not the best venue for voicing a concern, and posts that appear to do so will be removed while we try to reach out to address the concern through a better means.  Social media, including our Facebook pages, are great ways to share your photos and connect with other JFK families.  Photos from an event are often posted to these pages by families before we can even get photos taken by staff posted.  Make sure you “like” us on both Facebook pages!

Occasionally, we will also “blast” a text message to families.  A good example of a mass text message would be a last minute school closing due to weather.  If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Message from Fr. Jake

Welcome back!  Fr. Andrew and I hope and pray that everyone has a great start to the new school year.
I also want to take this opportunity to apologize to all school families about the delay in processing your payments for the start of the school year.  The parish office had to change our accounting process during the summer, and this change has been more difficult than anticipated.  Therefore, I am sorry that your checks, ACH’s and other payments from the last several weeks have not yet been processed.  However, everything will be processed this week.  I appreciate your patience, and again, we hope to have everything caught up by the end of this week.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school or parish offices.
Blessings and thanks,
Fr. Jake

Parking Lot Drop-Off/Pick-Up Changes

Please observe the new parking lot traffic pattern on the north side of the parking lot.  By shifting the car line for dropping off/picking up to go past the church and along the divider and concrete barriers, the line will not back up onto 42nd or Division streets.  A low quality photo is below.  For a better view, use the following link:   Parking lot traffic patterns, 2021


  • Red arrows are the drop off/pick up zones.  Note that the main one is at the north, but there is also one that can be used at the south.
  • Blue arrows are the one-way pick-up lanes.  
  • Orange arrows are one-way lanes.
  • Green arrows indicate where traffic goes in both directions.
  • Note that in some areas there are two lanes going in the same direction:  one lane is just driving through (orange arrows) and the other lane is the pick up lane leading to the drop off/pick up zone (blue and red arrows).

As always, be careful in the parking lot.  Even though our younger students must be accompanied to/from the barriers by parents when parents are parked in the lot, there are a lot of people and cars moving at the same time.  Drive slowly, pay attention, and keep the cell phones put away.  Parents who are waiting for their little ones should stand on the school side of the barriers this year.

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.  Below are some of the updates since the August 4th version was released:

  • CDC guidance that face coverings should have multiple layers of material to be most effective, if worn.
  • Student desks are all facing the same direction.
  • The Diocese of Davenport temporarily suspending singing at Masses.  The same temporary suspension will be followed for singing in music classes.
  • The Diocese of Davenport urging, but not requiring, all Mass attendees to wear face coverings.
  • Portable air purifiers will be operating in classrooms and other work areas where they are located.
  • Negative test results from self-administered COVID tests will not be accepted.  Self-administered tests are too error-prone and raise too many other questions.
  • Quarantining guidance clarifications for staff members.


Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County.  I’ll add JFK specific data as the year progresses.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Aug 20, 2021

  • In general, we are starting the school year with more COVID cases in Scott County and higher positivity rates than when we ended the school year.  We were trending downward in May.
  • We are also starting this school year with more COVID cases in Scott County and higher positivity rates than when we began last school year.  In both years, the trend has been upward.
  • At JFK, we have had several children from multiple families unable to attend the Meet Your Teacher/Unpack Your Backpack event due to COVID related issues.

Bus Issues

It seems like it always takes a little time for the bus company to smooth things out at the beginning of the school year.  We are aware, for example, and have already tried to reach out to the bus company about some morning pick up times being listed as late as 7:40 or 7:45.  JFK starts school at 7:25.  We’ll welcome students whenever they arrive!

Substitutes Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes for both long-term assignments (like maternity leaves) and short-term assignments (like when a teacher needs to stay home with his/her own sick child).  You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.

If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.

Parent Zoom Meetings

Homeroom teachers will conduct Zoom parent meetings beginning this week so you can find out more information about your child’s grade.  Invites will be sent from homeroom teachers.

    • Tues, Aug 24:  6:00 K; 6:45 1st grade
    • Wed, Aug 25:  6:00 2nd; 6:45 3rd
    • Thurs, Aug 26:  6:00 4th; 6:45 5th
    • Mon Aug 30:  6:00 6th; 6:45 7th
    • Tues, Aug 31: 6:00 8th

Other Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Aug 25:  K-8 1 hr early Wednesday dismissals begin (1:40).  4/5 yr old PS special Wednesday times begin.
  • Aug 27:  JFK/AHS Spirit Day.  Students may wear any JFK or AHS spirit wear along with uniform pants/skirts/bottoms.
  • Aug 27:  “Give Back to School Night” at Old Chicago Pizza & Taproom (3030 Utica Ridge Road, Bettendorf.  15% of sales from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. go to support JFK’s Home & School Association.  Dine-in or carry-out.  355-9494
  • Aug 28:  Parish picnic, 12:00-3:30 p.m.  (Note the early afternoon time of this year’s picnic)
  • Sept 2:  Picture day
  • Sept 6:  Labor Day.  No school/ECLC closed

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

New Staff Members

JFK welcomes six new staff members to the staff:

  • Morgan Clark is teaching 7/8 math and 6th grade ELA.  Mrs. Clark has experience teaching math at both the high school and middle school levels.
  • Mady-Lyn Featherston is working in our lunch program, aftercare, and ECLC.  She also works as a “floating aide” in a variety of classrooms.  Mrs. Featherston has two children attending JFK.
  • Billie Inskeep is not entirely new to JFK as she served as a substitute teacher for us for about a year and a half.  She will be teaching 5th grade and has two children at JFK.
  • Diana Longenecker is working in WIN time for our lower grades, as a “floating aide,” and in a variety of other roles.  Her jack-of-all-trades roles at JFK matches her vast variety of experiences in education.
  • Bridget Parr is teaching 6th and 7th graders.  Ms. Parr has experience in the Davenport Community School District at the middle school and elementary school levels.  She did her student teaching at JFK a few years ago.
  • Bristy Potter is teaching 7th and 8th graders.  Mrs. Potter previously taught in the Catholic schools across the river.

An Update About Me and My Family

This has been the shortest summer I’ve ever experienced as an educator!  With school in session almost 7-10 days later in June than usual, major accounting systems changes as we move closer to becoming a regionalized Scott County Catholic School system, a major HVAC project, COVID preparations, new federal/state guidance, etc., it seemed like there wasn’t any downtime this summer!

We did celebrate the wedding of my oldest daughter, Colleen.  Living in Charlotte, North Carolina, she and Justin came back to OLV to be married.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and Modern Woodmen was a perfect venue for their reception.  My son, Tom, is in Charleston, South Carolina.  He finished his college degree in May and works as an independent contractor in the entertainment industry.  Kirsten is entering her third year of teaching special education in a grade school in Des Moines.  As her dog is now just over a year old, she’s thinking about adding another puppy to her household!  Caitlin is beginning her second year of law school at the University of Kansas.  She recently got engaged and is planning on a wedding at OLV next August.

I am beginning my 21st year as principal at JFK.  Prior to coming to JFK, I worked for ten years at Assumption High School where I taught religion for nine years and then worked in student services for one year.  I grew up in South Milwaukee, WI, and attended Marquette University in Milwaukee for my bachelor’s degree in sociology and theology.  I received a master’s degree in religion from the University of Chicago, and my master’s degree in education administration is from Western Illinois University.  My superintendent’s certificate work was done through the University of Northern Iowa.  I have additional coursework at the graduate and/or undergraduate level from St. Ambrose, the University of Iowa, and Drake University.

Lynn and I have just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary.  Lynn works in student services at Assumption High School, where we met.  She is a graduate of Assumption and St. Paul’s.
