Early Dismissal on Friday – No Afternoon PS
Dismissal for K-8 is at 12:40 on Friday. Bus transportation is available. Aftercare and wraparound care (ECLC) are available. There are no afternoon preschool classes.
Classes resume on January 6th.
Say Yes
This year’s theme for JFK is “Say Yes,” and the related song we used is Kim Walker Smith’s “I Say Yes.” I was reminded of it again when Mrs. Corcoran mentioned it in the Christmas programs last week, thanking me for “saying yes” to music, finger lights, props, schedules, and types of programs that we’ve never done before. While the meaning was originally targeted for its religious meaning, we have been having fun when people remind me of the theme when asking for another “jeans day,” more sand for science projects, books for preschoolers, etc. Of course, it’s also worked both ways, and I’ve asked staff to do extra duties when a colleague is absent!
How have you said, “Yes,” to Jesus lately?
Books for First Graders and State Investments in the Science of Reading
Governor Kim Reynolds and the Iowa Department of Education announced a statewide investment of over $3.5 million to provide every first grader in Iowa with Just Right Reader decodable book packs to take home and keep there as a reinforcement of classroom instruction. These decodable book packs are grounded in the Science of Reading and also include a QR code with access to video lessons for family engagement. The books will be distributed before Christmas break.
These book packs are part of a larger initiative to continue to push the Science of Reading across the state of Iowa. Many Iowa teachers, including eleven at JFK and each of the other SCCS elementary schools, are undergoing a two-year training program in Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling based upon the Science of Reading paid for by the Department of Education. Several other teachers at JFK have already completed the training and/or are taking the training through a different cohort/funding source. On Thursday, I will be relatively unavailable as I conclude with the last day long session of LETRS for administrators training.
Highlighted Special Activities this Week
The Davenport Deanery is offering all day Reconciliation opportunities at Our Lady of Lourdes on December 17th from 7 am – 7 pm.
Our K-2 Christmas concert is in the church at 6:00 p.m. Doors will be unlocked at 5:45 p.m. Staff will be in the church prior to that time finishing with the reservation of seats for students, the transformation of the church from primarily a place of worship to a place for a religious Christmas concert, etc. Participating students will sit with their classmates. Please remember that we will still be in a church – no playing in the baptismal font or running around the pews or altar.
Wednesday is the three-year-old preschool event. That will start at 7:30 a.m. in the parish center.
After the special 7:40 a.m. all school Mass on Friday, the kindergarten through 2nd graders will present their Christmas concert to the student body in the church. There is limited seating for additional guests in the very back of the church. Please remember that once students are in the church for Masses, we lock the church doors for safety. Guests planning on viewing the concert should probably plan on attending the 7:40 Mass as well.
Participating Member of Our Lady of Victory or Other Catholic Parish
We do have a definition for being considered a participating member of OLV:
An OLV registered and participating member or member of another supporting Catholic parish, at a minimum, follows the precepts of the Church and is called to go far beyond the minimum in the love of God and neighbor. Below are the precepts of the Church:
- Attend Mass at OLV or a supporting Catholic parish on Sundays and holy days of obligation. Members of OLV are expected to fulfill the majority of those obligations at OLV to help ensure that the parish and families develop their relationship together as disciples of Christ.
- Confess one’s sins at least once per year.
- Receive Holy Communion at least once per year, during the Easter season.
- Observe the days of fast and abstinence.
- Provide for the needs of the Church, including OLV or the supporting Catholic parish to which one has membership. The use of envelopes or electronic funds transfer should be used by OLV registered and participating members to facilitate this obligation. If this obligation is too much of a hardship, an individualized plan for donated services/voluntarism may be agreed upon. Those who are members of another supporting Catholic parish should utilize methods desired by the supporting parish.
In addition, the following are also included in the definition of an OLV registered and participating member, and similar requirements are often made by other supporting Catholic parishes:
- Register in the parish by completing the parish registration form.
- Participate in and help with parish/school activities.
Registration/enrollment for 2025-26 will be available first to participating members of OLV. Families who are members of OLV “in name only” may not be given as high of a priority. Registration/enrollment for 2025-26 is slated to begin January 22nd.
Are you saying “Yes” to weekend Mass worship?
Civic Oration
With sports as this year’s theme, all students in grades 5-8 delivered their “civic oration” speeches last week based upon their research papers. Tobogganing, lacrosse, gymnastics, ice skating, and more were all topics. The following students advanced to the second round of the speech contest:
5th grade: Crue N, Lillian N, Henry S, Stevens F, Gracelyn S, Daniel A
6th grade: Addelyn A, Levi F, Caleb P, Elyas R, Mia V, JaDaiveies W
7th grade: Paloma S, Lilly S, Marshall N, Audrey J, Gideon O, Will C
8th grade: Caitlyn C, Anthony C, Darian M, Derek C, Lincoln M, Sylvia R
Advancing to the “parish center” round of competition in two divisions are the following. Parents/relatives of parish center round contestants are invited to attend the parish center round of competition at 9:00.
5/6: Stevens F, Daniel A, Addelyn A, Elyas R, Mia V, JaDaiveis W
7/8: Anthony C, Caitlyn C, Lilly S, Derek C, Lincoln M, and Darian M
Amazon Wish List
Do you want to help your student get something for their teacher as a Christmas present? Many of the teachers have an Amazon Wish List on their JFK webpage. Find the teacher on the Contact Us section of our website, www.olvjfk.com.
Safe Snack List
Snacks, including those brought in by students, are “regulated” and must be from the approved snack list. Please review the list before sending treats to school. Note that the goal was to identify “safe” snacks/food items, not necessarily “healthy” items.
CSW Talent Show
It’s time to start thinking about the talent show for Catholic Schools Week. Information was released last week so students could start thinking about their act and practice over Christmas break.
Standards/Evidence-Based Assessment and Reporting
A letter regarding the next step in the diocesan and SCCS elementary schools’ transition to more standard/evidence-based assessment and reporting was emailed two weekends ago. It is also available below:
Here, again, is the link to the UPDATED instructions for parents to check their students’ “in progress” standards grades. It also includes directions for checking missing assignments and Algebra grades for students taking the class at Assumption. The directions cover how to use both the PowerSchool portal on a computer and the PowerSchool app.
Parking Lot Traffic Patterns
Please only use the designated pick up and drop off areas. Things have gotten a little lax with traffic coming down a lane toward the school at the north end of the parking lot and dropping kids off in the lane rather than along the barriers. A photo of the parking lot patterns can be found using the following link: Parking lot traffic patterns
- Red arrows are the drop off/pick up zones. Note that the main one is at the north, but there is also one that can be used at the south.
- Blue arrows are the one-way pick-up lanes.
- Orange arrows are one-way lanes.
- Green arrows indicate where traffic goes in both directions.
- Note that in some areas there are two lanes going in the same direction: one lane is just driving through (orange arrows) and the other lane is the pick up lane leading to the drop off/pick up zone (blue and red arrows).
Please remember the following as well:
- Proceed SLOWLY and cautiously through every location. Little kids are hard to see by cars. What one makes up in time by speeding through the lot will matter little if someone is hit by a car!
- Be attentive to your driving. Talking on a cell phone, even handsfree, can be a distraction when one’s attention is needed most to watch for kids and pedestrians.
- Accompany younger students to/from the barriers, if you park in the lot and are not using the drive-through lanes. Parents who are standing and waiting for their little ones should stand on the school side of the barriers. All children should be supervised. Pets should not be among the children.
Highlighted Events
As we approach Christmas break, stay on the look-out for special notes regarding field trips, concerts, and other special events. December is packed!
The following events are highlighted. For all of our events and more information, please see the calendars on our website and communications from individual teachers:
- Dec 16: 5th, 6th, 7/8 Choir, 5-8 Band Out of Uniform. K Pajama Day.
- Dec 17: Final round civic oration. K-2 Christmas program (6:00 at church)
- Dec 18: 3 YO PS holiday event. Dine at Qdoba Fundraiser for H & S.
- Dec 19: K-2 Out of Uniform
- Dec 20: 12:40 Dismissal. No PM PS. ECLC/Aftercare available. K-2 School Performance at church. Red/White/Green/Christmas attire appropriate for Mass
- Dec 23-Jan 2: Christmas break. ECLC also closed
- Jan 3: Staff in-service, no classes. ECLC closed
- Jan 6: Classes/ECLC resume