Parish Organizations

OLV Parish Council
Here to Serve You….

The Parish Council of Our Lady of Victory consists of 9 elected parish members, two Parish Lay Directors, the Pastor and various Ex-Officio members. Each spring three new members are elected. They serve a 3-year term. The Parish Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the gathering space meeting room. Meetings are open to all. Membership is open to interested parishioners 18 years of age and over.

The Council has numerous committees on which council members and others may serve. These are: Liturgy, Family Life, Church Life, Buildings & Grounds, Education, Stewardship, Christian Service, Ecumenical, Finance, Young Adult, Wellness, Vocations and other ad hoc committees when needed. As a group the Council is advisory to the Pastor on all aspects of parish affairs.

(Missing: Molly Crosby – Lay Director)

Current Council Members

Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf (Pastor)John Wagner (Deacon)Barb Gaylord
Fr. Mike Snyder
(Parochial Vicar)
Molly Crosby (Lay Director)Rick Thomas
Jenny Parvin
Bernie Mack (Lay Director)Rick Willows
Jacob Hines
(Vice President)
Chad Steimle (JFK)Christopher Boyd
Kryslynn Schroeder
Maureen Mosse (Ladies' Council)Jeremy Siebler
Marc Mosse (Deacon)Cathy AndersonDave Hinchman - Alternate


Finance Council

Mission/Goals: This committee consists of pastor-appointed members, the two parish Lay Directors, a Parish Council representative, a Board of Education representative, and the pastor. Lay members are appointed for a 3-year term, on the basis of their expertise in the field. The committee meets on the 4th Monday of each month in the Gathering Space meeting room. It advises the pastor in the administration and stewardship of parish finances, budget, facilities and long-range financial development.

Members: Bernie Mack (Lay Director),  Molly Crosby (Lay Director), Hollie Matthys, Jamie Loftus, Judy Johnson, Randy Petersen,
Heather Rushenberg (Board of Ed), Jacob Hines (Parish Council), Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf, Fr. Andrew Rauenbuehler

Contact: Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf (391-4245)



Stewardship Committee

Mission/Goals: The mission of the Stewardship Committee is to assist parishioners in understanding and embracing the importance of stewardship in their daily lives and in the life our our community.

Update: All parishioners, young and old, have gifts to share. Giving our time and talent is an important aspect of our Christianity. Sharing time means being with God in prayer and worship, sharing love with family and friends, and volunteering in church and community activities that help others and promote justice. Sharing our talent arises from our God-given abilities to do certain things well and our responsibility to develop and use these talents. Please prayerfully consider giving back a portion of your time by engaging your talents in service to God and your parish/school. All responses gratefully accepted!

Members: Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf, Deacon Al Boboth, Judy Johnson, Peg Macek, Monica Flathman, Chuck Gerlach and Matt Henning, Deanne Mainey.

Handbook of Ministries

Use the link below to access a copy of the emergency response plan to address potential hazards that could interrupt worship or threaten our church facility.

Church Crisis Management Plan

Contact: Lisa Willows (Parish Office 563-391-4245)