June 6, 2021

Quite the Year

2020-21 has been quite the school year!  I would like to thank everyone for your flexibility as we adapted to different ways of doing “school.”  At the beginning of the year, everyone figured we would just go as long as we could with face-to-face instruction, and we’d have to be ready to switch to remote learning.  Now, here we are at the end of the year without ever having had to quarantine a classroom or close the whole building.  That’s been remarkable!

Our final toll has been 17 students with positive COVID test results for a student percentage of 4.2%.  Eight staff members (17%) had positive COVID test results this school year.  We did experience a correlation between face coverings and absences due to illnesses within the last month of school.  For the 10 days prior to lifting the mask requirement, our average absence rate due to illnesses was 0.72%.  For the 10 days after lifting the mask requirement, our average absence rate due to illnesses was 1.7%.  In neither of those time periods were there any positive cases of COVID.  Our average daily attendance rate since November, excluding long-term remote learners but including all other reasons for absences, was 94%, just under the target for a regular year of 95%.  We did phenomenally well during a pandemic!

Summer Programming

JFK staff members Kathy Neuberger and Kayelyn Blake are available for one-on-one tutoring this summer.  The cost for tutoring is $11 per half hour or $22 per hour.  Arrangements and scheduling are done with the teachers:  kathy.neuberger@olvjfkmail.com and kayelyn.blake@olvjfkmail.com.

Ethan Connors will also be offering private instrumental lessons this summer at the same rates as tutoring:  ethan.connors@olvjfkmail.com.

Vacation Bible School is for students entering kindergarten – 5th grade for the 2021-22 school year.  The dates are July 15 & 16 from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. with special activities also at the 11:00 Mass on July 18.  There is no cost to VBS this year.  Questions may be directed to Kaye Meyers, Coordinator of Faith Formation for OLV Parish, 563-391-8384.

Key Dates

June 9:  3 yr old preschool family event

June 10:  PS Event, 6:00-6:45

June 11:  Class Dress Alike Day.  Last school Mass.  Field day (K-4 morning, 5-8 afternoon).  Last day of school.  Dismissal at regular time of 2:40.  8th grade graduation Mass.

July 19:  Leaps & Bounds session II begins

July 25/26:  Back to School Registration

Aug 2:  Leaps & Bounds session III begins

Aug 19:  Unpack Backpack/Meet Your Teacher

Aug 23:  First Day of School.  ECLC Begins.

HVAC Project 

  • Work in the field by Sturdevant began this week  in preparation for the electrical transformer.

Summer Messages on Facebook

Keep up with JFK during the summer by following us on Facebook.
