All parent volunteers must partcipate in the Protecting God’s Children’‘ program.
Home & School and Band Boosters are always in need of volunteers and even officers.
Volunteers are welcome to provide individual assistance to students needing one on one time in a particular subject. Please contact the school office or JFK teachers with the times you are available and with which area/level you prefer to help.
Lunch Room
All parents of K- 8 are required to serve a minimum of four days per year assisting with lunchroom and playground supervision. The policy in its entirety is found in the Policy Handbook. Substitutes are available for those unable to serve. The sign up for duty is conducted at registration and can also be done via phone or email to the school office. Call the school secretary to be added to the lunch room sub list, if you are available to fill in when needed. Substitute lunch duty workers receive $15 per day. Current duty assignments are found under Calendars. Please report for duty at 10:45 a.m. The link for the lunch duty can be found here: Lunch Duty
Theater / Play Setup
The seventh and eighth grade parents have traditionally been responsible for “building” the stage and scenery for the Fall play in the Parish Center.
Parent coaches are utilized for all athletic programs including Dad’s Club, Catholic League, and Future Knights teams. Please express your interest by contacting our PE teacher/athletic director, Sara Tilkens.
Scout Leaders
Volunteer leaders are an essential part of these programs. There is training available for those interested through the local scouting offices.
Those interested in volunteering in another manner or starting another activity, please contact the school office.