December 16, 2018

How Does Sharing and Living Your Faith Keep Your Family Together?

If we want the next generation to experience the joy of the Catholic faith, then it is up to us to show and share that being Catholic has made a difference in our lives and in how we have lived as family and faith community.

“…[Y]oung adults arrive at a sense of their fundamental identity and worldview not by weighting all possible intellectual arguments for and against a proposed way of life, but rather by roughly adopting the worldview of those mentors who left the deepest impression upon them–and who loved them.  It should come as no surprise, then, that the emergence of the new generation of dedicated young Catholics will rise and fall with the choices of their parents” (p. 70).  These remarks are the concluding statement from a 2018 report by Justin Bartkus and Christian Smith out of Notre Dame:  ‘Ask Your father and he will tell you:’ A Report on American Catholic Religious Parenting.”

Going to Mass every weekend with four children was not always easy.  I was always nervous about arriving late and trying to find seating for six.  We ended up sitting near the front but to one side.  I’d like to think that we sat toward the front because we wanted the kids to be able to see what was happening.  The reality, however, is that we were running late on many weekends, and, as you well know, the empty seats are always in the front of the church!

Some of you, I’m sure, can relate to the following seating pattern that we used:

Son     Daughter     Dad     Daughter     Mom     Daughter

I don’t know how many years passed before I ever sat next to my wife again at Mass!

It wasn’t until my kids were probably starting to leave the nest that my thinking began to change.  It went from “Oh my goodness, we’re going to be late again” to “At least we’re at Mass.”

Going to Mass as a family was one of the few activities that we did together each week.  It was even more regular, it seemed, than eating a meal together.  It was what kept us grounded together as family.  Today, often with no children at home any more, it’s still a special time for Lynn and I to connect; it’s “date morning” with the reminder of the sacraments, including marriage as a sacrament.

How does sharing and living your faith keep your family together?

Wishing You the Best, Mrs. Casillas
We want to extend our deepest gratitude and best wishes to Nancy Casillas, who will not be returning to JFK after the holidays.  Mrs. Casillas has worked as an instructional aide for over ten years and has been a great asset to JFK.  She’s worked as a shared aide between a number of rooms, as a kindergarten aide for several years, and as a floating aide again this year in addition to many recess, lunch, before school, and after school duties.  Mrs. Casillas has been a great source of ideas regarding how we can always make improvements to the campus and to our procedures in order to keep students, particularly our youngest students, even safer.  We will miss her diligence to the students and her flexibility!  After such a great run, it is sad to see her go.  We wish her all the best in the future.
Congratulations to Kayelyn Geurink
I almost forgot to offer our congratulations through the Principal’s Post to Kayelyn Geurink.  (Staff members won’t let me forget that I hadn’t mentioned in the Principal’s Post when Melanie Blocker in preschool had her baby over this past summer!)  Ms. Geurink became Mrs. Blake with her marriage in November.  Mrs. Blake serves as one of our reading interventionists.
Civic Oration Rounds I and II
Congratulations to the following students who advanced to the second round of civic oration and to the “parish center” round this year.  Bold names are those students who will compete in the final round held in the gym this year on Tuesday:
5th Grade:  Ben A., Sophia H., Mili M., Wrigley M., Laila M., and Aubrey R.
6th Grade:  Cleary C., Jenny C.,  Seamus D., Dru D., Braeden M., and Lucy N.
7th Grade:  Elexa A., Matthew M., Cole M., Macie R., Max S., and Emma S.
8th Grade:  Allie A., Alison B., Mary D., Lindsey G.,  Isabelle K., Sophia M., and Brittany N.

5th Grade Flag Essay — Clean Sweep

JFK students had a clean sweep in the area’s fifth grade flag essay taking all three spots:

First place:  Wrigley M.          Second place:  Mili M.          Tied for third:  Laila M. and Brooklyn M.

Lego League

Congratulations to JFK’s Lego League teams.  They won the Lego League Core Values award for embodying the values of Lego League.  Our 6th grade White team was also #1 in the league and in the tournament.

MobyMax Information

Have your children been on MobyMax yet outside of school?  A separate message regarding MobyMax, including log in information, went home in backpack mail (youngest/only) around November 30th.   MobyMax is an online tool that we are going to use to supplement math instruction, primarily.  It does, however, also have modules for reading, English/language arts, social studies, and science.  It can be used both in and outside of school across a variety of platforms.  Something to do during that long Christmas break!

Special Dates

For a complete list, please check our website calendars.  Please also check backpack mail for information that is grade or homeroom specific.

  • Dec 17:  3rd grade Gingerbread Houses (A tradition you’ll all remember!).  5th-8th out of uniform.
  • Dec 18:  Civic Oration PC Rnd (which will really be in the gym this year).  K-2 Christmas Show, 6 p.m.  K-2 out of uniform during the day.
  • Dec 19:  K-2 Christmas Show for the school after our 7:40 a.m. all school Mass.  Red/Green/White/Christmas attire.  Special Dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon PS classes.
  • Dec 20-Jan 2:  Christmas Break
  • Jan 3:  Classes resume
Another Milestone in our Family
My daughter Kirsten graduated from St. Ambrose this weekend.  With about 30 college credits already earned when she graduated from Assumption, she made it through SAU in 3 1/2 years and was particularly proud of graduating with academic honors.  I was thinking, “How cool is it that she gets her picture taken with the Bishop again to go along with her Confirmation picture just a few years ago.”  (Ok, the Confirmation was about 8 years ago, but it seems like they grow up so fast!)
It’s been quite the experience to see her grow over the last 3 1/2 years.  This semester has been especially fulfilling as she has been doing her student teaching at Lourdes.  Her lifelong love of children has been combining with the skills of teaching, and she’s become someone that many would be glad to call a co-worker.  As parents, Lynn and I continue to pray for her well-being and for her bright future.

Bible Study for Middle School Youth

You’ve never seen a Bible study like this before!  OLV’s Faith Formation staff is offering “Encounter:  Experiencing God in the Everyday,” for 6th-8th grade students after school beginning in January.  Dates are January 24 and 31, February 7, 14, 21, and 28, and March 7 and 21.  Each session is 2:45-3:45  in the library or parish center.  Cost is $13, and registration is due by January 7th.  For more information, or if financial assistance is needed, please contact Jennifer Wemhoff at 563-391-8384 of

Need the Bulletin?

When I don’t get a hard copy bulletin at church, I always think that I’ll just go look it up online.  Then, it seems as if I rarely do.  Here’s the link:  December 16, 2018.

Use Victory Vouchers for Your Holiday Shopping

Victory Vouchers are gift cards that one can purchase for over 7,000 different vendors.  You buy the gift card through OLV or online and receive the full face value of the card.  The parish, however, ALSO receives a percentage of the face value.  You can even direct the parish to use some of its take to help you reduce your own family’s tuition bill!  The parish office has a wide variety of gift cards in stock.  For more information, click here:  Victory Vouchers.

Blessing Bags Collection Begins

Have an old backpack?  A drawstring sports bag?  JFK is teaming with OLV’s Christian Service Ministry to collect new or gently used backpacks or similar bags for adults.  During Lent in the spring, the bags will be filled with with non-perishable items for the homeless and distributed.  Bags can be sent to school through January 13th.

Coats for Kids and Special Dress Day

Student Council has agreed to participate in our area’s Coats for Kids.  A note went home earlier.  The last day for collection is December 18th.  Although stated together in the same letter, there is no connection between donating a used coat and our special dress day on the 19th.  All students are invited to participate in our Red/White/Green/Christmas attire special dress day on December 19th.  Just make sure it’s not too crazy as we do have Mass on the 19th as well.  (Ex:  “Antlers” may need to be removed during Mass.)


December 9, 2018

Parents Make a Difference:  Notre Dame Report on Catholic Religious Parenting

If we want the next generation to experience the joy of the Catholic faith, then it is up to us to show and share that being Catholic has made a difference in our lives and in how we have lived as family and faith community.

“…[Y]oung adults arrive at a sense of their fundamental identify and worldview not by weighting all possible intellectual arguments for and against a proposed way of life, but rather by roughly adopting the worldview of those mentors who left the deepest impression upon them–and who loved them.  It should come as no surprise, then, that the emergence of the new generation of dedicated young Catholics will rise and fall with the choices of their parents” (p. 70).  These remarks are the concluding statement from a 2018 report by Justin Bartkus and Christian Smith out of Notre Dame:  ‘Ask Your father and he will tell you:’ A Report on American Catholic Religious Parenting.”

The report begins with a sad reality, “Most committed Catholics have become aware of the drift of American Catholic youth from the Church and from the practice of their faith as they pass into adulthood” (p. 5)  It is now widely known that the drift seems to even occur as young as thirteen years old.  It’s probably not so much that youth are making a conscious choice to be in or out; it’s that it just doesn’t seem to matter or it’s just not that big of a deal.  What message are we sending when we “move heaven and earth” to make it to the sports’ tournament on the weekend but not to Mass?  When the “three things we shouldn’t talk about are money, religion, and politics” and yet we still talk about money and politics, but not our faith?  When we sing “They Will Know We are Christians by Our Love,” and yet one has to wonder?  (When I was growing up, I remember my sister’s boyfriend asking us how we could argue so much on the way home from church.  We must have done something right, though, as he converted anyway!)

The good news from the report is that parents, who are their children’s mentors and who love them, are key:  “Of all actors, it is parents who exert overwhelmingly the greatest influence upon the eventual religious views and commitments of American children” (p. 6).

How will you show to your children that your faith matters?

Advent Is a Great Time to Recommit to Mass Attendance

With the start of Advent on December 2nd, it might be a great time to recommit to regular attendance at weekend Masses.  Every year the diocese has parishes do Mass counts during the first two weekends in November.  OLV’s 2018 count was the lowest level in ten years: an average of 1,193 people (adults and children) were at Masses the first two weekends in November.  That low number seems odd as the number of OLV parishioners is at the highest level it’s been at in at least the last seven years.  Share the Word and the Eucharist together at OLV!

MobyMax Information

Have your children been on MobyMax yet outside of school?  A separate message regarding MobyMax, including log in information, went home in backpack mail (youngest/only) around November 30th.   MobyMax is an online tool that we are going to use to supplement math instruction, primarily.  It does, however, also have modules for reading, English/language arts, social studies, and science.  It can be used both in and outside of school across a variety of platforms.  Something to do during that long Christmas break!

November & December Special Dates

There’s so much happening in November and December, I can’t list it all!  For a complete list, please check our website calendars.  Please also check backpack mail for information that is grade or homeroom specific.

  • Dec 10:  Civic Oration classroom round.  Skate Night.  Lego League shirt day.
  • Dec 11:  Band concert (1:00 @ JFK & 6:30 @ AHS).  Blood drive.
  • Dec 12:  Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe All School Mass in the gym.  2nd round of Civic Oration.  AHS Information Knight
  • Dec 13:  3 Yr Old PS Family Activity, 8 a.m. (No 3 yr old PS classes)
  • Dec 14:  4 Yr Old PS Show and Activity, 7:45 a.m. (Zeimet/Jordan) & 12:00 p.m. (Blocker/Knox) (No 4 yr old PS classes).  Band out of uniform.  Middle School Youth Night.
  • Dec 17:  3rd grade Gingerbread Houses (A tradition you’ll all remember!)
  • Dec 18:  Civic Oration PC Rnd (which will really be in the gym this year).  K-2 Christmas Show, 6 p.m.  K-2 out of uniform during the day.
  • Dec 19:  K-2 Christmas Show for the school after our 7:40 a.m. all school Mass.  Red/Green/White/Christmas attire.  Special Dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon PS classes.
  • Dec 20-Jan 2:  Christmas Break
  • Jan 3:  Classes resume

Middle School Youth Night

Below are the links/urls for volunteering to help with the next middle school youth ministry session on Friday, December 14th.  Some jobs were signed up for in advance by parents at JFK meetings have already been added to the sign up.  If the slots for adult chaperones are not filled by Wednesday, December 12th, the session will have to be cancelled, which is what happened to the last session.  All chaperones must have completed diocesan safe environment training and back ground check. If you do not know you have done so, please contact to verify.

For more information, please contact Evan Brankin,  We have the youth willing to participate; we need the adults to help now!

Bible Study for Middle School Youth

You’ve never seen a Bible study like this before!  OLV’s Faith Formation staff is offering “Encounter:  Experiencing God in the Everyday,” for 6th-8th grade students after school beginning in January.  Dates are January 24 and 31, February 7, 14, 21, and 28, and March 7 and 21.  Each session is 2:45-4:00 in the library.  Cost is $13.  For more information, or if financial assistance is needed, please contact Jennifer Wemhoff at 563-391-8384 of

Wellness Policy Implementation Review

We will begin the review of the implementation of our wellness policy in December and/or January.  The policy can be found on our website under “For Parents” and “Policies and Forms” or can be accessed HERE.  If  you (or your child) is interested in helping us review and make recommendations for revisions to our wellness policy, please email me.

Need the Bulletin?

When I don’t get a hard copy bulletin at church, I always think that I’ll just go look it up online.  Then, it seems as if I rarely do.  Here’s the link: December 9, 2018.

Use Victory Vouchers for Your Holiday Shopping

Victory Vouchers are gift cards that one can purchase for over 7,000 different vendors.  You buy the gift card through OLV or online and receive the full face value of the card.  The parish, however, ALSO receives a percentage of the face value.  You can even direct the parish to use some of its take to help you reduce your own family’s tuition bill!  The parish office has a wide variety of gift cards in stock.  Stop by before Black Friday!  For more information, click here:  Victory Vouchers.

Blessing Bags Collection Begins

Have an old backpack?  A drawstring sports bag?  JFK is teaming with OLV’s Christian Service Ministry to collect new or gently used backpacks or similar bags for adults.  During Lent in the spring, the bags will be filled with with non-perishable items for the homeless and distributed.  Bags can be sent to school through January 13th.

Vision 2020 Video Contest

Video-making Contest for Youth Grades K-12: As part of the diocese’s Vision 20/20 process, all youth (individuals or groups) of the diocese are invited to create a 30-90 second video to celebrate their Catholic faith. The winning submission will celebrate with Bishop Zinkula. Entries are due by January 15. For contest rules, click HERE or go to



December 2, 2018

Advent Is a Great Time to Recommit to Mass Attendance

With the start of Advent on December 2nd, it might be a great time to recommit to regular attendance at weekend Masses.  Every year the diocese has parishes do Mass counts during the first two weekends in November.  OLV’s 2018 count was the lowest level in ten years: an average of 1,193 people (adults and children) were at Masses the first two weekends in November.  That low number seems odd as the number of OLV parishioners is at the highest level it’s been at in at least the last seven years.  Share the Word and the Eucharist together at OLV!

JFK Cost Per Pupil

As conversations are underway with the other Catholic grade schools to arrive at the common parish supported tuition rate, below are a few interesting financial facts about JFK:

  1. Cost per pupil, K-8:                                $5,516               Nationwide:  $5,936
  2. Average tuition revenue per pupil, K-8: $3,141                Nationwide:  $4,841
  3. Parish investment per pupil, K-8:           $1,671
  4. Budgeted fundraising per pupil, K-8:      $   315


  1. Starting JFK teacher’s base salary:                                                                         $28,690       (DCSD:  $34,000 in 17-18)
  2. Average teacher’s salary, including supplemental pay and extra duty stipends:     $43,364        (DCSD:  $58,437 in 17-18)
    1. JFK’s 31 full-time teachers have an average of 14 years of experience
    2. Avg in DCSD:  13 years of experience
    3. There are no JFK teachers with less than four years of experience on staff
    4. If JFK’s teachers received the DCSD average, more than an additional $470,000 would be needed.  Spread out over our K-8 students, $470,000 would raise tuition by about $1,300
  3. Hourly pay range for 23 non-teaching positions: $9.50 – $21.23 per hour
  4. Average hourly wage for 23 non-teaching positions:  $13.13

We are most grateful for the value of the Catholic school education available here at OLV and JFK!

How Announcements Regarding School Closures, Late Starts, Early Dismissals Are Made

To convey this type of information, we’ll rely upon our automated cell phone, text messaging, and email service.  Information will also be on our website and our Facebook account.  TV stations have been unreliable over the years and are largely not used any more.  Due to busing, we follow the decisions made by the Davenport Community School District.

MobyMax Information Went Home Last Week

A separate message regarding MobyMax, including log in information, went home in backpack mail (youngest/only) at the end of last week.  MobyMax is an online tool that we are going to use to supplement math instruction, primarily.  It does, however, also have modules for reading, English/language arts, social studies, and science.  It can be used both in and outside of school across a variety of platforms.  Something to do during that long Christmas break!

November & December Special Dates

There’s so much happening in November and December, I can’t list it all!  For a complete list, please check our website calendars.  Please also check backpack mail for information that is grade or homeroom specific.

  • Dec 3:  End  of 2nd mid-qtr.  Communal Penance at St. John Vianney.  Rather than each parish doing a communal penance service, two are being throughout the deanery.  (The first was on Dec 2nd.)
  • Dec 4:  Reconciliation for JFK students in grades 3-8 during the day.  First Reconciliation for 2nd graders in the evening.
  • Dec 6:  5th/6th grade Christmas show (1:00 and 6:30).  Second graders out of uniform.
  • Dec 7:  Feast of the Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass, 7:00 p.m.  5th/6th out of uniform
  • Dec 8:  Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation).
  • Dec 10:  Civic Oration classroom round.  Skate Night.  Lego League shirt day.
  • Dec 11:  Band concert (1:00 @ JFK & 6:30 @ AHS).  Blood drive.
  • Dec 12:  Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe All School Mass in the gym.  2nd round of Civic Oration.  AHS Information Knight
  • Dec 13:  3 Yr Old PS Family Activity, 8 a.m. (No 3 yr old PS classes)
  • Dec 14:  4 Yr Old PS Show and Activity, 7:45 a.m. (Zeimet/Jordan) & 12:00 p.m. (Blocker/Knox) (No 4 yr old PS classes).  Band out of uniform.  Middle School Youth Night.
  • Dec 17:  3rd grade Gingerbread Houses (A tradition you’ll all remember!)
  • Dec 18:  Civic Oration PC Rnd (which will really be in the gym this year).  K-2 Christmas Show, 6 p.m.  K-2 out of uniform during the day.
  • Dec 19:  K-2 Christmas Show for the school after our 7:40 a.m. all school Mass.  Red/Green/White/Christmas attire.  Special Dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon PS classes.
  • Dec 20-Jan 2:  Christmas Break
  • Jan 3:  Classes resume

Middle School Youth Night

Below are the links/urls for volunteering to help with the next middle school youth ministry session on Friday, December 14th.  Some jobs were signed up for in advance by parents at JFK meetings have already been added to the sign up.  If the slots for adult chaperones are not filled by Wednesday, December 12th, the session will have to be cancelled, which is what happened to the last session.  All chaperones must have completed diocesan safe environment training and back ground check. If you do not know you have done so, please contact to verify.

For more information, please contact Evan Brankin,  We have the youth willing to participate; we need the adults to help now!

Bible Study for Middle School Youth

You’ve never seen a Bible study like this before!  OLV’s Faith Formation staff is offering “Encounter:  Experiencing God in the Everyday,” for 6th-8th grade students after school beginning in January.  Dates are January 24 and 31, February 7, 14, 21, and 28, and March 7 and 21.  Each session is 2:45-4:00 in the library.  Cost is $13.  For more information, or if financial assistance is needed, please contact Jennifer Wemhoff at 563-391-8384 of

Wellness Policy Implementation Review

We will begin the review of the implementation of our wellness policy in December and/or January.  The policy can be found on our website under “For Parents” and “Policies and Forms” or can be accessed HERE.  If  you (or your child) is interested in helping us review and make recommendations for revisions to our wellness policy, please email me.

Need the Bulletin?

When I don’t get a hard copy bulletin at church, I always think that I’ll just go look it up online.  Then, it seems as if I rarely do.  Here’s the link:  December 2, 2018 bulletin

Assumption Knight Players Present Miss Nelson is Missing!

  • December 7:  6:00 p.m. and December 8: 2:00 p.m.
  • Sunderbruch Auditorium at Assumption
  • Based on the beloved  children’s book,  Miss Nelson can’t control her crazy classroom because she’s just too nice.  When she disappears, her replacement is the hard-as-nails, detention-loving, recess-canceling, homework-overloading substitute teacher Viola Swamp.  The students, realizing how much they miss Miss Nelson, will do anything — including hiring a private eye — to bring her back.
  • General Admission seating available at the door.  All Tickets $5.   Children under 5 are free.  Free admission to students with Assumption Activity Pass. (Grade School Students must be accompanied by an adult)

Use Victory Vouchers for Your Holiday Shopping

Victory Vouchers are gift cards that one can purchase for over 7,000 different vendors.  You buy the gift card through OLV or online and receive the full face value of the card.  The parish, however, ALSO receives a percentage of the face value.  You can even direct the parish to use some of its take to help you reduce your own family’s tuition bill!  The parish office has a wide variety of gift cards in stock.  Stop by before Black Friday!  For more information, click here:  Victory Vouchers.

Blessing Bags Collection Begins

Have an old backpack?  A drawstring sports bag?  JFK is teaming with OLV’s Christian Service Ministry to collect new or gently used backpacks or similar bags for adults.  During Lent in the spring, the bags will be filled with with non-perishable items for the homeless and distributed.  Bags can be sent to school through January 13th.
