September 27, 2020

Updates to COVID Documents: Frequently Asked Questions and Return to Learn Plan 

Updates were made to our COVID document Frequently Asked Questions and our complete Return to Learn Plan. Please note that these documents will continue to be updated as necessary.  Changes in the documents are highlighted.  I believe the updated areas of more interest are the following:

  • When do students become short-term remote learners?
    • An anticipated absence of at least three days
  • “Sick” kids and special COVID-19 considerations
    • What does it meant to be sick?
    • What if that “sickness” also involves COVID-19 symptoms?
  • Communications regarding cases
    • Please note that, although we have not had anyone test positive yet, we have had both students and staff members who have been tested and/or who have had to quarantine.  COVID-19 is within Davenport and Scott County.

Updated Online School Calendar for 2020-21

The online school calendar has been updated to reflect the revised school calendar for 2020-21.  Additional events and details have also been entered on the online calendar.

Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Picture Day is September 28 and 29

TSS Photography will be at JFK on Monday September 28th and Tuesday September 29th.  If you fill out your picture day order form and hand it in or order online on or before Tuesday, September 29th, you will receive 4 free wallets if you purchase a package.  Pictures will be online and ready to view on or before Friday, October 2nd.  If you are unhappy with your child’s picture and would like them to be retaken, TSS will be back the morning of October 7th for retakes and for anyone who happened to miss the original picture day.  TSS can also be contacted at 309-558-8226.
To order or view your picture online, please visit and enter event number: 27104651.  You will then put your child’s last name in to access their photo. Please check below for your Picture day and Time.

Monday:  MWF 3 yr old PS, 4/5 yr old PS, K-3

Tuesday:  TTh 3 yr old PS, 4th-8th grades

Locals Love Us

Time to spread the love.  Vote for JFK:

Substitutes Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes.  Many conversations across districts and schools have focused on having enough staff to staff open.  Not only do staff members get sick, possibly have to quarantine, or have an emergency plumbing need at their homes, they also have their own children who get sick, have to quarantine, etc.

You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.

If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

Families of John F. Kennedy Catholic School are encouraged to consider a pledge to the Annual Diocesan Appeal.  Funds support the work of the diocese, including the training of deacons and new priests, support for our parishes and Catholic schools, charitable works, and the administrative work required to support Catholics within our diocese.  Contributions can be a one-time donation or spread out throughout the year. No amount is too small.

Protect Young Eyes

Protect Young Eyes has a new documentary available to watch Childhood 2.0  This documentary dives into the real-life issues facing kids today–including cyberbullying, online predators, and more.  This documentary can be viewed on YouTube using the following link:
Watch it first, without your children present, but hopefully it will prompt conversation with your children.

Not a Good Feeling to Experience (Again)

The longer the pandemic goes on, the more “real” it seems to be as it impacts more people whom we know.  There were relatives in my extended family, for example, having to make decisions again this week regarding being tested and whether or not they were close contacts to positive cases.  It definitely is not a good feeling to experience.

Each week, I have a virtual meeting with representatives from the Scott County Health Department and other school districts/non-public schools.  The number of positive cases in Scott County has been trending upward since Labor Day.  COVID-19 is here.

Wear your mask, practice social distancing, use good face/hand hygiene, and stay home when ill.  Stay well, and help others stay well too.



September 20, 2020

Parent Zoom Meetings

Homeroom teachers in grades 6-8 will conduct Zoom parent meetings this week so you can find out more information about your child’s grade.  Invites will be sent from homeroom teachers.

    • Mon Sept 21:  6:00 6th; 6:45 7th
    • Tues, Sept 22:  6:30 8th (New time)

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a Frequently Asked Questions document in relation to our complete Return to Learn Plan.  Please note that these documents will continue to be updated as necessary.  For example, last week the health department clarified that household contacts were to be considered close contacts.  This week our team will be discussing the latest information regarding temperature taking in childcare settings and privacy concerns in relation to notifying families of positive cases of COVID-19 and quarantining.

Revised School Calendar for 2020-21

A revised school calendar for 2020-21 is available.  Now that we have the basics, this information will be entered on the calendars on our website.  We will also start to enter other details on the calendars.


Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Home & School Meeting

Home & School will have a meeting on September 24th at 6:30 p.m.  Using social distancing, we can have the meeting in the cafeteria for about 35-45 people, and we will have a Zoom option also available.  The invite will be sent via email.

Picture Day is September 28 and 29

More details in next week’s Principal’s Post, but it’s time to start thinking “cute!”

Substitutes Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes.  Many conversations across districts and schools have focused on having enough staff to staff open.  Not only do staff members get sick, possibly have to quarantine, or have an emergency plumbing need at their homes, they also have their own children who get sick, have to quarantine, etc.

You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.

If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.

Free Student Lunches for All

All K-8 JFK students may eat the basic school lunch for free beginning Monday, September 21, 2020.  This opportunity is not dependent upon filing applications for free/reduced lunches.  ALL students may receive the school lunch for free with funding provided through legislation related to the pandemic.

Students choosing the school lunch must take all of the food/milk being offered, even if they do not want an item.  Extra milks or extra entrees are still available for the standard charges.

Our current application for this opportunity extends through September, but we anticipate that our next application will also be accepted, and the opportunity for free lunches for all students will be extended through December.  (Please note that this opportunity has no impact on the regular free/reduced lunch applications.  Those applications can be received at any time, and those who have already applied will not have to re-apply when this special federal opportunity ends.)

CARES Act Funding

JFK has also benefited from the federal CARES Act.  Approximately $34,000 has been used for technology, including Chromebooks, iPads, cases, associated software and licensing, and increasing our Internet bandwidth at school.  Other facilities improvements and equipment, including desks, fans, PE and recess equipment, clear partitions, “sick bays,” and storage crates, were worth about $20,000.  Additional funds are being used to retain a teaching position and for personal protective equipment and cleaning supplies.  A total of $88,574 was allotted for JFK through ESSER.

Governor Reynolds also made CARES Act funds available through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund.  Approximately $16,000 is being used for Chromebooks, iPads, wireless internet access, and associated expenses.

Affected by COVID-19?

The longer the pandemic goes on, the more “real” it seems to be as it impacts more people whom we know.  Quarantining seems to be affecting more and more people as well.  For quarantining, the definition of a close contact is key:  being within 6 feet for more than 15 consecutive minutes with a positive COVID-19 case during the infectious period.  The infectious period for a symptomatic case is 2 days before symptoms started until 10 days after their symptoms started, they have been fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, and all other symptoms have improved.  The infectious period for an asymptomatic case is 2 days before they are tested until 10 days after they are tested.     

Stay well!  Wear your mask, practice social distancing, use good face/hand hygiene, and stay home when ill.



USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: , and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call 866-632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

  1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
    1400 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
  2. fax: 202-690-7442; or
  3. email:

Iowa Nondiscrimination Statement

It is the policy of this CNP provider not to discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, or religion in its programs, activities, or employment practices as required by the Iowa Code section 216.6, 216.7, and 216.9. If you have questions or grievances related to compliance with this policy by this CNP Provider, please contact the Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Grimes State Office Building, 400 E 14th St, Des Moines, IA 50319-1004; phone number 515-281-4121 or 800-457-4416; website:

September 13, 2020

Great Job in First Week

Everyone’s done a great job in our first week of school!  There have been a ton of new procedures and protocols, and everyone has done a great job of adjusting to them.  Maybe the weather will cooperate with us this week, and we’ll get to go outside for recesses!

Parent Zoom Meetings

Homeroom teachers will conduct Zoom parent meetings beginning September 14th so you can find out more information about your child’s grade.  Invites will be sent from homeroom teachers.

    • Mon, Sept 14:  6:00 K; 6:45 1st
    • Tues, Sept 15:  6:00 2nd; 6:45 3rd
    • Thurs, Sept 17:  6:00 4th; 6:45 5th
    • Mon Sept 21:  6:00 6th; 6:45 7th
    • Tues, Sept 22:  6:00 8th

Frequently Asked Questions

A new Frequently Asked Questions document was created in relation to our complete Return to Learn Plan.

Revised School Calendar for 2020-21

A revised school calendar for 2020-21 is available.  Now that we have the basics, this information will be entered on the calendars on our website.  We will also start to enter other details on the calendars.


Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Principal’s Posts are written each weekend and posted on our website, available off the front page.  I also send a link via email and post it to the school’s Facebook account.  It then gets sent home via hard copy via “backpack mail” with the “youngest or only child” in a family at the beginning of each week.  I use the Principal’s Post to reach the whole school community and sometimes highlight happenings in particular grades.  It does not replace the many communications you will receive from your children’s teachers.

We also utilize a JFK Facebook page, and there is a closed Facebook group, JFK Moms & Dads, where people can post to others in the group.  JFK’s Facebook page can be accessed from the front page of our website.  If you’d like to be a member of the JFK Moms & Dads group, please let Angie Hillebrand, in the school office know via a Facebook request or even via email.   Social media is not the best venue for voicing a concern, and posts that appear to do so will be removed while we try to reach out to address the concern through a better means.  Social media, including our Facebook pages, are great ways to share your photos and connect with other JFK families.  Photos from an event are often posted to these pages by families before we can even get photos taken by staff posted.  Make sure you “like” us on both Facebook pages!

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Home & School Meeting

Home & School will have a meeting on September 24th at 6:30 p.m.  Using social distancing, we can have the meeting in the cafeteria for about 35-45 people, and we will have a Zoom option also available.  The invite will be sent via email.

Substitutes Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes.  Many conversations across districts and schools have focused on having enough staff to staff open.  Not only do staff members get sick, possibly have to quarantine, or have an emergency plumbing need at their homes, they also have their own children who get sick, have to quarantine, etc.

You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.

If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.

Band Room Space

Space for 3-4 band students at a time.

Affected by COVID-19?

The longer the pandemic goes on, the more “real” it seems to be as it impacts more people whom we know.  Quarantining seems to be affecting more and more people.  For quarantining, the definition of a close contact is key:  being within 6 feet for more than 15 consecutive minutes with a positive COVID-19 case during the infectious period.  The infectious period for a symptomatic case is 2 days before symptoms started until 10 days after their symptoms started, they have been fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication, and all other symptoms have improved.  The infectious period for an asymptomatic case is 2 days before they are tested until 10 days after they are tested.  The health department clarified this week that household contacts are automatically considered to be close contacts.  Household contacts are those living within the same household.   

Stay well!  Wear your mask, practice social distancing, use good face/hand hygiene, and stay home when ill.  We can beat this thing down.



September 8, 2020

School begins tomorrow!  It’s been a long time coming!


Frequently Asked Questions

A new Frequently Asked Questions document was created in relation to our complete Return to Learn Plan.

Revised School Calendar for 2020-21

A revised school calendar for 2020-21 is available.  Now that we have the basics, this information will be entered on the calendars on our website.  We will also start to enter other details on the calendars.

Parent Zoom Meetings

Homeroom teachers will conduct Zoom parent meetings beginning September 14th so you can find out more information about your child’s grade.  Invites will be sent from homeroom teachers.

    • Mon, Sept 14:  6:00 K; 6:45 1st
    • Tues, Sept 15:  6:00 2nd; 6:45 3rd
    • Thurs, Sept 17:  6:00 4th; 6:45 5th
    • Mon Sept 21:  6:00 6th; 6:45 7th
    • Tues, Sept 24:  6:00 8th


Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Principal’s Posts are written each weekend and posted on our website, available off the front page.  I also send a link via email and post it to the school’s Facebook account.  It then gets sent home via hard copy via “backpack mail” with the “youngest or only child” in a family at the beginning of each week.  I use the Principal’s Post to reach the whole school community and sometimes highlight happenings in particular grades.  It does not replace the many communications you will receive from your children’s teachers.

We also utilize a JFK Facebook page, and there is a closed Facebook group, JFK Moms & Dads, where people can post to others in the group.  JFK’s Facebook page can be accessed from the front page of our website.  If you’d like to be a member of the JFK Moms & Dads group, please let Angie Hillebrand, in the school office know via a Facebook request or even via email.   Social media is not the best venue for voicing a concern, and posts that appear to do so will be removed while we try to reach out to address the concern through a better means.  Social media, including our Facebook pages, are great ways to share your photos and connect with other JFK families.  Photos from an event are often posted to these pages by families before we can even get photos taken by staff posted.  Make sure you “like” us on both Facebook pages!

New Dismissal Time

Don’t forget that we have a new dismissal time on M-F:  2:15 p.m.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

New Staff Members

JFK welcomes four new staff members to the staff:

  • Nathalie Flores is working in our lunch program.  Mrs. Flores has children attending JFK.
  • Eileen Yeates is also working in our lunch program, mostly supervising students eating lunches in classrooms.  Mrs. Yeates has been a substitute teacher for us and has children at JFK and Assumption.
  • Melissa VanDam is joining us in an instructional aide role.  She has more than ten years experience as an aide and teacher.
  • Hannah Keep will also be joining us in an instructional aide role.  Mrs. Keep has used her Bachelor’s in Social Work to provide services to people in need.

An Update About Me and My Family

I am beginning my 20th year as principal at JFK.  This one is certainly lining up to be one to remember.  Since March 15th when Iowa Governor Reynolds announced that schools were closing, I don’t think I’ve had a full day off!  I typically say that the best part about my summer schedule is that I get my evenings and weekends back.  With the cancellation of many meetings and evening activities this spring and summer, I can say that that aspect of summer held true after 7:00 p.m.!

Prior to coming to JFK, I worked for ten years at Assumption High School where I taught religion for nine years and then worked in student services for one year.  I grew up in South Milwaukee, WI, and attended Marquette University in Milwaukee for my bachelor’s degree in sociology and theology.  I received a master’s degree in religion from the University of Chicago, and my master’s degree in education administration is from Western Illinois University.  My superintendent’s certificate work was done through the University of Northern Iowa.  I have additional coursework at the graduate and/or undergraduate level from St. Ambrose, the University of Iowa, and Drake University.

Lynn and I have just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary.  Lynn works in student services at Assumption High School, where we met.  She is a graduate of Assumption and St. Paul’s.

Our four children are rather scattered across the country.  Our oldest, Colleen, is in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she works in financial services for dentists.  She’s busy planning her wedding for next summer.  She has degrees from Ashford University and the University of Dubuque.  Tom is in Charleston, South Carolina.  He is finishing up his journalism degree after having taken time off to work after receiving his Associates degree in Iowa.  Kirsten is entering her second year teaching special education in a grade school in Des Moines.  She spends hours with the love of her life, her new puppy (and her boyfriend also lives in Des Moines).  Caitlin has just begun her first year of law school at the University of Kansas.  It was nice having her home for most of the summer, although it was probably the most uneventful summer in years.

Affected by COVID-19?

The longer the pandemic goes on, the more “real” it seems to be as it impacts more people whom we know.  I’ve had multiple relatives who have been tested, and some have been tested more than once.  My oldest sister has been working from home since March, my oldest daughter will be working remotely until June, and my 80+ year old parents have practically not been out of the house for more than doctors’ visits since spring.  At OLV/JFK, we’ve had people whom have had to quarantine, staff whom have had their childcare providers test positive, and staff whom have had their own children possibly exposed.  It can seem like a lot sometimes, and we haven’t even been in school for six months!

Stay well!  Wear your mask, practice social distancing, use good face/hand hygiene, and stay home when ill.  We can beat this thing down.



September 3, 2020 — Return to Learn FAQ

We are fast approaching the start of the school year on Tuesday, September 8, 2020!

A new Frequently Asked Questions document was created in relation to our complete Return to Learn Plan.

For the Frequently Asked Questions document, click FAQ or use the following link/url:

For the complete plan, click Return to Learn Plan, or use the following link/url:


A revised school calendar for 2020-21 is also available.

I can’t wait to see everyone in a few days.  Be safe!
