Principal’s Post for September 25, 2022

Mid-Quarters to be Emailed This Week

The first mid-quarter ended on Wednesday.  Mid-quarter report cards will be emailed this week after teachers have had a few work days to complete them.

As we continue with the transition to a new student information system, PowerSchool, please note that we are still using our old student information system, JMC.  JMC will be used for our lunch program the entire year and for grades/report cards for quite some time yet.  Parent access information for JMC was emailed two weeks ago.

Sacramental Preparation for 2nd Graders

There is a 2nd grade sacrament preparation gathering on September 26th in the parish center from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m.  “Come to the Table.”

Student Council Officers

Student Council officers for 2022-23 were announced on Friday:  Natalie S. (Treasurer), Hailey E. (Secretary), Andun N. (Vice President), and Preston F. (President).

NET Retreats for 7th/8th Graders & Housing Needed — Corrected Date

The need for housing for NET team members had an incorrect date.  They will need housing the night of October 18th.  Host families are requested to house a minimum of two team members of the same gender. These college-aged young people will have sleeping bags, mats, pillows, towels and toiletries and are fine with sleeping on the floor, couches or air mattresses. They do request shower access.  Host families often gain much from the presence of these energetic, faith-filled young people!  You do not need a 7th or 8th grader to host NET team members.  If you are interested, please contact Kaye Meyers at or 563-391-8384.

NET team members will conduct retreats for 7th and 8th graders.  The 8th grade retreat is Tuesday, October 18 from 4:30 – 8:30 PM.  On Wednesday, October 19, from 3:00 – 7:00 PM, we will have the 7th grade retreat.  NET team members come from all across the country and are trained and based out of the diocese of Minneapolis.

Student Information Sheets for 22-23 Still Missing from Some Families

Communication from the school can only work when the contact information is accurate.  Each year, families are asked to verify the information on student information forms, and new families complete new ones for us in August.  A month into the school year, we are still missing 22-23 verified information from about 2-6 families per homeroom.  Please share that information with us ASAP, if you have not already done so.  A link to a fillable form follows: Student-information-sheet-K-8-2022-23

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Natural Negotiators?

You have never seen a natural negotiator try their talents so persistently until you’ve seen a kindergartner trying to convince her teacher that she needs to eat several of her week’s worth of snacks on Monday!

Home & School

  • Step It Up:  There is still a little time left to meet our goals.  We have just reached over $21,000 with a goal to reach $35,000.  Please log back into your personal donation page and be sure that your child has reached their goal.   If you would like to make a donation yourself, there is still time. Just click on this link:  Donations are also accepted via cash, check or Venmo and are due by WEDNESDAY 9/28/2022. When turning in cash or check, please put it into an envelope for the front office and mark it ‘Step It Up – (Student name)’. Checks should be made out to JFK Home and School. Venmo can be sent to @JFK-Homeandschoolassociation and under the comments enter ‘Step It Up – (Student name)’.  We hope you’ll consider a donation. This program is the largest H & S fundraiser that benefits all students and staff.  The winner of the $250 Amazon gift card was Jolee C.
  • Sept 30:  H & S sponsored Fall Festival at Pride of the Wapsi (Registration deadline:  Sept 28)
  • Sept 30:  AHS Pack the Stadium.  7/8 bands to AHS.
  • Oct 6:  Day of Awesomeness in relation to H & S’s Step It Up campaign

Other Upcoming Events



Principal’s Post for September 18, 2022

Mass with Bishop Zinkula

Last week’s all school Mass celebrated by Bishop Zinkula was also attended by the diocesan superintendent of schools, Lynn Devaney.  Having attended school Masses throughout the Diocese of Davenport, she had nothing but praise for our students’ singing, participation, and reverence as well.  It’s nice to hear good things from “outsiders.”  “Come to the Table” at OLV/JFK!

60th Anniversary Celebration

As I’m working on this Post, I’m taking a break from the 60th anniversary celebration of Our Lady of Victory.  OLV was established in 1962 when Bishop Hayes told the parishioners of Holy Family that everyone who lived north of Duck Creek would now be members of Our Lady of Victory.  As there were no buildings yet for OLV, Masses were actually held in the Assumption High School auditorium.  JFK was built in 1964, and Masses moved to the gym and cafeteria, where the original crucifix hangs today.  In 1968, the groundbreaking took place for the church.

As Fr. Jake said in his homily, those first OLV parishioners took a leap of faith.  They did not know what the future would look like for the next 60 years.  We, too, are called to take our own leap of faith and journey down the road for the next 60 years, building the paths as we need them.

“Come to the Table” to be part of the present and future of Our Lady of Victory and the Catholic Church.

Transition to a New Student Information System Makes Progress

Student information systems communicate back and forth with the Iowa Department of Education.  On Wednesday afternoon, the number of data errors for JFK was about 22,600.  By Thursday afternoon, the number of errors dropped to about 1,500 as many more automated transitions/conversions of data finally took place.

We are, indeed, making progress with the new student information system, PowerSchool, that the diocese has licensed for all of the schools in the diocese.  Even the few schools which were already using PowerSchool have had to change to the diocese’s licensed version.  The process has not been easy for any school.  We are thankful for Lynne Devaney, superintendent of schools in our diocese, Brian Brock, in IT at the Mississippi Bend AEA, and, of course, Dianne Siefers, Technology Coordinator at JFK.

As we continue with the transition to PowerSchool, please note that we are still using our old student information system, JMC.  JMC will be used for our lunch program the entire year and for grades/report cards for quite some time yet.  Parent access information for JMC was emailed last week.

The first mid-quarter ends on Wednesday.  Then, teachers have about 2-3 work days to finalize the grades and ratings.  Mid-quarter progress reports will be emailed after September 26th.

Student Information Sheets for 22-23 Still Missing from Some Families

Communication from the school can only work when the contact information is accurate.  Each year, families are asked to verify the information on student information forms, and new families complete new ones for us in August.  A month into the school year, we are still missing 22-23 verified information from about 2-6 families per homeroom.  Please share that information with us ASAP, if you have not already done so.  A link to a fillable form follows: Student-information-sheet-K-8-2022-23

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Home & School’s Step It Up Campaign

  • Step It Up:  We have done a great job so far, but we’re still looking for 75% of our families/students in grades K-8 to participate, and we’re only at 42% as of Friday.  This program is the largest H & S fundraiser that benefits all students and staff.  Another of our local Catholic schools has raised so much through this fundraiser that they have discontinued their Gala!  All parents have to do is register online and send 10 communications.
    • Homeroom competition:
      • There’s a little homeroom competition going on for the rate of participation.  Mrs. Maxwell’s homeroom leads with 78% participation, followed by Mrs. Putnam’s homeroom at 71%, and then Mrs. Poster’s at 65%.  Fifth-8th grade participation is a little low with the highest level of participation in these grades being Mrs. Weiser’s class with 41%, and the lowest homeroom’s participation at 9%.  This year, 5th-8th graders will benefit greatly from Home & School’s support as boys’ and girls’ Catholic League sports teams will all utilize new uniforms.  (These are school owned uniforms and will likely last 7-10 years.)
    • Student winners of the drawings for the refrigerators stuffed with cash last week were the following:  Bryce B (3rd grade), Luci D (1st grade), Hailey E (7th grade), and Landon P (2nd grade).
    • The drawing for the $250 Amazon gift card is Monday!
    • Continue to submit the emails/texts online!
  • Sept 21:  Skate Night at the Eldridge Community Center Roller Skating Rink, 4:30-6:30

Home & School is like a parent/teacher association.  All parents/guardians of students enrolled at JFK are part of Home & School.

Teaching Safety: Empowering God’s Children Safe Environment Training
Each year, the Diocese of Davenport, in response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, requires that students in Catholic schools and faith formation programs in grades K-12 receive education in the prevention of child sexual abuse. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult vigilance and education. It also requires us to give children the age-appropriate background and tools to help them stay safe.  To this end, the Diocese is using the Teaching Safety: Empowering God’s Children program, sponsored by the VIRTUS program we are currently using to educate adults and volunteers.  For more information, click Teaching Safety – Empowering God’s Children, Parent Letter, 2022-23

Other Upcoming Events

  • Sept 21:  End of first mid-qtr.  Student Council officer candidates’ speeches in the gym
  • Sept 22/23:  Picture Day
  • Sept 26:  2nd Grade Sacraments Preparation
  • Sept 30:  H & S sponsored Fall Festival at Pride of the Wapsi (Registration deadline:  Sept 28)



Principal’s Post for September 11, 2022

Funeral Mass for Myrna Brehmer — Secretary of JFK for Its First 35 Years

This past week I attended the funeral Mass for Myrna Brehmer.  Mrs. Brehmer was the school secretary for its first 35 years of existence and retired in about 2008.  When I started at JFK, I was new to the role of principal and new to JFK.  Mrs. Brehmer, with her more than 25 years of experience at JFK already, helped me learn the ways of what really needed to be done.  I will always treasure the wisdom that she shared with me and her wonderful manner in dealing with all of the students.  May she Rest in Peace.

Fr. Andrew celebrated the funeral Mass beautifully.  I had a couple of student council officers from last year with me to represent the student body.  As we walked back to the school, I commented to them, “Now that’s how you do a funeral homily.”  It had just the right mixture of memories, sorrow, laughter, reflection, and message for our own lives.  Mass keeps us grounded to remember what’s important in life.  “Come to the Table!”

Bishop Zinkula Celebrates Mass with Us Sept 14th

Bishop Zinkula will be the celebrant at our September 14th all school Mass.  We welcome him to the Eucharistic table at OLV!

60th Anniversary Celebration – Parish Picnic

The OLV Parish Picnic is Sunday, September 18th following a special 1:00 pm Mass to celebrate our 60th Anniversary. (There will be not 11:00 a.m. Mass.)  We will be serving pulled pork sandwiches and sides catered by Smokin’ Butt BBQ. As in the past, there will be a hot dog option for the meal, lemonade and waters available as well as beer (both craft and domestic) and wine for adults.  Live music will be provided by Identity Crisis.  Bounce houses, a petting zoo and other kids activities will be available.  The celebration will conclude with a fireworks show at dusk, which is anticipated to be around 7:30 p.m.  All outdoor activities will be held on the grounds east of the school.  There is no charge for the picnic.  Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and an appetite!

COVID Guidance for 2022-23

COVID mitigation strategies at JFK this fall emphasize the following:

  • Vaccination:  All people ages 6 months and older are eligible for COVID vaccination.  Like the flu shot, COVID vaccination won’t necessarily prevent one from catching COVID, but it will greatly lessen the likelihood of serious complications.
    • Please check with your child’s pediatrician about other vaccinations required for school or childcare attendance.  State law requires school officials to exclude students who do not have the proper immunizations.  Because the Catholic Church is not opposed to vaccinations, there should be no religious exemptions for Catholics.  The initial audit for K-8 students indicated that no K-8 students would have to be excluded!  Thanks for your help!
    • Flu shots will again be offered free to K-8 students later this fall thanks to the Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities program.
  • Ventilation:  We have both building-wide ventilation systems and portable systems operating at JFK.
  • Handwashing (and hand sanitizer) and respiratory etiquette.  We purchase hand sanitizer by the case!
  • Staying home when sick:
    • Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
      • Students must be fever free for 24 hrs without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school
    • Sore throat
    • New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing and/or prohibits the student from doing his/her work (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)
    • Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
      • Students must go 12 hrs without vomiting or diarrhea
      • A common definition of diarrhea is 3 or more loose/watery stools in a day
    • New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
    • Any other symptom(s) which interferes with your student’s ability to learn, including a non-allergy causing runny nose
    • Those who test positive for COVID are excluded from school for 5 days from the date the positive specimen was taken or 5 days from the day symptoms began.  The day of the test or the day symptoms began is day 0.  After the five days, one may return to school if wearing a mask for another five days.  Those who will not be wearing a mask need to stay away from school for a total of 10 days.  If one tests positive but has no symptoms and later develops symptoms within the 10 days, the timeline starts over with the day symptoms began as day 0.
      • Those who are exposed to someone who has COVID do not need to quarantine.  It is recommended that one wears a face mask for 10 days (with day 0 being the last exposure to someone with COVID).  Note:  Schools in Iowa cannot require face coverings.  One should also take extra precautions around others and watch for symptoms.
      • It is also recommended that one test at least 5 full days after one’s last exposure.  If the test is negative, one should continue with the exposure precautions through day 10.  If the test is positive, one should follow the procedures for testing positive.
  • Cleaning and disinfection:  It seems odd to say that we are continuing with extra cleaning and disinfection; entering our third school year with COVID, it seems more the norm now than extra.

Physical distancing and/or plastic barriers between students will not be in place this year.  Face masks, however, are still an option for everyone.  Contact tracing and/or letters sent home will not take place, except where required in DHS childcare programs just as notifications might be for other diseases.

Transition to a New Student Information System Continues to Cause Disruptions

The Diocese of Davenport has licensed a student information system (SIS), PowerSchool, for all schools in the diocese.  It is taking the diocese much longer to transition all of the schools to the new system.  I have mentioned that discussions are still evolving around grading, progress reports, report cards, and student/parent viewable on-demand access to grades.

We are hoping to have student/parent viewable on-demand access to grades or an emailed progress report available for at least 6th-8th graders even before the end of the mid-quarter on September 21st.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Home & School Happenings

  • Sept 12:  Kick off to Step It Up!  This program is the largest H & S fundraiser that benefits all students and staff.  Another of our local Catholic schools has raised so much through this fundraiser that they have discontinued their Gala!  Our goal is for 75% student participation this year.  All parents have to do is register online and send 10 communications.
  • Sept 21:  Skate Night at the Eldridge Community Center Roller Skating Rink, 4:30-6:30

Home & School is like a parent/teacher association.  All parents/guardians of students enrolled at JFK are part of Home & School.

Teaching Safety: Empowering God’s Children Safe Environment Training
Each year, the Diocese of Davenport, in response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, requires that students in Catholic schools and faith formation programs in grades K-12 receive education in the prevention of child sexual abuse. The prevention of child sexual abuse requires more than adult vigilance and education. It also requires us to give children the age-appropriate background and tools to help them stay safe.  To this end, the Diocese is using the Teaching Safety: Empowering God’s Children program, sponsored by the VIRTUS program we are currently using to educate adults and volunteers.  For more information, click Teaching Safety – Empowering God’s Children, Parent Letter, 2022-23

That Man Is You:  Becoming a Man After God’s Own Heart

A new men’s program is beginning at OLV: That Man is You (TMIY).  TMIY is an interactive men’s program that claims to combine the latest findings of modern science with the teachings of the Catholic Church that will transform men, their families, and greater society.  TMIY is on Saturday mornings in the parish center from 6:00 – 7:30 a.m.  It begins on Saturday September 17th.

Other Upcoming Events

  • Sept 12:  Cub/Boy Scout recruiting at lunch time
  • Sept 21:  End of first mid-qtr.  Student Council officer candidates’ speeches after Mass in the church
  • Sept 22/23:  Picture Day
  • Sept 26:  2nd Grade Sacraments Preparation
  • Sept 30:  H & S sponsored Fall Festival at Pride of the Wapsi (Registration deadline:  Sept 28)



Principal’s Post for September 5, 2022

School Masses

School Masses are open to parents, especially those whose children have “Mass parts.”  Late arrivals do need to be let in by a staff member as the church doors are locked once students are in the building.

It’s always a good start to the day when Fr. Jake says, “Have a good day everyone,” and 350 students and staff respond “You too, Father.”

Fr. Rauenbuehler would also like to invite students who attend Algebra I at Assumption to the 7:10 chapel Mass at Assumption on Tuesday mornings.

Bishop Zinkula Celebrates Mass with Us Sept 14th

Bishop Zinkula will be the celebrant at our September 14th all school Mass.  We welcome him to the Eucharistic table at OLV!

Weekend Masses

With the excitement of a new school year and new schedules, it may also be time to renew and/or adjust your weekend Mass attendance schedule.  OLV has four weekend Masses:  4:30 on Saturdays and 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays.  Each Mass has a slightly different “feel” as well, if that aspect is more important than time of day.  All of them have the Eucharist.  Come to the Table!

Ignite Sundays

Need a way to ignite your Sundays?  IGNITE Sundays return on September 11th!  These events, which occur about once per month, include a special 4:30 Sunday evening Mass, meal in the parish center, and then group gatherings for all ages until 7:15 p.m.  You can come to one or more of the Ignite Sundays, and one or more of the three parts of each event.  There is no cost or registration required.  September 11th’s discussion focuses on dealing with discouragement.

Text Message Communications

Occasionally, we “blast” a text message to families.  A good example of a mass text message would be a last minute school closing due to weather.  If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Headphones for 5th-8th Graders

The supply list for 5th-8th grade students includes a (cheap!) pair of headphones or a set of earbuds to keep at school.  These will be used with testing programs and with educational programs as well.  Students without these materials will have difficulty participating.  It is particularly important that students have their headphones/earbuds at school starting Tuesday, September 6th.


JFK is in need of substitutes for both long-term assignments (like maternity leaves) and short-term assignments (like when a teacher needs to stay home with his/her own sick child).  You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor.  Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.  If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371.We would also like to thank our current substitutes:  Amy Farrey, Kayla Mason, Jen Kira, and Mary Sunderbruch.

COVID Guidance for 2022-23

COVID is still around.  Through the first nine days of school, we have had eight student cases in six grades reported.  Reported infection rates this summer in Scott County were anywhere from 1.2 to more than ten times worse than last summer, but, right now, rates are lower than they were at the beginning of last school year.

COVID mitigation strategies at JFK this fall emphasize the following:

  • Vaccination:  All people ages 6 months and older are eligible for COVID vaccination.  Like the flu shot, COVID vaccination won’t necessarily prevent one from catching COVID, but it will greatly lessen the likelihood of serious complications.
    • Please check with your child’s pediatrician about other vaccinations required for school or childcare attendance.  State law requires school officials to exclude students who do not have the proper immunizations.  Because the Catholic Church is not opposed to vaccinations, there should be no religious exemptions for Catholics.  The initial audit last week indicated that no K-8 students would have to be excluded!  Thanks for your help!
    • Flu shots will again be offered free to K-8 students later this fall thanks to the Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities program.
  • Ventilation:  We have both building-wide ventilation systems and portable systems operating at JFK.
  • Handwashing (and hand sanitizer) and respiratory etiquette.  We purchase hand sanitizer by the case!
  • Staying home when sick:
    • Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
      • Students must be fever free for 24 hrs without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school
    • Sore throat
    • New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing and/or prohibits the student from doing his/her work (for students with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)
    • Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain
      • Students must go 12 hrs without vomiting or diarrhea
      • A common definition of diarrhea is 3 or more loose/watery stools in a day
    • New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
    • Any other symptom(s) which interferes with your student’s ability to learn, including a non-allergy causing runny nose
    • Those who test positive for COVID are excluded from school for 5 days from the date the positive specimen was taken or 5 days from the day symptoms began.  The day of the test or the day symptoms began is day 0.  After the five days, one may return to school if wearing a mask for another five days.  Those who will not be wearing a mask need to stay away from school for a total of 10 days.  If one tests positive but has no symptoms and later develops symptoms within the 10 days, the timeline starts over with the day symptoms began as day 0.
      • Those who are exposed to someone who has COVID do not need to quarantine.  It is recommended that one wears a face mask for 10 days (with day 0 being the last exposure to someone with COVID).  Note:  Schools in Iowa cannot require face coverings.  One should also take extra precautions around others and watch for symptoms.
      • It is also recommended that one test at least 5 full days after one’s last exposure.  If the test is negative, one should continue with the exposure precautions through day 10.  If the test is positive, one should follow the procedures for testing positive.
  • Cleaning and disinfection:  It seems odd to say that we are continuing with extra cleaning and disinfection; entering our third school year with COVID, it seems more the norm now than extra.

Physical distancing and/or plastic barriers between students will not be in place this year.  Face masks, however, are still an option for everyone.  Contact tracing and/or letters sent home will not take place, except where required in DHS childcare programs just as notifications might be for other diseases.

Transition to a New Student Information System

The Diocese of Davenport has licensed a student information system (SIS), PowerSchool, for all schools in the diocese.  It is taking the diocese much longer to transition all of the schools to the new system, and one cannot imagine all of the things that are now tied into an SIS.  Discussions are still evolving around grading, progress reports, report cards, and student/parent viewable on-demand access to grades.  There are no easy solutions!  Currently, we are running our old student information system JMC alongside PowerSchool for many functions.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

60th Anniversary Celebration – Parish Picnic

The OLV Parish Picnic is Sunday, September 18th following a special 1:00 pm Mass to celebrate our 60th Anniversary. We will be serving pulled pork sandwiches and sides catered by Smokin’ Butt BBQ. As in the past, there will be a hot dog option for the meal, lemonade and waters available as well as beer (both craft and domestic) and wine for adults.  Live music will be provided by Identity Crisis.  Bounce houses, a petting zoo and other kids activities will be available.  The celebration will conclude with a fireworks show at dusk, which is anticipated to be around 7:30 p.m.  All outdoor activities will be held on the grounds east of the school.  There is no charge for the picnic.  Guests are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and an appetite!

NET Retreats for 7th/8th Graders & Housing Needed

A National Evangelization Team (NET) from MN will again conduct retreats for 7th and 8th graders.  The 8th grade retreat is Tuesday, October 18 from 4:30 – 8:30 PM.  On Wednesday, October 19, from 3:00 – 7:00 PM, we will have the 7th grade retreat.  These retreats will be held at Our Lady of Victory, and YOUR HOSPITALITY IS NEEDED.  Host families are needed for NET team members on the evening of October 19th.  Hosts are requested to house a
minimum of two team members of the same gender. These college-aged young people will have sleeping bags,
mats, pillows, towels and toiletries and are fine with sleeping on the floor, couches or air mattresses. They do
request shower access.  Host families often gain much from the presence of these energetic, faith-filled young people!  You do not need a 7th or 8th grader to host NET team members.  If you are interested, please contact Kaye Meyers at or 563-391-8384.

Home & School Happenings

  • Sept 9/10:  Happy Joe’s (W 50th St), 4-9 p.m.  15% of all food and beverage sales donated back to JFK.  Dine-in or carry-out options
  • Sept 12:  Kick off to Step It Up!  This program is the largest H & S fundraiser that benefits all students and staff.  Another of our local Catholic schools has raised so much through this fundraiser that they have discontinued their Gala!  Our goal is for 75% student participation this year.  All parents have to do is register online and send 10 communications.
  • Sept 21:  Skate Night at the Eldridge Community Center Roller Skating Rink, 4:30-6:30

Home & School is like a parent/teacher association.  All parents/guardians of students enrolled at JFK are part of Home & School.  More active members include the following:

President – Allison Arlt
VP – Julianne Tongue
Secretary- Becky Avise
Treasurer – Jen Kira
More Active Members –
Amy Wescom
Erin Pape
Leah Lyons
Julie Pillard
Katelyn Howell
Shelby Dammad
Stephanie Gieselman
Suzette Sawvell
Jodi and Jeremy Siebler

Other Upcoming Events

  • Sept 21:  End of first mid-qtr
  • Sept 22/23:  Picture Day
  • Sept 26:  2nd Grade Sacraments Preparation
