Faith Filled Education
Faith Formation
Religion is part of the daily routine at JFK. It’s not an afterthought or a special occasion. It’s part of who we are. Students participate in weekly Masses, daily religion classes, daily prayer, and service activities. The study of Scripture and discussions about faith, moral issues, and Christ’s impact in our lives are central to our school. Service activities allow students to put their faith into action.
Beyond the K-8 school day
John F. Kennedy Catholic School’s pre-school, Guardian Angel, offers an academically enriching, age appropriate introduction to school for children ages 3-5 and is led by certified teachers. Our Early Childhood Learning Center provides full day educational and childcare opportunities throughout the entire year. During the school year, many of our families take advantage of our after school program that runs until 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. During the summer we have our academically oriented Leaps & Bounds, Math Boot Camp, and Jump Start Kindergarten.
Tuition assistance fills the gap
In each of the last several years, $105,000 or more in tuition assistance has been awarded to OLV and JFK families, and more assistance seems to be available each year. All families are encouraged to apply.
Families can receive a credit of up to $250 on their income tax through the Iowa Education Tax Credit. Other sources of tuition assistance can be obtained through Victory Vouchers, parish grants, and scholarships. We can work with families to make a Catholic school education affordable.
For more information, visit
There is a strong sense of family at JFK. Many staff members attend Our Lady of Victory and have enrolled their own children at JFK. They make a commitment to teach in a Christ-centered environment and have a genuine affection for their students. As their students reach high school, the teachers are proud that the students are exceptionally prepared in the areas of writing, public speaking, and leadership.
Music and Drama
All students participate in the performing arts. Our all-inclusive approach to music, drama, and talent show performances gives each student individual attention and the chance to explore talents beyond a textbook. Other activities at JFK include sports, science fair, student council, newspaper, scouting, and educationally related field trips.
JFK is on the move
JFK’s enrollment has increased by more than 33% over the last several years. Expanding enrollment and programs have only increased the quality of Catholic school education JFK provides and have warranted a building expansion.
“Faith is not just a religion class here. It is who we are and what we do.” – Mary Wahlig, JFK teacher
Parent and community support
Parents and extended family members are critical to the success of JFK. There are opportunities to tutor and coach or experience a field trip or service activity with students. Support from home helps students reach their full potential. Interacting with the public on service projects teaches the students the importance of giving and establishes a place for them within the community. Parishioners graciously respond to the students giving their time, talent, and treasure to JFK.
Technology integration
With a one to one student to laptop/Chromebook in 5th-8th grade and additional computers and tablets in PS-4th grade, technology is integrated into the educational programming at JFK. Interactive whiteboards, document cameras, and projection equipment enhance the classroom environment.
JFK students excel academically in high school and college. Year after year, JFK alumni graduate at the top of their classes at Assumption, North, West, Central, and North Scott high schools. Standardized test scores of JFK students are consistently one to three years above national grade equivalents. Because ALL students are considered talented and gifted at JFK, they are all REQUIRED to complete TAG activities. The fully certified staff members challenge students to achieve beyond expectations.
Disciplined environment
School uniforms are a daily reminder of a shared purpose. Students know that they are at school to learn and develop their God-given talents, parents feel confident that their children are entering a safe, family centered educational environment, and staff members are reminded why they choose to teach and work at JFK. Working together with a shared sense of purpose and values, the entire community fosters the students’ learning of knowledge and life skills.
“I believe that the family atmosphere and that making faith a part of each day are invaluable attributes of a Catholic School.” – Tammy Nagle, JFK parent and Catholic school graduate
JFK Annual Progress Reports
Have you read the Annual Progress Report for 2023-24? Click HERE.
Click the images below to read our past Annual Progress Reports.
Annual Progress Report 2015-16
Annual Progress Report 2014-15
Annual Progress Report 2013-14
Annual Progress Report 2012-13
Annual Progress Report 2011-12
Annual Progress Report 2010-11
Annual Progress Report 2009-10
Annual Progress Report 2008-09
Annual Progress Report 2007-08
Annual Progress Report 2005-06
Annual Progress Report 2004-05