Victory Vouchers


Our Victory Voucher Program is Expanding!

Our Victory Voucher Program is Expanding!

Victory Vouchers, the fundraising scrip program for OLV and JFK, will now offer two purchase options:

  • Paper Forms:  You may continue to use our paper forms to order and receive your gift cards.  You may also continue to use our free Hy-Vee certificates when you shop at the W. Kimberly Hy-Vee store.  You will earn 2% of your total grocery bill toward your elected program.
  • Online ordering: You may now place your order online at  To set up an online account, you must complete the Victory Voucher Online Application and return it to the parish office, the Victory Voucher store, or email it to Elaine Kopf at  The information necessary to set up your online account will then be emailed to you.

We will continue to have our Victory Voucher store, which offers you the chance to purchase and receive a selection of national and local cards immediately.  The Victory Voucher store operates on Saturdays from 4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Sundays from 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in the church gathering space and on week days from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the parish office.

Online ordering also offers options for immediate receipt of your gift cards if you use the Presto Pay option (an immediate secure automatic withdrawal from your designated bank account).

  • Scrip Now allows you to print your scrip card at home and use it immediately.
  • Reload Now allows you to reload a used plastic gift card that you previously purchased through our Victory Voucher program with a new amount of cash. The reloaded card value is generally available within 24 hours.

Not all vendors participate in these options. 

Our scrip is ordered weekly.  Orders and payments received by 9:00 a.m. on Monday will be available for delivery on Friday of the same week.  All orders must be prepaid by check, cash or Presto Pay (if ordering online).

No matter which option you choose, the Victory Voucher program will now offer our 50% of Earnings Program, which allows you to apply half of the earnings we make on each card toward your JFK tuition and fees, Assumption tuition and fees,  your Faith Formation tuition, the Youth Ministry program, the OLV Foundation, or the OLV Building Fund.  The remainder of our profits are directed to the OLV general operating budget.

Are you new to our Victory Voucher program?  Check out our Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.

Questions?  Contact Elaine Kopf at or (563) 391-3679


This revenue source was first offered in 1999. The Victory Voucher program has remained primarily constant: gift certificates and gift cards purchased at a discount and sold to parishioners for the face value with the difference between the parish purchase price and the face value returned to the parish as an important revenue source. The card is worth exactly what you pay for it, meaning there is no cost to you to participate in the program.
Along the way, the program has added a 2% rebate program whereby parishioners can receive a 2% credit on all purchases. Credit may be directed to school tuition, youth ministry programming, Faith Formation fees, or other selected areas within the parish.

The Hy-Vee portion of this program also provides coupons that parishioners submit with each purchase made at the West Kimberly Rd. Hy Vee. By turning these in the parish receives 3% of your purchases. Coupons are easy to carry in your purse or wallet and eliminate the need to plan ahead to buy Vouchers.

Vouchers are sold on the first weekend of each month in the Gathering Space at church Saturday after 4:30pm Mass, Sunday from 7:30-11 AM and at the Parish Office on weekdays from 7:30-4:00 PM, or by leaving a prepaid order at the parish or school office. Check out the order form to see the current local and chain retailers we keep on hand. Special orders are also welcome.


Order Form
Hy Vee Certificates (Sheet of 8)
Victory Voucher vRebate Enrollment
Special Order Form
Victory Voucher Online Application
Frequently Asked Questions