Mass in the Gym
With it seemingly raining non-stop these days, we even had to make a decision about Mass last Wednesday. It was raining way too hard to get 400 students and staff into the church without everyone being soaked. Fr. and I decided to make a last minute change and have Mass in the school gym.
It was an awesome experience, and the the students were incredibly respectful of converting our gym to worship space. I don’t know if we’d be able to make this type of last minute change every time as there was a lot of scrambling to pull it off, and it disrupts everyone’s schedule, but it sure was worth it on Wednesday.
Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?
If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587. You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.
There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.
Other Action in the Gym
Mass isn’t the only thing we can do well in our gym. We just finished the Catholic League girls’ basketball season. The 8th grade and 6th grade teams were champions. Seventh grade, with only four players, was mighty! It’s on to volleyball season now!
Portable Reptile Egg Incubator?
Designing a portable reptile egg incubator is one of the middle school chemistry activities this month. Do you know how much calcium chloride and baking soda to use to get the ideal temperature for snake eggs? Lizard eggs?
Special Schedules Coming Up
There are no classes for PS-8th grade students on October 22nd. It is a full day in-service. Teachers of science at JFK will receive training from a representative of Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt, the publishing company of our new science materials. Other teachers will be involved in a variety of trainings and meetings.
October 26th is the end of the first quarter and has a two hour early dismissal. K-8 classes will be dismissed at 12:40 with bus transportation. There are no afternoon preschool classes this day.
We have PS-8th grade parent/teacher conferences in the evening on November 6th and during the day on November 8th. There are no PS-8th grade classes on November 8th and 9th. (Classes are normal on November 6th.)
On November 12th, all teachers will be involved in the new catechetical training for the Diocese of Davenport. There are no PS-8th grade classes on November 12th.
ECLC is in session on all of these days.
Junior Achievement at Every Grade
We are most grateful to our JA volunteers who come to JFK in every grade to help students learn about their community and finances. This week our 7th graders will go downtown to JA’s facility for a household budgeting activity called Finance Park. We’d like to thank the many volunteers who make this learning experience possible.
Band’s Butter Braid Bread Sales
The JFK band students are selling Butter Braid Bread. This hand-braided pastry is a delicious addition to any holiday meal. The Butter Braid Bread has the following variety of fillings available (includes a frosting packet): Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze. These are sold individually for $14/package. Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $15/package. The bread comes to you frozen. When you’re ready to use it, just let it rise 8 – 12 hours and bake about 20 minutes.
Band students are taking orders October 8th-31st. The bread will be delivered to the school on Friday, November 16th. The students will deliver the bread to your home in time for your holiday meals. If you have any questions or would like to order, please call or text: Melanie Rubemeyer @ 563-505-1080. The JFK Band appreciates your support.
How Much Fundraising Is There?
JFK’s fundraising is actually quite low when compared to many of our other Catholic schools. Taking into account the Gala, 8th grade fundraising for their Chicago trip, Home & School, Band Boosters, Drama, and Student Council, we have about $112,000 in revenue from fundraising. That figure represents less than 5% of our annual budget. On a per pupil basis, however, it is about $315 per K-8 student. Thank goodness fundraising allows us to generate revenue from sources other than tuition paying families!
Cost per Pupil
With fundraising bringing in about $315 per pupil and tuition for OLV participating members being $3,370 for the first child, is the per pupil cost of education at JFK about $3,700? Not even close. Our K-8 per pupil cost this year is about $5,516. Approximately $1,671 per child comes from envelope giving at OLV. With the parish paying for nearly 30% of a student’s education, there is no doubt why parishioners expect JFK students and their families to be in the pews and fully participating in the life of the parish.
Delinquent Tuition
Please help us by making sure your tuition is paid when due, according to your payment plan. At the beginning of October, JFK’s late tuition, adjusted to match payment plans selected, was about 10%. We have financial obligations, including payroll, that must be met on a timely basis as well.
Annual Diocesan Appeal
The Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) is underway. The goal provided to us by the diocese went up $9,000, a reflection of our overall parish income having increased. The ADA is a “mandated goal.” If we do not meet the ADA goal through the campaign, we would have to cut expenses in order to pay the shortage. Please support OLV/JFK and the Diocese of Davenport.
Lisa Project: October 20 and 21st
The OLV Wellness Committee and Health Ministry Team are working with Scott County Kids to bring the Lisa Project to our church community on October 20th and 21st. This 10-minute, self-guided audio tour educates about child abuse. It will be available in the Gathering Space Meeting Room on October 20th from noon – 6 p.m. and on October 21st from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. You could make
the difference in a child’s life by being better educated about recognizing the signs of abuse. The state of California requires all freshmen to attend this program. Trained staff from the Lisa Project will be on hand to answer questions. Because the display is rated PG-13, there will be an area set aside for younger children to be entertained while their parents take the tour.
Did You Miss the Parish Directory?
Photos for new parishioners, anyone not included in the last directory and anyone who wants to have his/her household’s photo retaken will be scheduled for the Gathering Space during October. Photo sessions are October 25th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. and October 26th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. Photos will be taken and viewed the same day. You will receive a free 8 x 10 and have the option to purchase
additional portraits. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, you can provide us with a photo of you and your family. (There is a $10 charge for processing a photo submitted this way for the directory.) You can email your photo to: If the submitted photo is professionally taken, a release from the original photographer is also needed. Everyone will receive a free directory in 2019.
Annual Progress Report for 2017-18
The Annual Progress Report for the 2017-18 school year was sent home with the “youngest and only” a couple of weeks ago. If you missed it, it’s on our website. Click HERE to view it.
Diocesan Vision 2020
As part of his initiative “Vision 20/20: From Pentecost to Pentecost,” Bishop Zinkula asks each parish to hold a study session and a listening session regarding evangelization based upon Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel. OLV’s study session is October 21st from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space. The listening session will be led by a diocesan representative, with the parish responses recorded and presented to the bishop. The listening session is October 28th from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space. All are welcome to attend one or both sessions.
Save STOs from IRS Proposed Regulation — Action Alert from Iowa ACE
The Internal Revenue Service recently proposed new regulations that would limit the federal deductibility of individual donations to School Tuition Organizations (STOs) in Iowa. Tell our federal legislators to leave it alone.
Donors to the STO program currently receive a 65% state income tax credit and can deduct the entire amount of that donation on their Federal return. STOs use these donations to give out tuition grants to qualifying families, allowing them to afford tuition at one of Iowa’s nonpublic schools. Under the proposed IRS regulation, donors would only be able to deduct 35% of their donation on their Federal return. This proposed rule would greatly decrease the incentive for STO donors. If donations to STOs go down, the ability of STOs to help families will also go down.
Nearly 11,000 students across Iowa receive financial assistance through the STO program each year. Nationwide, STOs serve more than 250,000 students in 18 states. If this regulation goes into effect, students served by STO programs will suffer.
We are asking that School Tuition Organizations be exempted from the proposed IRS rule, as it will reduce donations to STOs and financial assistance.
Help us voice our objection to this rule by sending a message to Senators Grassley and Ernst as well as your member of the U.S. House, asking them to assist us in this effort. We encourage you to personalize this message – share your perspective on STOs and all they do to provide a choice for Iowa parents and children. Please send this message soon!
Thank you for taking time to stand up for Iowa families – we appreciate your joining in our efforts.
Iowa Advocates for Choice in Education
ACT NOW – Click here to contact your legislators!
Home & School News
- Family Fall Fest (on Oct. 27) packets went out recently. Several volunteers are still needed. There was a form in the packet, but here’s also a link for the online signup: CLICK HERE
- Did you catch that we are combining Trunk or Treat with some of the activities of the former Pumpkin Run evening?
- Next Skate Night is Monday, Oct. 22