Principal’s Post for May 28, 2023

JFK GROWS Students of the Month

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Below are the students being recognized at each grade level who have exhibited these traits particularly well in May:

  • Kindergarten:  Chloe A.
    • Chloe is a joy to have in kindergarten! She always has a smile on her face and loves to learn! She gives 100% all the time and is a great friend to her classmates. She goes out of her way to find opportunities to help her classmates and her teachers.
  • 1st Grade:  Keeley K.
    • Keeley can be depended on to do what she is asked to do. She displays good citizenship by assisting other students. She is respectful of other students in our classroom and the school community.
  • 2nd Grade:  Annsley W:
    • Annsley is a team player. She looks out for her fellow classmates and is a consistent example of the JFK Difference. Annsley is always happy to volunteer and help. She is a great role model for other students.
  • 3rd Grade:  Peyton R.
    • Peyton is a sweet, polite student who goes out of her way to show kindness toward others. She is helpful in class, does a great job of following directions, and tries her best on all of her assignments. Peyton always has a smile on her face when she comes to school and brings a positive, calm energy to a vibrant classroom.
  • 4th Grade:  Alyse R.
    • Alyse always has a smile on her face.  She is determined and always does her best.  “Give up” is not in her vocabulary.  She participates in class and is prepared to learn every day.  Alyse is also a great friend by including others and playing fairly.  She is a great role model!
  • 5th Grade:  Madison H.
    • Madison is a sweet student who is respectful to adults and her peers.  She has a caring heart, and she puts others’ needs before her own.  Madison does a nice job turning her homework in on time and being a responsible student.
  • 6th Grade:  Eva B.
    • Eva is very respectful and follows classroom rules and procedures. She always works hard and does her best.
  • 7th Grade:  Moira F.
    • Moira is an unsung hero of her class, even though she is quiet and reserved.  When she exerts herself, it’s amazing! She has poised, well-thought-out ideas and responses that are always appreciated. She is creative at her approach to schoolwork, and she is a gifted artist.  She tries to get along with and coexist with everyone.  Moira has a good heart, and it shows.
  • 8th Grade:  Heath W.
    • Heath comes to class prepared and is always on task. Heath will work with anyone with no issues and gives his best effort.
iPads, Chromebooks, and Chargers To Be Returned May 31

The school year will be ending in about three weeks.  Please make sure your student has his/her iPad or Chromebook AND charger to return.  Items are bar coded so we can check them in/out, and we know who is responsible for them, even if students don’t.  Turning in equipment that was checked out to someone else does not eliminate the responsibility for the equipment that was actually checked out to a student.  We will check equipment on May 31st.

Whirlwind of Activity Within the Next Month
There is going to be a whirlwind of activity within the next month or so to finalize enrollment for the 2023-24 school year.  I hope you are keeping up with things in the Principal’s Post, located on the front page of our website,
It looks like three things may all be happening around the same time within the next month:
  • Scott County Catholic Schools/JFK will send a link for parents to complete the detailed online Student Information Sheet.  That’s the one that will ask for names, phone numbers, emergency contacts, allergies, etc.  It’s important that we have this information well before school begins so we’re ready on the first day.
  • SCCS will have online “tuition contracts/payment arrangements” available for parents.  Through this online process, you will acknowledge the costs for an education at a Scott County Catholic school and make payment arrangements as necessary.  Note that this acknowledgement is before any discounts or ESAs are applied.
  • The ESA application becomes available on May 31st.  You only have one month to complete it.  If it’s not completed by June 30th, your child will not receive an ESA, and you will have to pay the tuition yourself.  The application process is fairly simple, and I’ve viewed a couple of training videos already.  Below is a list of the next training dates and links to register:

    If you can’t make a live training session, here is the link to a recorded one:

Please keep checking the Principal’s Post on our website,, for the most recent information.  Although I usually stop posting them during the summer, this year looks like it’ll be different.  There’s just too much going on!
If you have not yet completed the online pre-registration process or completed the payment, please do so now.  The information you enter online is used to generate the next set of enrollment processes mentioned above.  The QR code for the pre-registration process is on the front page of our website.  If you already did the pre-registration form but need to make the registration payment, the link is also on our website or you can click on the following:  You will want to click on the Make Payment button in the One Time Payments section.  Select SCCS Annual Application Fee for the payment type on the next screen.

ESA Application Process Goes Live this Week

The application for those eligible for ESAs will open at 8:00 a.m. on May 31st and close on June 30th.  The deadline is established in the law; there will be no extension.  You will want to act quickly once the online application process becomes available.

The latest information from the Department of Education regarding Education Savings Accounts can be found at the following link:  DE’s ESA Page.  The Questions and Answers section was updated on May 18th and is very useful.  It, for example, contains the 300% of poverty eligibility table, the definition of a household/members, and what line item will be used from one’s Iowa tax form.  (It’s line 26, “Net Income,” on the 2022 Iowa 1040 tax form.)

The application process is actually fairly slick.  You don’t even need your tax information in front of you, if you are an Iowa resident and filed an Iowa income tax form.  You just need to enter some basic information like social security or tax id number and authorize access to tax information you already submitted to the state.  Most of the process is entirely automated.  For those who did not file an Iowa income tax form, there is a way to upload relevant information to verify Iowa residency and/or income, if needed.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners (No financial information needed)
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior (No financial information needed)
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty

Anyone interested in learning more about the parent/guardian application process can register to attend the training on one of the following dates and times:

The Students First ESA application will be available on May 31, and a link to the application will be provided on the DE’s website.

Tuition Rates for Paying Families and Online SCCS “Tuition Contracts”

 The tuition rates for those not yet eligible for ESAs was contained in an April 27th letter.  It can be found here:  ESA Letter and Tuition Rates for Paying Families Letter, 4-27-23. As anticipated the tuition rates for those not eligible for ESAs increased by about 5% at the elementary level and 3% at Assumption, which is about its historical average.  Please note that the actual cost to educate a student in SCCS is over $8,000.  Tuition covers just over about 50% of the cost.  Parish subsidies and fundraising cover the rest.  The SCCS “tuition contracts” will show the parish discounts applied to students’/families’ accounts.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

SCCS online “tuition contracts” will be ready within the next couple of weeks.  These will show the gross amounts on a per child basis.  Once all discounts are applied, including multi-child discounts, FTP awards, and ESAs, what is actually owed is adjusted.

Registration Process for 2023-24

As of 5/24, we have about 93% of current and prospective new K-8 students pre-registered.  Of those that have pre-registered, about 79% have paid the pre-registration fee.

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  The computer application being developed is in test phase now and should be available within one to two weeks.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should have finished in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches. 

You will want to be up-to-date on your 22-23 tuition and fees as well as have paid the pre-registration fee for 23-24 before you are considered for the issuance of a 23-24 tuition agreement.

Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.

JFK’s Summer Leaps & Bounds and Vacation Bible School

Due to federal funding, Leaps & Bounds will be free again this summer.  We have three sessions on the calendar.  Each two week session runs from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Two hours are for reading, one hour is for math, and 30 minutes are for recess and other fun.  Leaps & Bounds is for those students currently in kindergarten through 5th grade.

June 19 – June 30

July 17 – July 28

July 31 – August 11

Vacation Bible School will be held July 10 – 14.

Registration materials were made available via email.  They will also be posted on our website soon.

Jump Start Kindergarten

On July 31 – August 4, Melissa Zeimet and Caitlin Putnam will host Jump Start Kindergarten at JFK.  There will be a review of letters and sounds, basic math concepts, and literacy skills.  Story time and hands-on activities will be abundant during the 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. time slot.  The cost is $55 with a $5 discount for early bird registration.  A minimum number of students is required for us to offer Jump Start Kindergarten.  Registration materials will be emailed to those families for whom a kindergartner has been pre-registered.

Suggestion Box

There is a digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

Teaching Positions Open at JFK for 2023-24

JFK will have at least two teaching positions open for the 2023-24 school year.  If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, copy of one’s Iowa license, and references.  The hiring process will also involve Scott County Catholic Schools, but these steps would good first ones.

Accounting Process Slows Down

With only about five weeks before all accounting switches to the Scott County Catholic Schools’ business office, we are limping along with understaffing at OLV/JFK.  Fr. Jake, Ann Lotspeich, Lisa Willows, Megan Masterson, and SCCS business office representative Rose Strickland are all doing various pieces of OLV/JFK accounting to close out the rest of the fiscal year.

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • May 29:  Memorial Day.  No Classes.  ECLC Closed
  • May 30:  3rd Field Trip
  • May 31:  Computer/iPad Turn in.  3 YO PS Program.  4/5 YO PS Program.  Last Day of PS Classes
  • May 31:  ESA application becomes live
  • June 1:  Last Day of K-8.  Field Day.  12:40 Dismissal.  8th Grade Graduation Mass
  • June 2:  Last Day of ECLC



Principal’s Post for May 21, 2023

Middle School Youth Retreat

There’s also a St. Philomena Academy/youth camp on August 11-13 at St. Al’s.  It’s a 3 day overnight retreat for 6th-12 graders and sponsored by Holy Family and St. Al’s.  The enrollment process is still being developed.  More information is available from Hieu Nguyen at

iPads, Chromebooks, and Chargers To Be Returned May 31

The school year will be ending in about three weeks.  Please make sure your student has his/her iPad or Chromebook AND charger to return.  Items are bar coded so we can check them in/out, and we know who is responsible for them, even if students don’t.  Turning in equipment that was checked out to someone else does not eliminate the responsibility for the equipment that was actually checked out to a student.  We will check equipment on May 31st.

Ways To Get Involved

There are three ways for parents to currently get involved:  Board of Education, Home & School, and Policy Committee.

Even as we regionalize to become Scott County Catholic Schools, there will still be an advisory board needed at JFK.  A recent example of the board’s feedback was to help prioritize our next areas of focus in relation to our winter safety/security assessment.  The nine member board meets monthly.  Terms are for three years.  If you are interested, please contact me at

Our Home & School Association also needs officers and active participants.  H & S plans many of the fun activities for families like the event at the pumpkin patch and Snowstar.  Recently, they provided feedback regarding parameters for a new replacing our entire playground out back.  If you are interested in being active with Home & School, please send a message to

ESA Update

The latest information from the Department of Education regarding Education Savings Accounts can be found at the following link:  DE’s ESA Page.  The Questions and Answers section was updated on May 18th and is very useful.  It, for example, contains the 300% of poverty eligibility table, the definition of a household/members, and what line item will be used from one’s Iowa tax form.  (It’s line 26, “Net Income,” on the 2022 Iowa 1040 tax form.)

The application for those eligible for ESAs will open at 8:00 a.m. on May 31st and close on June 30th.  The deadline is established in the law; there will be no extension.  You will want to act quickly once the online application process becomes available.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty

Anyone interested in learning more about the parent/guardian application process can register to attend the training on one of the following dates and times:

The Students First ESA application will be available on May 31 and a link to the application will be provided on the DE’s website.

Tuition Rates for Paying Families and Online SCCS “Tuition Contracts”

 The tuition rates for those not yet eligible for ESAs was contained in an April 27th letter.  It can be found here:  ESA Letter and Tuition Rates for Paying Families Letter, 4-27-23. As anticipated the tuition rates for those not eligible for ESAs increased by about 5% at the elementary level and 3% at Assumption, which is about its historical average.  Please note that the actual cost to educate a student in SCCS is over $8,000.  Tuition covers just over about 50% of the cost.  Parish subsidies and fundraising cover the rest.  The SCCS “tuition contracts” will show the parish discounts applied to students’/families’ accounts.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

SCCS online “tuition contracts” will be ready within the next couple of weeks.  These will show the gross amounts on a per child basis.  Once all discounts are applied, including multi-child discounts, FTP awards, and ESAs, what is actually owed is adjusted.

Registration Process for 2023-24

As of 5/21, we have about 92% of current and prospective new K-8 students pre-registered.  Of those that have pre-registered, about 60% have paid the pre-registration fee.

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  The computer application being developed is in test phase now and should be available within one to two weeks.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches. 

You will want to be up-to-date on your 22-23 tuition and fees as well as have paid the pre-registration fee for 23-24 before you are considered for the issuance of a 23-24 tuition agreement.

Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.

JFK’s Summer Leaps & Bounds and Vacation Bible School

Due to federal funding, Leaps & Bounds will be free again this summer.  We have three sessions on the calendar.  Each two week session runs from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Two hours are for reading, one hour is for math, and 30 minutes are for recess and other fun.  Leaps & Bounds is for those students currently in kindergarten through 5th grade.

June 19 – June 30

July 17 – July 28

July 31 – August 11

Vacation Bible School will be held July 10 – 14.

Registration materials were made available via email.  They will also be posted on our website soon.

Jump Start Kindergarten

On July 31 – August 4, Melissa Zeimet and Caitlin Putnam will host Jump Start Kindergarten at JFK.  There will be a review of letters and sounds, basic math concepts, and literacy skills.  Story time and hands-on activities will be abundant during the 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. time slot.  The cost is $55 with a $5 discount for early bird registration.  A minimum number of students is required for us to offer Jump Start Kindergarten.  Registration materials will be emailed to those families for whom a kindergartner has been pre-registered.

Suggestion Box

There is a digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

Teaching Positions Open at JFK for 2023-24

JFK will have at least two teaching positions open for the 2023-24 school year.  If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, copy of one’s Iowa license, and references.  The hiring process will also involve Scott County Catholic Schools, but these steps would good first ones.

Accounting Process Slows Down

With only about six weeks before all accounting switches to the Scott County Catholic Schools’ business office, we are limping along with understaffing at OLV/JFK.  Fr. Jake, Ann Lotspeich, Lisa Willows, Megan Masterson, and SCCS business office representative Rose Strickland are all doing various pieces of OLV/JFK accounting to close out the rest of the fiscal year.

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • May 22:  Band to Adventureland
  • May 23:  8th Field Trip
  • May 24:  8th Manners Unit at Outing Club
  • May 25:  3 YO PS Conferences
  • May 26:  4th Field Trip
  • May 28:  AHS Graduation
  • May 29:  Memorial Day.  No Classes.  ECLC Closed
  • May 30:  3rd Field Trip
  • May 31:  Computer/iPad Turn in.  3 YO PS Program.  4/5 YO PS Program.  Last Day of PS Classes
  • June 1:  Last Day of K-8.  Field Day.  12:40 Dismissal.  8th Grade Graduation Mass
  • June 2:  Last Day of ECLC



Principal’s Post for May 14, 2023

Middle School Youth Night and Retreat

Finish the school year right with an OLV/JFK youth night!  All OLV/JFK 6th-8th graders are invited.  Plan for games, snacks, and small groups.  May 15th, 6-7:30.  Drop off at the JFK gym.  Pick up at the OLV youth room in the basement of the rectory.

There’s also a St. Philomena Academy/youth camp on August 11-13 at St. Al’s.  It’s a 3 day overnight retreat for 6th-12 graders and sponsored by Holy Family and St. Al’s.  The enrollment process is still being developed.  More information is available from Hieu Nguyen at

Scholarships Being Delayed

There are a handful of scholarships that OLV/JFK offers to students attending Assumption High School, and two scholarships for next year’s 7th and 8th graders.  Applications for these scholarships will be open after June 30th for those not eligible for ESAs.

iPads, Chromebooks, and Chargers To Be Returned May 31

The school year will be ending in about three weeks.  Please make sure your student has his/her iPad or Chromebook AND charger to return.  Items are bar coded so we can check them in/out, and we know who is responsible for them, even if students don’t.  Turning in equipment that was checked out to someone else does not eliminate the responsibility for the equipment that was actually checked out to a student.  We will check equipment on May 31st.

Ways To Get Involved

There are three ways for parents to currently get involved:  Board of Education, Home & School, and Policy Committee.

Even as we regionalize to become Scott County Catholic Schools, there will still be an advisory board needed at JFK.  A recent example of the board’s feedback was to help prioritize our next areas of focus in relation to our winter safety/security assessment.  The nine member board meets monthly.  Terms are for three years.  If you are interested, please contact me at

Our Home & School Association also needs officers and active participants.  H & S plans many of the fun activities for families like the event at the pumpkin patch and Snowstar.  Recently, they provided feedback regarding parameters for a new replacing our entire playground out back.  If you are interested in being active with Home & School, please send a message to

ESA Update

The latest information from the Department of Education regarding Education Savings Accounts can be found at the following link:  DE’s ESA Page.  The Questions and Answers section was updated on May 4th and is very useful.  It, for example, contains the 300% of poverty eligibility table, the definition of a household/members, and what line item will be used from one’s Iowa tax form.  (It’s line 26, “Net Income,” on the 2022 Iowa 1040 tax form.)

The application for those eligible for ESAs will open on May 31st and close on June 30th.  The deadline is established in the law; there will be no extension.  You will want to act quickly once the online application process becomes available.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty

Anyone interested in learning more about the parent/guardian application process can register to attend the training on one of the following dates and times:

The Students First ESA application will be available on May 31 and a link to the application will be provided on the DE’s website.

Tuition Rates for Paying Families

 The tuition rates for those not yet eligible for ESAs was contained in an April 27th letter.  It can be found here:  ESA Letter and Tuition Rates for Paying Families Letter, 4-27-23. As anticipated the tuition rates for those not eligible for ESAs increased by about 5% at the elementary level and 3% at Assumption, which is about its historical average.  Please note that the actual cost to educate a student in SCCS is over $8,000.  Tuition covers just over about 50% of the cost.  Parish subsidies and fundraising cover the rest.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

How Many Current Students Will Be Eligible for ESAs?

On a three year phase in timeframe, it is estimated using past FTP financial assistance that approximately 30% of the current students in Scott County Catholic Schools will be eligible for ESAs next year.  The families of approximately 30% of our current students have incomes at 300% or below poverty level.  This figure does not include next year’s transfer students or kindergartners.  Not bad for the first year of ESAs!

Registration Process for 2023-24

As of 5/11, we have about 89% of current and prospective new K-8 students pre-registered.  Of those that have pre-registered, about 65% have paid the pre-registration fee.

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  The computer application being developed is in test phase now and should be available within one to two weeks.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.  As of the end of April, questions are already being asked about how many/which current families should be allowed to continue with the enrollment process.

Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.

JFK’s Summer Leaps & Bounds and Vacation Bible School

Due to federal funding, Leaps & Bounds will be free again this summer.  We have three sessions on the calendar.  Each two week session runs from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Two hours are for reading, one hour is for math, and 30 minutes are for recess and other fun.  Leaps & Bounds is for those students currently in kindergarten through 5th grade.

June 19 – June 30

July 17 – July 28

July 31 – August 11

Vacation Bible School will be held July 10 – 14.

Registration materials were made available via email.  They will also be posted on our website soon.

Jump Start Kindergarten

On July 31 – August 4, Melissa Zeimet and Caitlin Putnam will host Jump Start Kindergarten at JFK.  There will be a review of letters and sounds, basic math concepts, and literacy skills.  Story time and hands-on activities will be abundant during the 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. time slot.  The cost is $55 with a $5 discount for early bird registration.  A minimum number of students is required for us to offer Jump Start Kindergarten.  Registration materials will be emailed to those families for whom a kindergartner has been pre-registered.

Suggestion Box

There is a digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

Teaching Positions Open at JFK for 2023-24

JFK will have at least two teaching positions open for the 2023-24 school year.  If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, copy of one’s Iowa license, and references.  The hiring process will also involved Scott County Catholic Schools, but these steps would good first ones.

Shayonte Lagrone Moves to Office Position

Shay Lagrone has joined us in the office as an administrative assistant as Megan Masterson will only be doing some work for us outside normal business hours.  Ms. Lagrone has been working in preschool, doing recess duties, and helping in the office.  Her daughter will join us next school year.  With only about six weeks before all accounting switches to the Scott County Catholic Schools’ business office, we will limp along with Fr. Jake, Ann Lotspeich, Lisa Willows, Megan Masterson, and SCCS business office representative Rose Strickland all doing various pieces to close out the rest of the fiscal year.

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • May 15-19:  Guest fitness instructor in PE
  • May 18:  Band concert
  • May 22:  Band to Adventureland
  • May 25:  3 YO PS Conferences
  • May 29:  Memorial Day.  No Classes.  ECLC Closed
  • May 31:  Computer/iPad Turn in.  3 YO PS Program.  4/5 YO PS Program.  Last Day of PS Classes
  • June 1:  Last Day of K-8.  Field Day.  12:40 Dismissal
  • June 2:  Last Day of ECLC

Still Our Kids

Lynn and I drove to Kansas this weekend for my daughter Caitlin’s graduation from the University of Kansas law school.  All of our kids were able to attend, and we had some good quality (albeit too short) time together.  No matter how proud we are of them all and how grown up, independent, and successful they all are, they are still our kids!  There’s nothing like all the hugs that brings that home!




Principal’s Post for May 7, 2023

Middle School Youth Night and Retreat

Finish the school year right with an OLV/JFK youth night!  All OLV/JFK 6th-8th graders are invited.  Plan for games, snacks, and small groups.  May 15th, 6-7:30.  Drop off at the JFK gym.  Pick up at the OLV youth room in the basement of the rectory.

There’s also a St. Philomena Academy/youth camp on August 11-13 at St. Al’s.  It’s a 3 day overnight retreat for 6th-12 graders and sponsored by Holy Family and St. Al’s.  The enrollment process is still being developed.

Scholarships Being Delayed

There are a handful of scholarships that OLV/JFK offers to students attending Assumption High School, and two scholarships for next year’s 7th and 8th graders.  Applications for these scholarships will be open after June 30th for those not eligible for ESAs.

iPads, Chromebooks, and Chargers To Be Returned May 31

The school year will be ending in about 3-4 weeks.  Please make sure your student has his/her iPad or Chromebook AND charger to return.  Items are bar coded so we can check them in/out, and we know who is responsible for them, even if students don’t.  Turning in equipment that was checked out to someone else does not eliminate the responsibility for the equipment that was actually checked out to a student.  We will check equipment on May 31st.

Ways To Get Involved

There are three ways for parents to currently get involved:  Board of Education, Home & School, and Policy Committee.

Even as we regionalize to become Scott County Catholic Schools, there will still be an advisory board needed at JFK.  A recent example of the board’s feedback was to help prioritize our next areas of focus in relation to our winter safety/security assessment.  The nine member board meets monthly.  Terms are for three years.  If you are interested, please contact me at

We know some policies, like dress codes, will remain local rather than SCCS regional policies.  JFK reviews about 1/3 of our parent and student handbook policies every year.  If you are interested in participating in this year’s review, please contact me:

Our Home & School Association also needs officers and active participants.  H & S plans many of the fun activities for families like the event at the pumpkin patch and Snowstar.  Recently, they provided feedback regarding parameters for a new replacing our entire playground out back.  If you are interested in being active with Home & School, please send a message to

ESA Update

The latest information from the Department of Education regarding Education Savings Accounts can be found at the following link:  DE’s ESA Page.  The Questions and Answers section was updated on May 4th and is very useful.  It, for example, contains the 300% of poverty eligibility table, the definition of a household/members, and what line item will be used from one’s Iowa tax form.  (It’s line 26, “Net Income,” on the 2022 Iowa 1040 tax form.)

The application for those eligible for ESAs will open on May 31st and close on June 30th.  The deadline is established in the law; there will be no extension.  You will want to act quickly once the online application process becomes available.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty

Tuition Rates for Paying Families

 The tuition rates for those not yet eligible for ESAs was contained in an April 27th letter.  It can be found here:  ESA Letter and Tuition Rates for Paying Families Letter, 4-27-23. As anticipated the tuition rates for those not eligible for ESAs increased by about 5% at the elementary level and 3% at Assumption, which is about its historical average.  Please note that the actual cost to educate a student in SCCS is over $8,000.  Tuition covers just over about 50% of the cost.  Parish subsidies and fundraising cover the rest.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

How Many Current Students Will Be Eligible for ESAs?

On a three year phase in timeframe, it is estimated using past FTP financial assistance that approximately 30% of the current students in Scott County Catholic Schools will be eligible for ESAs next year.  The families of approximately 30% of our current students have incomes at 300% or below poverty level.  This figure does not include next year’s transfer students or kindergartners.  Not bad for the first year of ESAs!

Registration Process for 2023-24

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  The computer application being developed is in test phase now and should be available within one to two weeks.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.  As of the end of April, questions are already being asked about how many/which current families should be allowed to continue with the enrollment process.

Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.

JFK’s Summer Leaps & Bounds and Vacation Bible School

Due to federal funding, Leaps & Bounds will be free again this summer.  We have three sessions on the calendar.  Each two week session runs from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Two hours are for reading, one hour is for math, and 30 minutes are for recess and other fun.  Leaps & Bounds is for those students currently in kindergarten through 5th grade.

June 19 – June 30

July 17 – July 28

July 31 – August 11

Vacation Bible School will be held July 10 – 14.

Registration materials were made available via email.  They will also be posted on our website soon.

Suggestion Box

There is a digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

JFK Office Position Open Yet this School Year

JFK has an opening in the school office beginning immediately.  Summer and year round work is required.  School year hours are typically 6:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.  Summer hours are more flexible.  The rate of pay is about $14 per hour.  An employee with children at JFK not qualifying for an ESA will receive a tuition discount.  Please contact me at school, if interested.

Teaching Position Open at JFK for 2023-24

JFK will have at least one teaching position open for the 2023-24 school year.  If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, copy of one’s Iowa license, and references.  The hiring process will also involved Scott County Catholic Schools, but these steps would good first ones.

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • May 8/9:  Putnam Museum’s Discovery Dome at JFK
  • May 11:  Skate night
  • May 11/12:  5th grade golfing.
  • May 15-19:  Guest fitness instructor in PE
  • May 18:  Band concert
  • May 22:  Band to Adventureland
  • May 25:  3 YO PS Conferences
  • May 29:  Memorial Day.  No Classes.  ECLC Closed
  • May 31:  Computer/iPad Turn in.  3 YO PS Program.  4/5 YO PS Program.  Last Day of PS Classes
  • June 1:  Last Day of K-8.  Field Day.  12:40 Dismissal
  • June 2:  Last Day of ECLC

