Iowa Assessment of Student Progress and Iowa Assessments Administered This Week
Students in grades 3-8 will take the IASP this week, and students in grades K-2 will take the Iowa Assessments this week. Students in grades K-8 will be testing on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Grades K-2, 5 and 8 will be testing on Friday. We will be doing make-ups on Wednesday. Testing begins by 7:45. Students who arrive late will likely have to remain in the cafeteria until testing concludes for the morning.
Make sure students get their good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast.
Discounted Registration Period Ends This Week
The discounted registration period for the 2021-22 school year ends this week. Completed tuition contracts represent the official registration document that hold a spot for the next school year.
Preschool registration for 3, 4, and 5 year olds and ECLC (childcare) does remain open. If you have not yet registered for these programs, please contact the school office ASAP.
Virtual Play Was Incredible
Who knew what could be done through a live-streamed Zoom play?! JFK’s middle school Crusader Theater production of The Virtual Family was incredible! Congratulations to all who participated!
Plant Sale Pick Up Thursday and Friday
Don’t forget to schedule a time to pick up your plants this week: Schedule Pick Up
Purchase a Sweet Tooth Snack as well. Sweet Tooth Snacks is a local business that specializes in gourmet popcorns, nuts and candies! Stop by their booth outside the parish center on Thursday and Friday from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m., and check out some of their delicious treat options! There will also be Teacher Appreciation (May 3-7) and Mothers Day (May 9) gifts available for purchase! Come early and get yourself a bag of “JFK Crunch”!
Rock the Lot Gala
Buy your tickets now for a socially distanced (COVID friendly) rockin event in our parking lot on May 15th!
New Home & School Information on our Website
Home & School has new information and links available off the home page of our website: Included is the link to the Teacher Amazon Wishlists and general information. Don’t forget to connect to Amazon Smile through OLV CHURCH for donations from Amazon that benefit H & S.
Water Bottles from Home. Additional Face Coverings Available at School
Please remember to send your child with a fillable water bottle from home each day. These can also be filled throughout the day at school as our touchless bottle filling stations are open. If your child needs a fillable water bottle, please let the office know, as we do have some donated that can be distributed.
While we do have disposable bottled water available, as we’d never want someone to go without water, there are both financial and environmental costs to using disposable bottles. To provide you with some scope of our usage, we are buying cases of bottled water by the pallet and go through about a case or more per day.
It also might not be a bad idea for your child to have an extra well-fitting face covering at school. Face coverings do occasionally get wet and/or dirty during the day. While the school, again, has extra face coverings, they may not fit the best for your child. Face coverings should:
- Have 2 or more layers of washable, breathable fabric
- Completely cover one’s nose and mouth
- Fit snugly against the sides of one’s face and not have gaps
Calendar Highlights
April 28: Plants arrive around 8:00 a.m. A few adults may still be needed to help unload them from the truck and move them into the PC. The process takes about 2 hrs and is done very quickly. Adults only so the little ones don’t get run over!
April 29/30: Plant Sale Pick up
April 29: Parent University Zoom with Julia Cook. Julia Cook is a former school counselor and teacher who never dreamed she could evolve into a national award-winning children’s author, parenting expert, and inspirational speaker. The link for the Zoom session on Thursday April 29, 2021 @ 6pm will be emailed.
May 3: Blood Drive
May 7: 8th Grade vs Staff VB games
May 15: Gala
June 11: Last day of school for JFK. The DCSD will continue until the 16th. Because June 11th is not Davenport’s last day, there is no early dismissal at JFK on June 11th. Our last day will include both Mass and field day.
The full 2021-22 school calendar is finally available: JFK 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Charge Tablets and Chromebooks at Home
The number of students who are at school in the morning without their tablets or Chromebooks charged is too high. Without charged devices, students may not be able to participate in class. While we may try to let students get some power at school, running electrical cords across the floor to their desks is not safe, and, due to COVID restrictions, we can’t just move students to desks near the wall outlets. Please have students charge their tablets and Chromebooks at home each evening.
Ad Hoc Policy Committee Invite
Each year the board of education reviews about 1/3 of the policies contained in the Parent and Student Handbook. Dress code policies are reviewed every year. If you would like to be involved this spring, please send me an email.
Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs of Scott County and JFK data.
- I think we’re finally starting to make some progress in Scott County! The 14 day positivity rate has dropped for the second consecutive week, and the 7 day positivity rate has dropped again and is no longer twice that of the state average.
- The intervals used in the graphs for JFK’s data were adjusted as things were becoming too hard to read.