Home & School

The JFK Home and School Association (HSA) is an organization of John F. Kennedy Catholic School and Scott County Catholic Schools that supports students and staff of JFK.   The HSA committee includes four volunteer officer positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and relies on additional  volunteer committee members to function well.  All positions are recommended to be held for at least two years.  Meetings occur every other month and are open to all parents and family members of JFK and Guardian Angel Preschool students. Parent and staff input at these meetings is vital to improving the quality of our events and activities offered. Childcare during meetings can be arranged, if needed.

The Home and School Committee is hard at work, supporting students, the school, staff and families in a variety of ways via fundraising opportunities and events all throughout the school year.

Volunteering for Home & School events provides a great way to show your support for the school, set examples for our children, and is a great way to meet other JFK/OLV families.

HSA communicates via meetings, monthly newsletter, posting in the JFK Moms and Dads Facebook page, JFK’s Facebook page, and the weekly Principal Posts!

To contact Home and School, email us at homeandschool@olvjfkmail.com.

How does H.S.A. support the students/families?

  • Used uniform sales before the start of the school year
  • Spirit Wear store
  • Catholic Schools week celebration
  • Student of the month prize
  • Funded therapy dog program, new playground equipment, sport uniforms and more

How does H.S.A. support the teachers, staff, and school?

  • Teacher allotments to assist with classroom supplies
  • Encourage staff use of Amazon wishlists
  • Luncheons or treats for back to school, Catholic Schools week and end-of year.
  • Teacher Appreciation week celebration
  • Staff service awards
  • Fundraising as needed

Home and School events, activities, and fundraisers may vary from year to year.  Listed below are examples of events or ways we raise funds:

Family Fun Night

Pumpkin Patch Event

Kickball Tournament

Skate Nights

Movie Night on the back JFK Lawn

Bingo or Trivia Nights

Trampoline Park Fun

Restaurant Nights

Easter Egg Hunt

Night at River Bandits

And more! We’re always finding new ways to have fun!

Additional Information – 

Spirit Wear
JFK Spirit Wear store opens throughout the school year. Keep an eye on communications on when this occurs.

BOX TOP$ for Education
BOX TOP$ for Education labels can be found a variety of products and can be submitted via theBox Top$ app. Box Tops have transitioned to a virtual platform. To participate, download the app, scan or send in your receipt and proceeds are sent to H.S.A. twice a year. To view the product list and for more information, please visit:  http://www.boxtops4education.com/

Past fundraisers have included Plant Sale, Magazine Sale, Wreath Sale, Step It Up (Day of Awesomeness) and more. 

To contact Home and School, email us at homeandschool@olvjfkmail.com