Preschool and ECLC Registration
Preschool and ECLC/daycare registration has begun. JFK has several options for three and four year olds:
T/Th morning 3 year olds
MWF morning 3 year olds
Both of these can be combined with full day childcare.
M-F morning 4/5 year olds
M-F afternoon 4/5 year olds
Both of these can also be combined with full day childcare.
Did you know that Iowa leads the nation in the percentage of families with children under the age of six in which both parents work? Iowa is around 75%. Access to quality preschool and childcare programs is a must for Iowa families. JFK is proud to be able to help families and prepare students for school.
Register now as waiting lists will start forming.
Kindergarten Round-Up was last week. Please contact the school office as soon as possible, if you missed it. Beginning this pre-registration process is the first step in ensuring your child a spot for next year. Last year we had 60 families that wanted kindergarten spots, and we had to use a waiting list and refer to our enrollment policy to limit class sizes. Do not delay!Registration for other students will begin in the next few weeks.Make Sure Your Payments Are Current
As we prepare to issue tuition contracts for next school year, please make sure your tuition and various fee payments for this year are current. If you are having difficulty with tuition payments, please contact Dave Mattke in the parish office (391-4245) so arrangements can be made. For difficulty with any other fees, contact the school office. We understand that families can run into difficulties; it’s when there is no communication that we don’t know what to do.Second semester band fees ($75 per child) are now overdue. Please take care of those fees so your child won’t have to miss any band time.Donations for Mrs. Gooder
Thank you for your donations to help with Mrs. Gooder’s medical expenses. There’s been more than $2,000 raised so far.
Girl Scout Winter Weekend
Girl Scout Winter Weekend begins February 25th. Adults staying overnight must complete the diocese’s Protecting God’s Children program requirements prior to the event. Contact Dawn Henning for PGC details now so you don’t disappoint your daughter later!
First Communion Meeting
The First Communion meeting is February 26th from 1:00-3:30 in the cafeteria/gym. First Communion is right around the corner.
Ash Wednesday March 1st
Ash Wednesday is March 1st. Masses are at 7:00 and 8:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
How Much Reading Did Your Student Do this Weekend?
Even though the weather is nice, students still need to read outside of school. A fourth grader reading 20 minutes per day outside of school on Friday – Monday at the benchmark of 136 words per minute was exposed to nearly 11,000 words this weekend. Thirty minutes per day would have made over 16,000!
Don’t forget math automaticity either. Math automaticity refers to the instant, seemingly effortless recall of math facts. When students become automatic with math facts, the cognitive processing parts of the brain can focus on other aspects of math problems. (Similarly, when students are fluent and accurate readers, their brains are freed up for comprehension and more deeper understanding of what they read.) Math automaticity is achieved when the response time is somewhere between 250 mili-seconds and 1 second. For an interesting 3 1/2 minute video of math automaticity and the brain, enter the following address into your browser or click here:
Box Tops In — Campbell’s Labels Out
Please turn in any unexpired Box Tops you may have by mid-February. We need to submit them by March 1st for this school year. Box Tops turned in after March 1st are applied to next school year. Many thanks to Julie Brownell, who is coordinating our collection of Box Tops for JFK.
Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program has ended, and they are no longer accepting labels. Thanks for your past help.
Janitor Position
We are seeking a full-time, 2:30 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. janitor/custodian. Interested persons can contact the school office for an application or email me at