Principal’s Post for October 31, 2021

Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Nov 1:  All school Mass with “parade of saints”
  • Nov 1, 2, or 3:  Homeroom Fancy Dress Day.  For at least three cans or other non-perishable food items, students can participate in their homeroom’s fancy dress day on November 1, 2, or 3. (Actual date determined by homeroom and homeroom teacher.)
  • Nov 2:  Evening parent/teacher conferences.  (See also Nov 4.)  PS-5 conferences are scheduled.  6-8 conferences are all drop in.
  • Nov 3:  JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive ends
  • Nov 4:  Parent/teacher conferences.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 5:  No classes. ECLC open
  • Nov 11:  No buses.  (JFK has school, but the DCSD does not.)
  • Nov 19:  Butter braid bread delivery.  Nothing Bundt Cake “pop up” sale.
  • Nov 24:  Thanksgiving break.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 25-26:  Thanksgiving break.  ECLC closed.

Morning Drop Off

Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:10 a.m.  Most staff members are not required themselves to be at school prior to 7:10, and the supervision we have available should be reserved for those students who may have to arrive on a school bus prior to 7:10.

Hourly Paid School Positions

JFK has multiple aide positions available for the remainder of the school year.  These positions have flexible duties working with 3-14 year olds in classrooms, at recesses, and during lunches.  Helping with food preparation and cleaning may be included.  “Full time” and part time positions may be available.  Candidates must be available between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  Aftercare is free for employees working.  Tuition, childcare, and other fee reductions are included, and the rate of pay is typically between $11 and $13 per hour.  Letter, resume, references can be sent to me at or an application can be completed at school.

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.  Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • Nov 7:  Jesus came for all of us
  • Nov 21:  What’s my motivation to go to Mass?
  • Dec 12:  Finding your place in the Advent story
  • Feb 13:  Anawim (Hebrew word meaning “poor one”)  Poverty and the dignity of work
  • March 6:  “I thirst” Lent
  • March 20:  “I hunger” Eucharist
  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?

JFK Demographic Information

Many state and diocesan reports are due in October.  Below is some demographic information regarding JFK as of 10/1/2021, the official student enrollment count date in Iowa.

Official Enrollment


Budgeted 2021 Official Enrollment 2020 Official Enrollment 2019 Official Enrollment 2018 Official Enrollment 2017 Official Enrollment 2016
3 yr old PS T/Th only 2 1 12 7
3 yr old PS MWF only 7 5 5 6
3 yr old PS and ECLC (M-F) 6 5 4 7
3 yr old PS (Total of TTh, MWF, and M-F) 15 19 11 21 20 22 18
4/5 yr old PS 54

4 are 5 yr olds

51 58

4 are 5 yr olds


3 are 5 yr olds


9 are 5 yr olds

80 80
ECLC (3, 4, or 5 yr olds) 15 18 17 18 21 22 24
K 43 36 43 32 39
1st 39 35 34 38 41
2nd 34 31 36 40 46
3rd 36 36 39 42 41
4th 36 39 41 38 33
5th 37 41 39 30 51
6th 43 38 25 46 46
7th 43 28 41 48 47
8th 29 42 46 41 51
Total K-8 340 328 326 344 355 395 409
Total PS-8 409 398 395 420 449 497 507
Free/reduced lunches, K-8 22.9%* 21.8% 18.3% 17.8% 12.1% 14.2%
Transportation services, registered Not required to be reported in 2021-22 so data is not currently available 38.7% 47.7% 40.7% 40.5% 43.3%
4/5 yr PS-8 Enrollment by Ethnicity = Hispanic 16.8% 17.9% 18.0% 17.8% 16.4% 16%
4 /5 yr PS-8 Enrollment by Race
Native American 0.3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.2%
Asian 1.8% 1.6% 2.3% 1.6% 1.9% 2%
Black 1.3% 1.3% 2.8% 2.3% 1.9% 2%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
White 90.9% 91.9% 90.0% 89.9% 91.3% 91.9%
Two or More Races 5.8% 5.2% 5% 6.1% 4.8% 3.9%
K-8 Students with disabilities (IEPs or 504 plans) 9.7% 8.6% 6.7% 6.2% 6.1%

*By 10/30/2021, this percentage had fallen to 12.9%.  In part, because all lunches are free, families stopped completing the income based applications.  The 30 day grace period into the following school year also ended for many families between Oct 1 and Oct 15.  Without new applications, the lunch status for many families returned to “full paying,” even though they are continuing to get free lunches.  Free/reduced lunch counts impact other funding such as Title I funds for reading interventionist support and reduced costs for internet access (e-rate funding).

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.

COVID Data and Comments

Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Oct 22, 2021

  • Student absences were rather low this week, and most of them were for things other than illnesses or quarantining.
  • This was actually the first week this school year that had a couple of days at JFK with no COVID related absences, which includes students who have tested positive, students who have COVID symptoms and are awaiting test results, and students who are quarantining as close contacts.
  • Much of the week’s meeting with the health department focused on immunization for children ages 5-11.
    • The reviewing committee at the federal level voted 17 to 0 with one abstention that the totality of scientific evidence available indicated that the benefit to immunizing children outweighed the risks.
    • To date, about 4% of COVID cases in the U.S. have been in the 5-11 year old age range.  Additional data looking at who has developed antibodies (which would indicate who has already had COVID) suggests that cases in 5-11 year olds are under reported by a factor of about six whereas cases among older cohorts are under reported only by a factor of about two.  The difference in identifying is likely due to the difference in asymptomatic infection.  When using this information to make other mathematical inferences, one can arrive at a figure of about 1 in 10 reported and not reported cases of COVID in the U.S. may be in the 5-11 age group.
    • It’s probably time to think about what you want to do regarding your children in this age range.
  • I received my booster this weekend as educational staff are considered to work in a high risk setting and are eligible for boosters.  I scheduled an appointment at Walgreens online, and it took about 20 minutes at the store.  About five minutes was needed for waiting to receive the shot and the shot itself, and the remaining time was the 15 minutes after the shot to make sure there is no significant reaction.  Unfortunately, I used that 15 minutes to shop!  My free COVID shot ended up costing me $42 in other things I purchased while at Walgreens!


Principal’s Post for October 24, 2021

Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Oct 11:  Butter Braid Bread sales begin
    • Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  All come with a frosting packet.  These are sold individually for $15/package.  Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $16/package.  The bread is frozen and must be allowed to rise 8-12 hours before baking.  To order, contact a band/choir student or the school office.  (Nearly every 5th-8th grader seems to be in band or choir.)  The bread will be delivered on November 19th, in time for Thanksgiving.
  • Oct 18:  JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive begins
  • Oct 25:  Full day in-service.  No classes.  ECLC open.  Red Ribbon Week begins.
  • Oct 29:  Black/orange dress out of uniform day
  • Nov 1:  All school Mass with “parade of saints”
  • Nov 1, 2, or 3:  Homeroom Fancy Dress Day.  For at least three cans or other non-perishable food items, students can participate in their homeroom’s fancy dress day on November 1, 2, or 3. (Actual date determined by homeroom and homeroom teacher.)
  • Nov 2:  Evening parent/teacher conferences.  (See also Nov 4.)  PS-5 conferences are scheduled.  If you have not selected your own time through the SignUp Genius link, a time will be assigned to you.  6-8 conferences are all drop in.
  • Nov 3:  JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive ends
  • Nov 4:  Parent/teacher conferences.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 5:  No classes. ECLC open
  • Nov 11:  No buses.  (JFK has school, but the DCSD does not.)

Morning Drop Off

Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:10 a.m.  Most staff members are not required themselves to be at school prior to 7:10, and the supervision we have available should be reserved for those students who may have to arrive on a school bus prior to 7:10.

Hourly Paid School Positions

JFK has multiple aide positions available for the remainder of the school year.  These positions have flexible duties working with 3-14 year olds in classrooms, at recesses, and during lunches.  Helping with food preparation and cleaning may be included.  “Full time” and part time positions may be available.  Candidates must be available between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  Aftercare is free for employees working.  Tuition, childcare, and other fee reductions are included, and the rate of pay is typically between $11 and $13 per hour.  Letter, resume, references can be sent to me at or an application can be completed at school.

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.

Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • Oct 24:  What is hope and why do you need it?
  • Nov 7:  Jesus came for all of us
  • Nov 21:  What’s my motivation to go to Mass?
  • Dec 12:  Finding your place in the Advent story
  • Feb 13:  Anawim (Hebrew word meaning “poor one”)  Poverty and the dignity of work
  • March 6:  “I thirst” Lent
  • March 20:  “I hunger” Eucharist
  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.  We did make two changes this week:

  • We pointed out that we do have special “singing masks” for students who would like them for 7th/8th grade choir and special face masks that can be worn while playing band instruments.  As with other face coverings, these face masks are optional.

COVID Data and Comments

Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Oct 22, 2021

  • The week of October 11th seemed tough on us for COVID related absences.  This past week, however, there were no new COVID cases.  All of the COVID related absences this past week, which include students who have tested positive, students who have COVID symptoms and are awaiting test results, and students who are quarantining as close contacts, were leftovers from the prior week’s COVID cases.
  • Our absence rate was still rather high this past week, ranging from 6.4% to 10.1%.  Over 40% of our absences, however, are due to reasons other than illnesses that are in categories reportable to the health department, COVID, or quarantining.  Ideally, absences would be less than 5%.


Principal’s Post for October 17, 2021

Firefighters Visit K-2

Students in grades K-2 had a visit from the fire department on Friday.

Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Oct 11:  Butter Braid Bread sales begin
    • Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  All come with a frosting packet.  These are sold individually for $15/package.  Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $16/package.  The bread is frozen and must be allowed to rise 8-12 hours before baking.  To order, contact a band/choir student or the school office.  (Nearly every 5th-8th grader seems to be in band or choir.)  The bread will be delivered on November 19th, in time for Thanksgiving.
  • Oct 18:  JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive begins
  • Oct 22:  End of 1st Qtr.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon preschool classes
  • Oct 23:  Trunk or Treat, 5:30-7:00.  H & S’ outdoor movie night, 7:15  (food available for purchase from 6-7)
  • Oct 25:  Full day in-service.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Oct 29:  Black/orange dress out of uniform day
  • Nov 1:  All school Mass with “parade of saints”
  • Nov 2:  Evening parent/teacher conferences.  Look for an email the week of October 18th to schedule PS-5 conferences.  6-8 conferences are all drop in.
  • Nov 4:  Parent/teacher conferences.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 5:  No classes. ECLC open

Morning Drop Off

Students should not be dropped off prior to 7:10 a.m.  Most staff members are not required themselves to be at school prior to 7:10, and the supervision we have available should be reserved for those students who may have to arrive on a school bus prior to 7:10.

Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities

The free flu shots for K-8 students will be administered on Monday for those who completed the online registration process.  These shots are only for K-8 students, and any preschoolers who were registered will not receive shots at school.

Did you get your flu shot yet?  I’ve been getting seasonal flu shots for over 20 years now.  Walgreens was a little crowded on Friday evening so I went on Saturday morning and received my shot for this year.  In and out in under 15 minutes!

Hourly Paid School Positions

JFK has multiple aide positions available for the remainder of the school year.  These positions have flexible duties working with 3-14 year olds in classrooms, at recesses, and during lunches.  Helping with food preparation and cleaning may be included.  “Full time” and part time positions may be available.  Candidates must be available between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.  Aftercare is free for employees working.  Tuition, childcare, and other fee reductions are included, and the rate of pay is typically between $11 and $13 per hour.  Letter, resume, references can be sent to me at or an application can be completed at school.

Projects for October 25

We have at least two special projects planned for October 25th, when there are no classes:

  1. Window are conditioning units will be removed, and glass panes will inserted into the openings.
  2. Final work for transitioning to the new wireless network should be completed.

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.

Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • Oct 24:  What is hope and why do you need it?
  • Nov 7:  Jesus came for all of us
  • Nov 21:  What’s my motivation to go to Mass?
  • Dec 12:  Finding your place in the Advent story
  • Feb 13:  Anawim (Hebrew word meaning “poor one”)  Poverty and the dignity of work
  • March 6:  “I thirst” Lent
  • March 20:  “I hunger” Eucharist
  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.  We did make several changes this week, including the following:

  • Teachers, not students, distribute snacks/treats, which is what should be happening already, but we wanted to more explicitly state it as we approach Halloween.
  • We pulled information from our general parent/student handbook into the COVID FAQ where it talks about when a student should stay home from school.
  • We corrected an error about bell/instrument covers.  We do not have bell/instrument covers in band.  A replicated study has indicated that any particles blown into an instrument essentially stay within the instrument.
  • Beginning Monday, we will more broadly notify families of students  when there is a positive COVID case to include everyone within the same homeroom.  We have been notifying close contacts identified through seating charts, video of lunchroom seating, work pods, etc.  We are missing the students who are hugging one another on the playground, trying to walk arm in arm down the hallway, and may be just in each others’ faces when not seated at their desks and not being reminded by an adult to maintain some distance.  We, therefore, will send the letter to everyone within the same homeroom.  There will be some other limited contact tracing as outlined in our COVID FAQ.

COVID Data and Comments

Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Oct 15, 2021

  • COVID rates in Scott County seem to be declining since recent highs in mid-September.
  • COVID related absences at JFK, however, peaked on Friday.  These absences include students who have tested positive, students who have COVID symptoms and are awaiting test results, and students who are quarantining as close contacts.  A few “larger” families can have a significant impact on the data!
  • Families have been experiencing frustration with testing results for the last 1-2 weeks.  In many cases, families are getting both rapid and lab analyzed PCR tests at the same time.  The rapid COVID tests are coming back negative, but PCR test results received several days later are coming back positive.  This frustration is affecting both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.
  • Student absences on Friday were particularly high, 12%.  That  figure, however, also included a peak high of students (almost 6%) who were out of school for reasons other than illnesses, COVID, or quarantining or for unknown reasons.


Principal’s Post for October 10, 2021

Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Oct 11:  Butter Braid Bread sales begin
    • Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  All come with a frosting packet.  These are sold individually for $15/package.  Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $16/package.  The bread is frozen and must be allowed to rise 8-12 hours before baking.  To order, contact a band/choir student or the school office.  (Nearly every 5th-8th grader seems to be in band or choir.)  The bread will be delivered on November 19th, in time for Thanksgiving.
  • Oct 15:  Fire Dept visits K-2
  • Oct 18:  Flu shots available at JFK
  • Oct 22:  End of 1st Qtr.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon preschool classes
  • Oct 25:  Full day in-service.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Oct 29:  Black/orange dress day
  • Nov 1:  All school Mass with “parade of saints”
  • Nov 2:  Evening parent/teacher conferences
  • Nov 4:  Parent/teacher conferences.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 5:  No classes. ECLC open

Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities

As in the past, JFK will be a school site for the Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities Program.  Free flu shots will be available to students in grades K-8.  The consent “form” is only available online and must be completed at least two days prior to the clinic, which is at JFK on October 18th during the school day.  The consent forms will be printed by Genesis staff.  Students who have permission to receive the shots will be taken to the parish center, where the shots will be administered.  Students are then taken back to class.  It’s a smooth process!  The link to the consent form can be found below:

Flu Shot Consent Form

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.

All are welcome, invite a friend or two or three…. Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.  Those not participating in the family component will remain in their small groups to finish the evening.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • Oct 24:  What is hope and why do you need it?
  • Nov 7:  Jesus came for all of us
  • Nov 21:  What’s my motivation to go to Mass?
  • Dec 12:  Finding your place in the Advent story
  • Feb 13:  Anawim (Hebrew word meaning “poor one”)  Poverty and the dignity of work
  • March 6:  “I thirst” Lent
  • March 20:  “I hunger” Eucharist
  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?


COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.

COVID Data and Comments

Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Oct 1, 2021

  • It feels as if JFK’s numbers are deceiving or at least a mixed bag.  Our 7 day moving average student attendance rate has been about 94%-96% for about three weeks.  In normal years, we’d probably have an attendance rate of about 95%-97% so it’s not really that much different.  Our total student COVID number for this school year (19), however, has now surpassed all of last year (17).  What really seems to be different between this year and last year are the quarantining numbers.  Without required quarantining of close contacts, the number of absences due to close contacts seems much lower.  (I’d have to run the data to verify this perception.)  On the other hand, we don’t yet have evidence of outbreaks among students in a homeroom when someone does test positive.  We have had at least one case in about 67% of all our homerooms.
  • One of the bigger challenges we seem to have been facing for about a week now is how to cover all of our staff absences.  The seven day moving average staff absence rate is about 8% or about four teachers and support staff members per day.  Most of the staff absences are not due to staff illnesses; they are due to the illnesses of their own children, illnesses of their childcare providers, appointments (medical and other) that need to occur during business hours, etc.


Principal’s Post for October 3, 2021

K-8 Enrollment Increases

October 1st was the official enrollment count date in Iowa.  JFK’s K-8 enrollment increased by 4.3% (12 students) from a year ago.  Preschool broke even with four/five year old enrollment down by four students, and three year old preschool was up by four students.  ECLC was down by two students.

Highlighted Events

Both a summary and detailed school calendars for JFK are available on our website.  Highlighted events are below:

  • Oct 7:  Parish Feast Day.  We will have an “all school” Mass with some of the students in the church and others live-streaming.
  • Oct 18:  Flu shots available at JFK
  • Oct 22:  End of 1st Qtr.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  No afternoon preschool classes
  • Oct 25:  Full day in-service.  No classes.  ECLC open.
  • Nov 1:  All school Mass with “parade of saints”

Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities

As in the past, JFK will be a school site for the Genesis Flu Free Quad Cities Program.  Free flu shots will be available to students in grades K-8.  The consent “form” is only available online and must be completed at least two days prior to the clinic, which is at JFK on October 18th during the school day.  The consent forms will be printed by Genesis staff.  Students who have permission to receive the shots will be taken to the parish center, where the shots will be administered.  Students are then taken back to class.  It’s a smooth process!  The link to the consent form can be found below:

Flu Shot Consent Form

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.

All are welcome, invite a friend or two or three…. Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.  Those not participating in the family component will remain in their small groups to finish the evening.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • Oct 10:  Why does God let bad things happen?
  • Oct 24:  What is hope and why do you need it?
  • Nov 7:  Jesus came for all of us
  • Nov 21:  What’s my motivation to go to Mass?
  • Dec 12:  Finding your place in the Advent story
  • Feb 13:  Anawim (Hebrew word meaning “poor one”)  Poverty and the dignity of work
  • March 6:  “I thirst” Lent
  • March 20:  “I hunger” Eucharist
  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?

Student Council Officers for 2021-22

President:  Brooklyn M (8)

Vice President:  Olivia F (8)

Secretary:  Dominic N (7)

Treasurer:  Charlie A (7)

COVID Guidance for 2021-22

Click on the JFK COVID FAQ, 2021-22 to have your questions answered.  Please note that the information is, however, subject to change.  The latest changes are highlighted in yellow.

The temporary injunction prohibiting the enforcement of the state’s ban on schools from enacting face mask mandates was extended.  The DCSD, which was named in a lawsuit for not having a mask mandate, is continuing theirs.  Other local public school districts took no action regarding face masks.  The Diocese of Davenport is continuing to consider possible courses of action, and the OLV/JFK board meets on the first Tuesday of each month.  COVID is a topic at all of our board meetings.

COVID Data and Comments

Below is a link to a .pdf file that shows several graphs for Scott County and JFK.  Below are also some comments related to the pandemic.

COVID Data, Oct 1, 2021

  • For those watching JFK’s numbers carefully, you may see a couple of minor changes in the data going back to September 13th.  We made a correction to the total student population figure that resulted in a couple of absence figures changing by a tenth or two.
  • This week’s data also includes a table provided by the health department with multiple counties/areas in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin.  The locations were chosen due to them being nearby areas with major blood centers.
