Principal’s Post for April 24, 2022

ISASP Testing Begins Week of April 25

The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for students in grades 3-8 begins on April 25th.  Students will want to have a good breakfast and plenty of rest before testing.  They will also need to have their CHARGED Chromebooks every day.  Chromebooks should be charged at home each evening.  There are few things worse than working on something on your computer, and it shuts down because of a low battery!

Discounted Registration Fees end April 30th

The last date for the discounted registration fee is now April 30th.  The return of the tuition contract and the registration fee, discounted for OLV parishioners and returning families from $150 to $100 per student when returned before May, is the formal enrollment process for 2022-23.  Please contact the school office or Fr. Jake right away if you did not receive your contract.  If you need a new one, please contact

Scott County Mass at AHS for Grades 2-12

The Mass for students in grades 2-12 in Scott County Catholic schools is on Wednesday.  Please send in your child’s permission slip.

Volunteers Needed

There are a few events coming up for which volunteers are needed:

  • Stage Set Up for Crusader Theater:  May 1st, 10-2 (or earlier) in the parish center
    • Contact for more information
  • Plant Sale:
    • Wednesday:  help unload the truck when it arrives sometime between 8-12
      • It really doesn’t take four hours to unload the truck, but we just don’t know exactly when it will arrive
    • Thursday:  3-4:30 (4 people are needed)
    • Friday:  3-4:30  (3 people are needed)
    • Saturday: 4:30 until clean up is finished (at least 2 people are needed)
    • Email Home & School at or to sign up
  • Web designer/engineer assistance:  Home & School is looking for someone who has some technology background and can help answer questions about and help navigate an online money raising platform.  If you think you might be able to help, email 
  • Home & School:  Home & School will have a general meeting on May 17th at 6:00 p.m. in the parish center.  There’s a great committee now, and more are always welcome.  Officers will also be selected.  (And, no, if you attend you will not automatically become an officer!)

Teacher Appreciation Week Is Fast Approaching 

Have your children help Home & School with the theme of the week by having each of your children complete the quick Google form: I Appreciate my Teacher… ( .

Free Water Bottles End on Friday

The last day that we will have free water bottles available for students is Friday.  The water fountains will be restored to working order sometime during this week.  Students are, as always, encouraged to bring their own water bottles to school.  We have three water bottle filling stations located in the school that are used quite regularly.

Pre-school and Daycare Registration

Registration for all sections of 3 year old preschool, 4/5 year old preschool, and ECLC is underway for all families.  There are a few morning and afternoon spots still left.

See the  K, pre-school, daycare roundup flyer, 2022

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on the school calendar on our website.  It’s filling up with so many activities in April and May, it makes one’s head spin!

  • April 25-29:  Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for grades 3-8
  • April 27:  SCCS Mass at AHS for grades 2-12.  AHS Info Knight.
  • April 28-30:  Plant Sale Pick Up
  • April 29:  Cookies and Dreams pop up sale during plant pick up.  Credit card sales only.
  • April 28:  First Communion practice
  • April 29:  Confirmation practice
  • April 30:  Confirmation
  • May 1:  First Communion
  • May 2:  Last date for pre-ordering Moe’s Cinco de Mayo Taco kits
  • May 5:  Pick up of taco kits (2:40-5:00 in the PC)
  • May 10:  Free entry to skate night at the Eldridge skate park (skate rental still required)
  • May 27:  Day of Awesomeness
  • June 2:  Field Day
  • June 3:  JFK Night at the River Bandits

Leaps & Bounds

JFK’s free summer Leaps & Bounds program still has some spots available in each of the three sessions:  June 13-24, July 18-29, and August 1-12.  Registration is first-come, first-served.  To register, please contact Mrs. Temming at

3D Printing in 8th Grade

Beginning in May, our 8th grade students will be learning how to program our 3D printers to make board game pieces.  JFK has two 3D printers used in 8th grade science classes.

Synod Listening Sessions

In a video the Vatican distributed regarding the world-wide synodal listening sessions, the Diocese of Davenport was used as one of four exemplars of the process.  OLV had about ten listening sessions, and JFK’s 8th graders had one of their own.  Thanks to all who are participating in the process!


Principal’s Post for April 18, 2022

School Calendar for 2022-23

The general school calendar was approved by our board for the 2022-23 school year:

JFK 2022-2023 Academic Calendar

Details will be entered on our website calendar as they develop.

Discounted Registration Fees end April 30th

The last date for the discounted registration fee is now April 30th.  The return of the tuition contract and the registration fee, discounted for OLV parishioners and returning families from $150 to $100 per student when returned before May, is the formal enrollment process for 2022-23.  Please contact the school office or Fr. Jake right away if you did not receive your contract.  If you need a new one, please contact

Pre-school and Daycare Registration

Registration for all sections of 3 year old preschool, 4/5 year old preschool, and ECLC is underway for all families.  There are a few morning and afternoon spots still left.

See the  K, pre-school, daycare roundup flyer, 2022

ISASP Testing Begins Week of April 25

The Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for students in grades 3-8 begins on April 25th.  Students will want to have a good breakfast and plenty of rest before testing.  They will also need to have their CHARGED Chromebooks every day.  Chromebooks should be charged at home each evening.  There are few things worse than working on something on your computer, and it shuts down because of a low battery!

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on the school calendar on our website.  It’s filling up with so many activities in April and May, it makes one’s head spin!

  • April 21:  Hearing Screening.  Parent University w/Anne McNelis via Zoom.
  • April 22:  Comfy Day
  • April 25-29:  Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for grades 3-8
  • April 27:  SCCS Mass at AHS for grades 2-12.  AHS Info Knight.
  • April 28-30:  Plant Sale Pick Up
  • April 28:  First Communion practice
  • April 29:  Confirmation practice
  • April 30:  Confirmation
  • May 1:  First Communion

Leaps & Bounds

JFK’s free summer Leaps & Bounds program still has some spots available in each of the three sessions:  June 13-24, July 18-29, and August 1-12.  Registration is first-come, first-served.  To register, please contact Mrs. Temming at

Absence and COVID Information

It’s been about a month since I shared our attendance information.  Below is a link to this information, particularly as it relates to COVID.

COVID Data, April 18, 2022

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.  Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • April 24: What does God want me to do?


Principal’s Post for April 10, 2022

School Calendar for 2022-23

The general school calendar was approved by our board on Saturday for the 2022-23 school year:

JFK 2022-2023 Academic Calendar

Details will be entered on our website calendar as they develop.

Formal Registration for K-8 Has Begun

Tuition contracts for K-8 were mailed to families three weeks ago.  The return of the tuition contract and the registration fee, discounted for OLV parishioners and returning families from $150 to $100 per student when returned before April, is the formal enrollment process for 2022-23.  Please contact the school office or Fr. Jake right away if you did not receive your contract.

Pre-school and Daycare Registration

Registration for all sections of 3 year old preschool, 4/5 year old preschool, and ECLC is underway for all families.  Morning classes fill up quickly, in particular, so do not delay PS registration.

See the  K, pre-school, daycare roundup flyer, 2022

Crusader Theater for 6th-8th Graders

We had 33 6th-8th graders try out for this year’s Crusader Theater production of Encyclopedia Brown, and all 33 were cast into a part!   Encyclopedia Brown is a series of books staring young detective “Encyclopedia” Brown who solves all sorts of mysteries for his friends, the neighbors, and even the police.  Spanning publication dates of nearly 50 years, the series has led to a comic strip, a TV series, and other related items.  I used to love reading Encyclopedia Brown books myself!  Performances are scheduled for May 13 at 6:30 p.m. and May 14 at 3:00 p.m.

Cast members will be meeting at recess on Monday to receive their scripts and rehearsal schedules.  Questions should be addressed to Mrs. Potter at

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on the school calendar on our website.  It’s filling up with so many activities in April and May, it makes one’s head spin!

  • April 11:  SCCS 8th grade mixer
  • April 14:   Holy Thursday school activities, 1:20
  • April 15:  Good Friday.  No classes.  ECLC closed
  • April 17:  Easter Sunday
  • April 18:  Easter Monday.  No classes.  ECLC closed.  (The DCSD is in session.)
  • April 21:  Hearing Screening.  Parent University w/Anne McNelis via Zoom.
  • April 22:  Comfy Day
  • April 25-29:  Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for grades 3-8
  • April 27:  SCCS Mass at AHS for grades 2-12
  • April 28-30:  Plant Sale Pick Up

Leaps & Bounds

Registration for our free sessions of summer Leaps & Bounds has begun.  Please refer to the email from Kitty Temming.  Registration is first-come, first-served.  With two classes running simultaneously for the three sessions, we have 90 spots available, and 2/3 of the spots are already filled.

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.  Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • April 24: What does God want me to do?


Principal’s Post for April 3, 2022

Formal Registration for K-8 Has Begun

Tuition contracts for K-8 were mailed to families two weeks ago.  The return of the tuition contract and the registration fee, discounted for OLV parishioners and returning families from $150 to $100 per student when returned before April, is the formal enrollment process for 2022-23.  Please contact the school office or Fr. Jake right away if you did not receive your contract.

Pre-school and Daycare Registration

Registration for all sections of 3 year old preschool, 4/5 year old preschool, and ECLC is underway for all families.  Morning classes fill up quickly, in particular, so do not delay PS registration.

See the  K, pre-school, daycare roundup flyer, 2022

Crusader Theater Try-outs for 6th-8th Graders

This year’s Crusader Theater production is Encyclopedia Brown.  Encyclopedia Brown is a series of books staring young detective “Encyclopedia” Brown who solves all sorts of mysteries for his friends, the neighbors, and even the police.  Spanning publication dates of nearly 50 years, the series has led to a comic strip, a TV series, and other related items.  Crusader Theater is open to all 6th-8th graders.  Performances are scheduled for May 13 at 6:30 p.m. and May 14 at 3:00 p.m.

Tuesday: 3:15-5:00
Wednesday: 3:15-5:00, as needed
Thursday: 3:15-5:30, as needed (Not all students will need a callback)

Upcoming Events

Keep an eye on the school calendar on our website.  It’s filling up with so many activities in April and May, it makes one’s head spin!  We should have a year-at-a-glance 2022-23 school calendar passed by our board on Tuesday.  Look for it on our website soon thereafter.

  • April 5:  Crusader Theater Try-outs for 6th-8th
  • April 6:  Crusader Theater Try-outs for 6th-8th, as needed
  • April 7:  Crusader Theater Callbacks, as needed.  5/6 Spring Show, 6:30
  • April 11:  SCCS 8th grade mixer
  • April 14:   Holy Thursday school activities, 1:20
  • April 15:  Good Friday.  No classes.  ECLC closed
  • April 17:  Easter Sunday
  • April 18:  Easter Monday.  No classes.  ECLC closed
  • April 21:  Hearing Screening.  Parent University w/Anne McNelis via Zoom.
  • April 25-29:  Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress for grades 3-8
  • April 27:  SCCS Mass at AHS for grades 2-12
  • April 28-30:  Plant Sale Pick Up

Leaps & Bounds

Registration for our free sessions of summer Leaps & Bounds has begun.  Please refer to the email from Kitty Temming.  Registration is first-come, first-served.  With two classes running simultaneously for the three sessions, we have 90 spots available, and 2/3 of the spots are already filled.

Ignite Sundays

See below for the list of IGNITE Sundays.  There is no cost or registration required to participate. Come to as many of the opportunities listed below as you are able on IGNITE Sundays.  Families are encouraged to participate together.  There are small group activities and family activities at each session.

Typical schedule for IGNITE Sundays:

  • 4:30-5:30pm Mass
  • 5:35-6:05pm Meal in the Parish Center
  • 6:10-7:15pm Group Gatherings

Ignite Sundays:

  • April 10:  Family: The foundation of society
  • April 24: What does God want me to do?
