I’m So Blessed!
We made it through the heat last week! I think our biggest weather related issues were condensation dripping off of some of the air conditioning pieces of equipment. If that’s the worst, I’ll count HVAC as among our blessings!
Give Thanks for Our Blessings at Mass
The beginning of a new school year and new schedules is the perfect time to renew and/or adjust your weekend Mass attendance schedule. OLV has four weekend Masses: 4:30 on Saturdays and 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., and 11:00 a.m. on Sundays. Each Mass has a slightly different “feel” as well, if that aspect is more important than the time of day. Be also on the lookout for Ignite Sundays with a special evening Mass and programming for the whole family.
PS-8 Immunization Records
Preschoolers, kindergartners and other students new to JFK need to provide evidence of immunizations prior to school beginning. There are also two boosters, TDaP and meningococcal conjugate vaccine, required for 7th graders prior to school beginning. We can accept faxed or emailed copies. Iowa law says that students cannot be enrolled without up-to-date immunization information provided to the school, and schools must exclude students without proper immunizations. There are minimal exceptions. Those interested in religious exemptions should note that because the Catholic Church does not object to immunizations, a religious exemption for Catholics should not be possible.
PS Through Age 12 Aftercare and Wraparound Care:
After school care and wrap around care are licensed by the Department of Human Services and provide supervised activities for students who have not yet turned thirteen. The preschool wrap around rate is included in your tuition bill for either full-time (20 hours or more) or part-time care (less than 20 hours). The rate for K through age 12 is $5 per hour per child, which is a decrease at JFK. The registration fee is $25 per student. A childcare registration form is required for each student. The blank aftercare registration form is available at the school or on our website Students cannot attend aftercare or wrap around care without the DHS program paper/pencil forms complete.
New Technology Systems for 2023-24 and “Bulk” Communications
Scott County Catholic Schools are still in the midst of transitions to new technology systems, including the following:
- PowerSchool, our main student information system
- Kinvo, the communications system connected to PowerSchool
- Blackbaud, the online tuition, bill paying, and accounting system
- EduTrak, the lunch program
Throw in the online pre-registration system and Odyssey, for processing ESAs, and it’s quite the handful. Getting all the systems to “talk” to one another and play nicely together is keeping many people quite busy. Some of the new systems were because of the merger to SCCS, but others were from the state departments of education and revenue and the Diocese of Davenport. Enduring so many changes this year, hopefully things will be a breeze by next year.
Please note that our communications systems are still not fully functional and “bulk” or mass messaging is challenging.
3rd-8th Parent Meetings
3rd – 8th grade homeroom teachers will conduct informational parent meetings beginning this week so you can find out more information about your child’s grade. These meetings are different than the “meet and greet” nature of the Unpack Your Backpack/Meet Your Teacher event. Meetings will be in the cafeteria unless your child’s teacher informs you otherwise.
- Mon Aug 28: 5:45 2nd; 6:30 3rd
- Tues, Aug 29: 5:45 6th; 6:30 7th
- Wed, Aug 30: 7:00 8th
- Thurs, Aug 31: 5:45 4th; 6:30 5th
Bus Issues Getting Better
We are starting to notice a lessening number of bus issues. It always takes a little time for the bus company to smooth things out at the beginning of the school year. We have 11 buses serving JFK at the end of each day. They come from All Saints, Trinity Lutheran, and Assumption before arriving at JFK. Employees of JFK can work as liaisons regarding bus issues, but we have no control over busing.
K-8 Home Language Survey
Kindergartners and other students new to JFK need to complete a Home Language Survey (HLS). Many kindergartners already submitted these in February. The HLS is available under the “Policies & Forms” heading of the “For Parents” section of our website, for anyone who needs it.
PS-8 Payment System for 2023-24
Parents need to complete several steps in the Blackbaud tuition management system, arrange for payments to be made, and, by now, begin making payments. Remember that tuition is billed at the gross amount, and then deductions like parishioner discounts, multi-child discounts, “private pay” discounts, etc. are shown. It is believed that the invoices are correct, and all of the discounts have been posted. As of two weekends ago, around 600 families with children attending SCCS had not completed the needed steps within Blackbaud. If you have questions, please contact Rose Strickland at the SCCS business office at AHS: rose.strickland@sccsiowa.org or 563-326-5313. No one at JFK has access to your account information in Blackbaud.
This same system is used for making lunch payments and paying for other optional services/programs like band and aftercare.
Finalizing Payments for 2022-23
Anyone still making payments on 2022-23 school bills, including delinquent tuition, fees, aftercare balances, lunch balances, fines, ECLC payments, etc., should send the payments to OLV/JFK. You don’t want to mix your payments to OLV/JFK with SCCS. Payments for 2023-24 will go through SCCS.
Multiple calendars are available on our website, www.olvjfk.com. On the school side of the website, a one page summary calendar is on the front page. Detailed calendars can also be reached by clicking on the calendars heading.
Calendar Highlights
Here are just a few items highlighted from the detailed online school calendar:
- Sept 4: Labor Day. No classes. ECLC closed
- Sept 7: JFK Skate Night
- Sept 11: In-service, no classes. ECLC is open. Jason Evert event.
Altar Server Training
Open Positions at JFK for 2023-24
JFK still has open positions for 2023-24:
Instructional aide/support position: We are looking for a “jack of all trades” person to help in preschool, supervise recesses, provide instructional support, and care for students in aftercare and/or wrap-around care. On some days, one might start as early as 7:10, and, on other days, one might work until 5:30. The total is about 39 hours per week, and the rate is $12 per hour. Summers are off, and most other breaks also follow the same schedule as your children! If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, and references, and/or stop by the school office for an application.
Instructional aide positions: Help teachers and provide instructional support for students in K-8. Multiple positions are available. If interested, please send me a cover letter, resume, and references, and/or stop by the school office for an application.
Substitutes: Substitutes are always needed for both long-term assignments (like maternity leaves) and short-term assignments (like when a teacher needs to stay home with his/her own sick child). You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute. A minimum of an associate’s degree may be enough to qualify. The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK. Workshops are being held almost every week throughout the state, and many of them are virtual so geography does not need to be a limiting factor. If you are interested in being a substitute, please contact me and/or the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency at 563-359-1371. We would also like to thank our current substitutes: Kayla Mason, Jen Kira, Amy Jackson, and Dianne Longenecker.
Handbook Sign-Off
Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website: https://www.olvjfk.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/JFK-K-8-Parent-Handbook-2023-24.pdf Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family. Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.
ALICE Training for Kids
As part of our regular safety procedures, most teachers have already briefly talked to students about ALICE, which is an acronym used to help people remember what to do in the event of a violent situation in a school. (We also use the Run-Hide-Fight phrasing.) The materials we’ve used/developed over the years and the approaches we take are targeted for specific grade strands as what one says and does with three year olds in preschool is entirely different than with 13 year olds. Our work with ALICE complements our other conversations and drills, such as those for fire or tornado/inclement weather.
JFK’s Facebook Pages
JFK has three Facebook pages: the main one for the school, one just for pre-school, and a closed Facebook group, JFK Moms & Dads, where people can post to others in the group. JFK’s Facebook page can be accessed from the front page of our website. If you’d like to be a member of the JFK Moms & Dads group, please let Angie Hillebrand, in the school office know via a Facebook request or even via email. Social media is not the best venue for voicing a concern, and posts that appear to do so will be removed while we try to reach out to address the concern through a better means. Social media, including our Facebook pages, are great ways to share your photos and connect with other JFK families. Photos from an event are often posted to these pages by families before we can even get photos taken by staff posted. Please remember, however, that not all parents are comfortable with photos of their children being on social media. Make sure you “like” us on both Facebook pages!