The Foundation Endowment reached $1,464,123 in 2023 enabling a $70,000 distribution in July 2024 to the parish and school!
The purpose of the foundation is to receive and invest funds so as to be a source of financial support to our parish and school. The Foundation was formed on Dec 11, 1989 as a corporation separate from the parish. The Our Lady of Victory Foundation is an approved tax exempt 501(c)(3) corporation.
Please view the latest report for the 2023 fiscal year here: OLV Foundation Annual Report 2024
Previous reports are also available: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
The Foundation distributes funds following the guidelines set forth in the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. The distributions began in 1998 when the initial threshold of total value reached $100,000 and have continued each year thereafter. Click for Value and Disbursement information.
Gifts, donations, and pledges are accepted at any time. Click Online Giving to give today. Giving is also welcome through regular donations using the blue trimmed envelope with our logo which is included in parishioner envelope packets (separate check to OLV Foundation, please). Another way to contribute is as a Memorial to a loved one or friend at the time of their death. Click for recent Memorial Gifts. Legacy or planned giving is a great way to contribute later if you are unable today – just include Our Lady of Victory Foundation in your estate planning to contribute a portion of your estate. Click for a message from former parishioners regarding Legacy Giving.
Some of the benefits of giving include:
- A joy of knowing that you are a good steward of God’s blessings and you are sharing those gifts with others.
- A means of expressing your belief in Catholic values and the mission of this parish.
- A sense of pride in helping promote and preserve parish services, programs, and facilities.
- Your gift continues as a perpetual memorial to you and your loved ones.
The Foundation has six funds to which gifts may be dedicated. Your gift may be made to any one or more of the following funds:
- General Parish Education Fund – Educational ministry for JFK school, faith formation, youth ministry, and adult formation
- JFK Catholic School Staff Fund
- JFK Catholic School Scholarship Fund – JFK scholarships or tuition assistance
- JFK Catholic School Facility Fund
- Our Lady of Victory Facility Fund
- OLV Unspecified Fund
The OLV Foundation Board is pleased to serve on your behalf. Feel free to contact us with questions or suggestions to build a stronger Foundation.
Officers: Mike Matthys, Roni Pianca, Kathy Peterson, and Joe Creen.
Members: Rev. Patrick Hilgendorf (ex-officio), Mike Lazio, Bernie Mack, Jodi Siebler, Dan Haverkamp, Denis Prior, Mike Strajack, and Jenny VanGenderen.