Principal’s Post for May 27, 2024

JFK GROWS Students of the Month for May

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Each month, we recognize one student at each grade level, alternating each month between the two homerooms, whose teachers have observed exhibiting these traits particularly well at school during the past month:

  • Kindergarten:  Paul M.
    • Paul is a hard worker and always tries his best! He is a helper in the classroom and a great friend to his classmates.
  • 1st Grade:  Harper L.
    • Harper has a positive attitude and kind words for everyone!  She comes each morning with a smile on her face and greets everyone she sees.  She works hard even when things get hard and is one of the first to volunteer if someone needs any kind of help.
  • 2nd Grade:  Harleigh D.
    • Harleigh is a bright light in the classroom. We can always count on Harleigh for anything any of us may need. She always gives her best in everything she does.
  • 3rd Grade:  Benny S.
    • Benny takes charge of his learning by asking thoughtful questions that help him understand the information that is presented. He has a high level of respect towards others that makes him an excellent friend.
  • 4th Grade: Makynlee F.
    • Makynlee is respectful and kind-hearted. She is always willing to help a teacher or classmate. If she has free time, she asks if she can help a neighbor. Makynlee is a model student, and she makes a difference in our classroom.
  • 5th Grade: Levi F.
    • Levi is very respectful. He is very polite, and he follows directions the first time given. You can count on Levi to be there for his friends and stand up for them.
  • 6th Grade: Laney G.
    • Laney is willing to help those around her. She is attentive in class and works hard.
  • 7th Grade: Isaac R.
    • Isaac works really hard in class and is not afraid to ask questions if he doesn’t understand something.
  • 8th Grade: Colin L.
    • Colin is willing to pick up the room before leaving for the day and will always say goodbye with a smile and a quick wave.


I’m So Blessed!

We have made it to the end of another school year! We are blessed to have so many people help us with field day. I can’t wait to see the final video we made to kick off this year’s field day!

Each year the Home and School Association recognizes JFK and Our Lady of Victory employees who have completed their five year increments of employment. This year we recognize the following staff members:

For 10 years of service:

  • Meredith Ash, as our lunch program director
  • Kayelyn Blake, who works as a reading interventionist
  • Angie Hillebrand, who works in the school office
  • Sasha Lundquist, in our middle school

For 15 years of service:

  • Alicia Andresen, in preschool and ECLC
  • Julie Baker, in our library and ECLC
  • Sara Tilkens, in physical education

For 35 years of service:

  • Shelly Furlong, in 4th grade

Educational Savings Accounts Applications Being Accepted

 The application process for the Educational Savings Account program opened on April 16th and will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 30th. Families must apply each year through the state’s vendor, Odyssey, even if you received an ESA this year or if you are not required to verify your income.

Eligible families in 2024-25 are the following:

  • Anyone who received an ESA this year (but you must apply again for next year)
    • If you received an ESA this year based upon income, you will not have to verify your income again, BUT you will need to apply
  • All kindergartners and first graders. We did some work in Odyssey this weekend, and, while the system’s organization is not yet sortable, I could tell that not all families of kindergartners or first graders have applied.
  • New transfer students
  • Families whose income is at or below 400% of poverty, which is about $124,800 for a family of four

The Students First ESA Application is available in English and Spanish. Apply Now

Returning applicants: Parents/guardians with an existing Odyssey portal account will log in to the existing account to begin the application for the 2024-25 school year.

Applying for the first time: Parents/guardians who do not have an Odyssey portal account will first be directed to sign up with an email and password. Parents/guardians will receive a message from Odyssey asking them to confirm their email address. After the email is confirmed, the parent/guardian can sign in to the Odyssey portal to begin their application.

In 2025-26, all families, regardless of income will be eligible for ESAs.

ESA verifications as of 5/27/2024:

  • 73% of kindergartners have had ESA applications verified
  • 70% of first graders have had ESA applications verified

All K and 1st graders are eligible for ESAs regardless of income.

Families who qualify but do not apply for ESAs will not receive the state funding and will be responsible for paying the entire tuition bill themselves.

Jumpstart Kindergarten

Registration for Jumpstart Kindergarten is still open. This optional program for incoming kindergartners is July 29 – Aug 1 from 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Relatively No Movement on Registration Fees

There has been relatively no movement on the number/percentage of families who have paid the registration fees for next year. Registration fees have been received for about 75% of next year’s K-8 students and 92% of the students registered for 3 YO preschool.

The 4 YO preschool extra time fee or registration fee for “non-qualifying” students has been received for about 68% of students. We will begin to make provisions for those students who will be leaving after the state-funded time of two hours per day (pick up at 9:25 or 1:40) rather than staying for the three hours per day that we offer (pick up at 10:25 or 2:40).

The link to pay the fees is available on the front page of our website. The link also allows new families the options for paying the extra time fee for 4 YO preschools and the wraparound registration/deposit fee. The K-8 registration fee button can also be used to pay for 3 YO preschool registration and 4 YO Non-qualifying preschool registration.

The registration fee, except for those Iowa residents applying for four year old preschool, is now $125 per child. The extra time fee for Iowa residents registering for 4 YO preschool is $250.

JFK Open Positions for 2024-25

At the present time, there are several open positions at JFK for the 2024-25 school year. This list could become longer and/or different as we internally move people around as well. If you are interested in a position at JFK, please contact me.

  • K-5 teaching position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. We haven’t decided what grade level we are looking for yet.
  • Interventionist position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. Interventionists typically work individually or in small groups with students who need extra help with reading and/or math.
  • 3 YO PS, ECLC/wrap-around, and Aftercare positions: One or more positions may be available working with 3-5 year olds and/or 5-12 year olds. Candidates must meet the certification, training, and/or experience requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services or be willing to obtain them.
  • Aide positions. With SCCS having approved 1st grade aides for all elementary buildings for next year and after moving current aides around internally, we will likely have open aide positions available for next school year. Typically, our aides work in 3 YO PS, 4 YO PS, K, and now 1st grade. However, they may also be involved in recess duties during the day. All aides must be able to work one or more evenings per week on a rotational basis until 5:30 in after school care for 3-5 year olds or 5-12 year olds.
  • Lunch program. Our lunch program will need one to two people to help probably about 3-5 hours per day. Lunch program employees have also often worked to help supervise recesses, to assist teachers in preschool classrooms, and/or to supervise after school care programs. However, combining various roles may not necessarily be a requirement.

No Parking on Drive by the Ball Field

There is to be no parking on both sides of the drive by the fall field. Both sides should be open for entering and exiting traffic.

Altar Server Training

Saturday, June 1, 9:30-11:30am in the church.

Children and other parishioners, 4th grade and up, who are interested in altar serving at Mass are invited to attend this training.

One parent/adult should attend with the student. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at  #563-391-4245.

Calendar Highlights

Here are just a few items highlighted from the detailed online school calendar:

  • May 28: 8th Grade Field Trip. 4th Grade Picnic. 4th grade re-scheduled bowling
  • May 29: Last Day of PS Classes. 3 YO PS Family Event in the morning. 4 YO PS Evening Family Events
  • May 30: Field Day. Last Day of K-8 Classes. Early Dismissal at 12:40. Bus transportation and aftercare available.
  • May 31: Last Day of ECLC. 8th Grade Graduation
  • June 1: Altar Server Training
  • June 14: New Night for JFK Night at the River Bandits (H & S will share options available for families)
  • Aug 23: First day of K-8 classes

Principal’s Post for May 19, 2024

I’m So Blessed!

GPS and maps on our cell phones came in handy this weekend. I was at a family wedding in rural Iowa, and we definitely did not know how to get around the area. At one point, we missed the turn onto a gravel road, and the GPS/map rerouted us to the next gravel road. I had my doubts, however, when that next gravel road ended, and all that was left looked like two ruts alongside a field. The GPS/map was right though when those ruts came to another paved road, and there was even a stop sign!

Educational Savings Accounts Applications Being Accepted

 The application process for the Educational Savings Account program opened on April 16th and will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 30th. Families must apply each year through the state’s vendor, Odyssey, even if you received an ESA this year or if you are not required to verify your income.

Eligible families in 2024-25 are the following:

  • Anyone who received an ESA this year (but you must apply again for next year)
    • If you received an ESA this year based upon income, you will not have to verify your income again, BUT you will need to apply
  • All kindergartners and first graders. We did some work in Odyssey this weekend, and, while the system’s organization is not yet sortable, I could tell that not all families of kindergartners or first graders have applied.
  • New transfer students
  • Families whose income is at or below 400% of poverty, which is about $124,800 for a family of four

The Students First ESA Application is available in English and Spanish. Apply Now

Returning applicants: Parents/guardians with an existing Odyssey portal account will log in to the existing account to begin the application for the 2024-25 school year.

Applying for the first time: Parents/guardians who do not have an Odyssey portal account will first be directed to sign up with an email and password. Parents/guardians will receive a message from Odyssey asking them to confirm their email address. After the email is confirmed, the parent/guardian can sign in to the Odyssey portal to begin their application.

In 2025-26, all families, regardless of income will be eligible for ESAs.

ESA verifications as of 5/12/2024:

  • 67% of kindergartners have had ESA applications verified
  • 70% of first graders have had ESA applications verified

All K and 1st graders are eligible for ESAs regardless of income.

Leaps & Bounds Registration Closes May 21

Registration for both sessions of Leaps & Bounds closes May 21. We currently have enough students registered that we can offer one of the two sessions, but need more students to make both of them financially viable. L & B focuses on reading and math for students currently in K-5th grade. Space is limited for each session, and a minimum number of students is also needed in order for each session to be viable. Currently, ESA funds are not able to be used for the $200 L & B fee. To register, please complete the registration forms and return to the school office with the registration fee. L & B Registration Forms

Session I: June 17-21 & June 24-28 (8:00-11:30)

Session II: July 15-19 & July 22-26 (8:00-11:30)

Jumpstart Kindergarten

Registration for Jumpstart Kindergarten opened last week. This optional program for incoming kindergartners is July 29 – Aug 1 from 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Relatively No Movement on Registration Fees

There has been relatively no movement on the number/percentage of families who have paid the registration fees for next year. Registration fees have been received for about 75% of next year’s K-8 students and 92% of the students registered for 3 YO preschool.

The 4 YO preschool extra time fee or registration fee for “non-qualifying” students has been received for about 68% of students. We will begin to make provisions for those students who will be leaving after the state-funded time of two hours per day (pick up at 9:25 or 1:40) rather than staying for the three hours per day that we offer (pick up at 10:25 or 2:40).

The link to pay the fees is available on the front page of our website. The link also allows new families the options for paying the extra time fee for 4 YO preschools and the wraparound registration/deposit fee. The K-8 registration fee button can also be used to pay for 3 YO preschool registration and 4 YO Non-qualifying preschool registration.

The registration fee, except for those Iowa residents applying for four year old preschool, is now $125 per child. The extra time fee for Iowa residents registering for 4 YO preschool is $250.

JFK Open Positions for 2024-25

At the present time, there are several open positions at JFK for the 2024-25 school year. This list could become longer and/or different as we internally move people around as well. If you are interested in a position at JFK, please contact me.

  • K-5 teaching position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. We haven’t decided what grade level we are looking for yet.
  • Interventionist position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. Interventionists typically work individually or in small groups with students who need extra help with reading and/or math.
  • 3 YO PS, ECLC/wrap-around, and Aftercare positions: One or more positions may be available working with 3-5 year olds and/or 5-12 year olds. Candidates must meet the certification, training, and/or experience requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services or be willing to obtain them.
  • Aide positions. With SCCS having approved 1st grade aides for all elementary buildings for next year and after moving current aides around internally, we will likely have open aide positions available for next school year. Typically, our aides work in 3 YO PS, 4 YO PS, K, and now 1st grade. However, they may also be involved in recess duties during the day. All aides must be able to work one or more evenings per week on a rotational basis until 5:30 in after school care for 3-5 year olds or 5-12 year olds.
  • Lunch program. Our lunch program will need one to two people to help probably about 3-5 hours per day. Lunch program employees have also often worked to help supervise recesses, to assist teachers in preschool classrooms, and/or to supervise after school care programs. However, combining various roles may not necessarily be a requirement.

Thanks For Their Service

We would like to thank the following staff members for their service at JFK and wish them well in the future as they move on from their roles at JFK: Jennifer Wemhoff, Brenda Fox, Angela Hand, Bridget Parr, and Carole Behr.

New Roles and New Staff

As of today, we have several new staff lined up for next school year, and new assignments for some others. We are still in the process of hiring and may be moving other staff members to new positions as well.

Laura Corcoran will be joining the staff in music. Mrs. Corcoran is looking forward to a more regular teaching schedule now that her children are so involved in their own activities as well.

Stefanie Carlson will be joining the staff in 5th grade or as an interventionist. Mrs. Carlson brings experience in special education and elementary teaching in 4th grade to JFK.

Caitlin Putnam will be switching to JFK’s building coordinator position. A member of JFK’s Building Leadership Team for almost ten years, Mrs. Putnam has been deeply involved in nearly every initiative at JFK.

Billie Inskeep will be moving into kindergarten. Mrs. Inskeep taught kindergarten for a number of years prior to joining JFK’s staff.


While volunteers are always welcome, those who work with children/students must participate in the diocesan safe environment program, which includes online training and background checks. These requirements apply to those who are not the leaders but are “helpers” as well. Coaches, including those for Parks & Rec’s teams using our building/property, scout participants, and many other volunteers must participate in the safe environment program. Adults going on field trips with students may also be subject to these requirements. For more information, please contact the school office.

No Parking on Drive by the Ball Field

There is to be no parking on both sides of the drive by the fall field. Both sides should be open for entering and exiting traffic.

Altar Server Training

Saturday, June 1, 9:30-11:30am in the church.

Children and other parishioners, 4th grade and up, who are interested in altar serving at Mass are invited to attend this training.

One parent/adult should attend with the student. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at  #563-391-4245.

Calendar Highlights

Here are just a few items highlighted from the detailed online school calendar:

  • May 20: Band to Adventureland
  • May 23: 3 YO PS Conferences. JFK Skate Night
  • May 24: 2nd Grade Picnic. 4th Grade Bowling
  • May 26: AHS Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation
  • May 27: Memorial Day. No Classes. ECLC Closed
  • May 28: 8th Grade Field Trip. 4th Grade Picnic
  • May 29: Last Day of PS Classes. 3 YO PS Family Event. 4 YO PS Evening Family Events
  • May 30: Field Day. Last Day of K-8 Classes. Early Dismissal at 12:40
  • May 31: Last Day of ECLC. 8th Grade Graduation. JFK Night at the River Bandits
  • June 1: Altar Server Training


Principal’s Post for May 12, 2024

I’m So Blessed!

In my administrative position, I’m blessed to have tools like Zoom, GoogleMeet, GoToMeeting, Webex, and other online meeting applications. I spent good portions of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last week in meetings with people outside the building, and none of us had to drive any where!

Educational Savings Accounts Applications Being Accepted

 The application process for the Educational Savings Account program opened on April 16th and will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 30th. Families must apply each year through the state’s vendor, Odyssey, even if you received an ESA this year or if you are not required to verify your income.

Eligible families in 2024-25 are the following:

  • Anyone who received an ESA this year (but you must apply again for next year)
    • If you received an ESA this year based upon income, you will not have to verify your income again, BUT you will need to apply
  • All kindergartners and first graders. We did some work in Odyssey this weekend, and, while the system’s organization is not yet sortable, I could tell that not all families of kindergartners or first graders have applied.
  • New transfer students
  • Families whose income is at or below 400% of poverty, which is about $124,800 for a family of four

The Students First ESA Application is available in English and Spanish. Apply Now

Returning applicants: Parents/guardians with an existing Odyssey portal account will log in to the existing account to begin the application for the 2024-25 school year.

Applying for the first time: Parents/guardians who do not have an Odyssey portal account will first be directed to sign up with an email and password. Parents/guardians will receive a message from Odyssey asking them to confirm their email address. After the email is confirmed, the parent/guardian can sign in to the Odyssey portal to begin their application.

In 2025-26, all families, regardless of income will be eligible for ESAs.

ESA verifications as of 5/12/2024:

  • 67% of kindergartners have had ESA applications verified
  • 70% of first graders have had ESA applications verified

All K and 1st graders are eligible for ESAs regardless of income.

Leaps & Bounds Registration Still Open

Registration for both sessions of Leaps & Bounds is still open. L & B focuses on reading and math for students currently in K-5th grade. Space is limited for each session, and a minimum number of students is also needed in order for each session to be viable. Currently, ESA funds are not able to be used for the $200 L & B fee. To register, please complete the registration forms and return to the school office with the registration fee. L & B Registration Forms

Session I: June 17-21 & June 24-28 (8:00-11:30)

Session II: July 15-19 & July 22-26 (8:00-11:30)

Jumpstart Kindergarten

Registration for Jumpstart Kindergarten will open this week. This program for incoming kindergartners is July 29 – Aug 1 from 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Relatively No Movement on Registration Fees

There has been relatively no movement on the number/percentage of families who have paid the registration fees for next year. Registration fees have been received for about 75% of next year’s K-8 students and 92% of the students registered for 3 YO preschool.

The 4 YO preschool extra time fee or registration fee for “non-qualifying” students has been received for about 68% of students. We will begin to make provisions for those students who will be leaving after the state-funded time of two hours per day (pick up at 9:25 or 1:40) rather than staying for the three hours per day that we offer (pick up at 10:25 or 2:40).

The link to pay the fees is available on the front page of our website. The link also allows new families the options for paying the extra time fee for 4 YO preschools and the wraparound registration/deposit fee. The K-8 registration fee button can also be used to pay for 3 YO preschool registration and 4 YO Non-qualifying preschool registration.

The registration fee, except for those Iowa residents applying for four year old preschool, is now $125 per child. The extra time fee for Iowa residents registering for 4 YO preschool is $250.

JFK Open Positions for 2024-25

At the present time, there are several open positions at JFK for the 2024-25 school year. This list could become longer and/or different as we internally move people around as well. If you are interested in a position at JFK, please contact me.

  • K-5 teaching position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. We haven’t decided what grade level we are looking for yet.
  • Interventionist position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. Interventionists typically work individually or in small groups with students who need extra help with reading and/or math.
  • 3 YO PS, ECLC/wrap-around, and Aftercare positions: One or more positions may be available working with 3-5 year olds and/or 5-12 year olds. Candidates must meet the certification, training, and/or experience requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services or be willing to obtain them.
  • Aide positions. With SCCS having approved 1st grade aides for all elementary buildings for next year and after moving current aides around internally, we will likely have open aide positions available for next school year. Typically, our aides work in 3 YO PS, 4 YO PS, K, and now 1st grade. However, they may also be involved in recess duties during the day. All aides must be able to work one or more evenings per week on a rotational basis until 5:30 in after school care for 3-5 year olds or 5-12 year olds.
  • Lunch program. Our lunch program will need one to two people to help probably about 3-5 hours per day. Lunch program employees have also often worked to help supervise recesses, to assist teachers in preschool classrooms, and/or to supervise after school care programs. However, combining various roles may not necessarily be a requirement.


While volunteers are always welcome, those who work with children/students must participate in the diocesan safe environment program, which includes online training and background checks. These requirements apply to those who are not the leaders but are “helpers” as well. Coaches, including those for Parks & Rec’s teams using our building/property, scout participants, and many other volunteers must participate in the safe environment program. Adults going on field trips with students may also be subject to these requirements. For more information, please contact the school office.

No Parking on Drive by the Ball Field

There is to be no parking on both sides of the drive by the fall field. Both sides should be open for entering and exiting traffic.

Altar Server Training

Saturday, June 1, 9:30-11:30am in the church.

Children and other parishioners, 4th grade and up, who are interested in altar serving at Mass are invited to attend this training.

One parent/adult should attend with the student. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at  #563-391-4245.

Calendar Highlights

Here are just a few items highlighted from the detailed online school calendar:

  • May 13: 3rd Grade Field Trip. Middle School Youth Night
  • May 14: H & S Mtg. 5th/6th and 7/8 Choir Out of Uniform
  • May 16: Band Concert
    • Stay tuned to communication from Ms. Schaecher. Using AHS for the evening may be problematic now.
  • May 17: AHS seniors visit. Band Out of Uniform
  • May 18: 8th Grade Social Knight for Those Going to AHS
  • May 20: Band to Adventureland
  • May 23: 3 YO PS Conferences. JFK Skate Night
  • May 24: 2nd Grade Picnic. 4th Grade Bowling
  • May 26: AHS Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation
  • May 27: Memorial Day. No Classes. ECLC Closed
  • May 28: 8th Grade Field Trip. 4th Grade Picnic
  • May 29: Last Day of PS Classes. 3 YO PS Family Event. 4 YO PS Evening Family Events
  • May 30: Field Day. Last Day of K-8 Classes. Early Dismissal at 12:40
  • May 31: Last Day of ECLC. 8th Grade Graduation. JFK Night at the River Bandits


Principal’s Post for May 5, 2024

JFK GROWS Students of the Month for April

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Each month, we recognize one student at each grade level, alternating each month between the two homerooms, whose teachers have observed exhibiting these traits particularly well at school during the past month:

  • Kindergarten:  Clayton C.
    • Clayton is an eager learner and always ready to get started with the next thing in the classroom.  He listens and pays attention to things happening in the classroom and is always there to help out when needed.  Clayton is respectful, helpful, and kind to his classmates.
  • 1st Grade:  Rey H.
    • Rey comes to school every day with a smile on her face and ready to work. She goes out of her way to make sure students feel included at recess and in the classroom.
  • 2nd Grade: Sofia B.
    • Sofia is a shining light in our classroom. She always has a smile on her face and gives her best for everything that she does. She is kind, caring, and compassionate. Sofia is a wonderful part of our classroom family.
  • 3rd Grade: Connor S.
    • Connor is a kind and compassionate student who ensures that others around him are included and able to participate.
  • 4th Grade: Peyton P.
    • Peyton is a great example of the JFK difference. She is accepting of all, caring, willing to help, and responsible.  Peyton never gives up and always does her best.
  • 5th Grade: Mason F.
    • Mason can always be counted on to pay attention in class and follow the JFK Difference.  He is friendly and kind to others, and he treats his teachers with respect.
  • 6th Grade: Connor S.
    • Connor is a hard worker and is kind to all.  He helps out when needed and never shies away from sharing.
  • 7th Grade: Dylan C.
    • Dylan is a willing participant in class discussions and is not afraid to ask questions if he doesn’t understand something or wants to know more. He is a joy to have in class.
  • 8th Grade: Leia P.
    • Leia is always putting in her best effort in her school subjects. She is kind and nice to everyone and is always willing to help other students who may not understand the concepts. She is a joy to have in class.

I’m So Blessed!

We are blessed to have substitute teachers. They don’t get nearly enough credit for stepping into classes at a moment’s notice. Please join me in thanking our current substitutes: Tom Day, Amy Jackson, Jen Kira, Diana Longenecker, and Kayla Mason. We are also blessed that other staff members can also fill in when there’s a pinch: Kayelyn Blake, Laura Burke, Casey Smith, Jen Wemhoff, and Emma Wolf. Even our aides move around at a moment’s notice, and we are blessed with them: Alicia Andresen, Julie Baker, Cris Bowden, Bea Creech, Miranda Labora, Kari Lystiuk, Gaby Moya, Casey Smith, and Melissa VanDam. Our lunch staff covers amazingly well for one another, and several of them also work as aides: Meredith Ash, Nathalie Flores, Bety Herrera, and Miranda Labora.  Our office staff and custodians adjust their schedules and work extra long hours to help each other out: Angie Hillebrand and Shay Lagrone in the office and Dave Kisner and Scott Sweeney in maintenance/custodial areas. I don’t know where we’d be without Dianne Siefers helping us with technology and just about anything that draws electricity. We are also blessed with Jodi Smith who provides ESL services at All Saints and JFK and Carole Behr and Bridget Parr who work for FACTS Educational Services funded by the last of the COVID relief funds and provide interventionist services. Finally, we would not be functioning well as a Catholic school without our connections to OLV staff: Fr. Patrick, Fr. Andrew, Abbey Heinrichs, Jammie Jameson, Julie Kilburg, Andy Kuennen, Ann Lotspeich, Kaye Meyers, Mark Mirr, Rita Nagle, and Lisa Willows. (Did I mention yet that it’s teacher appreciation week? While blessed with great teachers, there are so many more people involved to make a great school! We are blessed to have them all!)

Registration Fees

Registration fees have been received for about 77% of next year’s K-8 students. The 4 YO preschool extra time fee or registration fee for “non-qualifying” students has been received for about 68% of students. We have registration fees for 100% of the students registered for 3 YO preschool! The link to pay the fees is available on the front page of our website. The link also allows new families the options for paying the extra time fee for 4 YO preschools and the wraparound registration/deposit fee. The K-8 registration fee button can also be used to pay for 3 YO preschool registration and 4 YO Non-qualifying preschool registration.

The registration fee, except for those Iowa residents applying for four year old preschool, is now $125 per child. The extra time fee for Iowa residents registering for 4 YO preschool is $250.

Educational Savings Accounts Applications Being Accepted

 The application process for the Educational Savings Account program opened on April 16th and will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 30th. Families must apply each year through the state’s vendor, Odyssey, even if you received an ESA this year or if you are not required to verify your income.

Eligible families in 2024-25 are the following:

  • Anyone who received an ESA this year (but you must apply again for next year)
    • If you received an ESA this year based upon income, you will not have to verify your income again, BUT you will need to apply
  • All kindergartners and first graders. We did some work in Odyssey this weekend, and, while the system’s organization is not yet sortable, I could tell that not all families of kindergartners or first graders have applied.
  • New transfer students
  • Families whose income is at or below 400% of poverty, which is about $124,800 for a family of four

The Students First ESA Application is available in English and Spanish. Apply Now

Returning applicants: Parents/guardians with an existing Odyssey portal account will log in to the existing account to begin the application for the 2024-25 school year.

Applying for the first time: Parents/guardians who do not have an Odyssey portal account will first be directed to sign up with an email and password. Parents/guardians will receive a message from Odyssey asking them to confirm their email address. After the email is confirmed, the parent/guardian can sign in to the Odyssey portal to begin their application.

In 2025-26, all families, regardless of income will be eligible for ESAs.

JFK Open Positions for 2024-25

At the present time, there are several open positions at JFK for the 2024-25 school year. This list could become longer and/or different as we internally move people around as well. If you are interested in a position at JFK, please contact me.

  • K-5 teaching position. An Iowa teaching license with a K-6 elementary endorsement or willingness to pursue/obtain them is required. We haven’t decided what grade level we are looking for yet.
  • Aide positions. SCCS has approved 1st grade aides for all elementary buildings for next school year. Interested candidates will also have to be able to work one or more evenings per week on a rotational basis until 5:30 in after school care for 3-5 year olds or 5-12 year olds. Recess duties during the day are also included.
  • Lunch program. Our lunch program will need someone to help probably about 3-5 hours per day. Lunch program employees have also often worked to help supervise recesses, to assist teachers in preschool classrooms, and/or to supervise after school care programs.


While volunteers are always welcome, those who work with children/students must participate in the diocesan safe environment program, which includes online training and background checks. These requirements apply to those who are not the leaders but are “helpers” as well. Coaches, including those for Parks & Rec’s teams using our building/property, scout participants, and many other volunteers must participate in the safe environment program. Adults going on field trips with students may also be subject to these requirements. For more information, please contact the school office.

No Parking on Drive by the Ball Field

There is to be no parking on both sides of the drive by the fall field. Both sides should be open for entering and exiting traffic.

No School on Monday, May 6

There are no classes on Monday, May 6th due to the in-service involving the elementary teachers of Scott County Catholic Schools. Kindergarten through 5th grade teachers will be working on science of reading training with LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling), and other teachers will be working on standards-based instruction/standards-referenced assessment.

Altar Server Training

Saturday, June 1, 9:30-11:30am in the church.

Children and other parishioners, 4th grade and up, who are interested in altar serving at Mass are invited to attend this training.

One parent/adult should attend with the student. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at  #563-391-4245.

Leaps & Bounds Registration Still Open

Registration for both sessions of Leaps & Bounds is still open. L & B focuses on reading and math for students currently in K-5th grade. Space is limited for each session, and a minimum number of students is also needed in order for each session to be viable. Currently, ESA funds are not able to be used for the $200 L & B fee. To register, please complete the registration forms and return to the school office with the registration fee. L & B Registration Forms

Session I: June 17-21 & June 24-28 (8:00-11:30)

Session II: July 15-19 & July 22-26 (8:00-11:30)

Jumpstart Kindergarten

Registration for Jumpstart Kindergarten will open soon. This program for incoming kindergartners is July 29 – Aug 1 from 8:00-10:30 a.m.

Yes, It Is That Time of the Year

For some reason, the time between Easter and the end of the school year always seems the busiest and most rushed. The margin of error for the unexpected becomes smaller and smaller. My wife and I were experiencing this phenomenon just the other day. We had had a long, slow leak in the half bath at our house that was only discovered when I noticed a bulge in the floor. Since spring break (or even before then) we have been trying to coordinate a series of contractors to disconnect the plumbing, remove the vanity, tear out and replace the subfloor and take care of any structural issues, install new flooring, and reconnect the plumbing. Each step, of course, requires someone to be home, the dogs to be kept away from workers, etc. We finally got step one started on Friday when I could Zoom from home for a meeting. Unfortunately, I also woke up to a horrible sound coming from the fan of the furnace. I felt so lucky though that someone was able to come Friday morning for the fan, but that has also turned into a multi-day project! Who knows when our house will be back together?!

In one of my education feeds today was an interesting article by Avni Patel Thompson in the Harvard Business Review (April 24, 2024) about how parents plan for the week: Working Parents, Plan for the Week with This Simple Exercise. It made a lot of sense and might help you get through the busy end of the school year.

Calendar Highlights

Here are just a few items highlighted from the detailed online school calendar:

  • May 6-10: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 6: No classes. Music Boosters.
  • May 9: 5I Golfing. 7/8 Choir Performance
  • May 10: 5W Golfing. 8th to Outing Club for Manners Unit
  • May 13: 3rd Grade Field Trip. Middle School Youth Night
  • May 14: H & S Mtg
  • May 16: Band Concert (afternoon at JFK, evening at AHS)
  • May 17: AHS seniors visit
  • May 18: 8th Grade Social Knight
  • May 20: Band to Adventureland
  • May 23: 3 YO PS Conferences. JFK Skate Night
  • May 24: 2nd Grade Picnic. 4th Grade Bowling
  • May 26: AHS Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation
  • May 27: Memorial Day. No Classes. ECLC Closed
  • May 28: 8th Grade Field Trip
  • May 29: Last Day of PS Classes. 3 YO PS Family Event. 4 YO PS Evening Family Events
  • May 30: Field Day. Last Day of K-8 Classes. Early Dismissal at 12:40
  • May 31: Last Day of ECLC. 8th Grade Graduation. JFK Night at the River Bandits