Scott County Catholic School Advisory Board

The Scott County Catholic School Advisory Board works to implement Bishop William Franklin’s vision of faith formation and Catholic school education in Scott County by addressing issues common to all the area Catholic schools.

This advisory board provides recommendations to the local parishes’ boards of education for their serious consideration and action. This board has voting lay representatives from nine parishes, two voting priests, and the elementary Catholic school principals, the Assumption High School president, a representative from Assumption High School, a liaison to the Deanery (ex officio), and the superintendent of schools (ex officio). The first meeting of the advisory board was November 30, 2004. It now meets on the second Monday of every other month.

Early tasks of this board were to examine tuition structures and staff benefit packages at the area Catholic schools. Common structures and packages were recommended. These recommendations were critical to the schools taking full advantage of the “Embracing Our Future” K-12 capital campaign that successfully funded tuition assistance, staff health insurance and retirement, and marketing.

The nature of the new advisory board is consistent with the “United by Agreement” position statement supported by OLV’s education board. The challenge is now to work together to ensure that Catholic school education in Scott County remains strong and viable in all of the parishes.

Current Members Include the Following:

  • Tom Daniel, President (St. Paul’s)
  • Joe Creen, Secretary (OLV)
  • Pat Archer (OLV)
  • Dr. Lee Morriosn, Superintendent
  • Jeanne VonFeldt (All Saints’ Principal)
  • Julie Delaney (St. Paul’s Principal)
  • Chad Steimle (JFK’s Principal)
  • Jennifer Alongi (Lourdes’ Principal)
  • Andy Craig (AHS President and OLV member)

Standing Committees


Finance, Stewardship and HR

Education, Spirituality and Faith Formation