January 26, 2020

Kindergarten Informational Session and Round-up

Kindergarten Informational Sessions and Round-up are right around the corner.  Parents will have an informational session, and students will get to be kindergartners for the “day.”  Find out how the difference in us will make a difference in your child’s education.  Please call the school office ahead of time, (563) 391-3030, so we can have a more personalized experience prepared for your child.  Click HERE for this week’s church bulletin, which contains more information.

  • Feb 6:  7:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the parish center, or
  • Feb 6:  6-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria

Preschool and Daycare Registration

Three, four, and five year old preschool and daycare registration for OLV parishioners and current JFK families begins February 3rd at 7:30 a.m.  Open registration begins on February 6th.  Morning spots go fast so don’t delay registration.  Click HERE for this week’s church bulletin, which contains more information.

Virtus Updates

Did you complete your annual renewal with www.virtus.org?  All employees and volunteers working with children and dependent adults within the parishes and Catholic schools of the diocese were assigned the online annual renewal module on January 2nd and given two weeks to complete it.  The module takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.  If you have not yet completed it, please do so ASAP.  In the near future, we will have to move to restricting access to children by those who have not completed the renewal.

Catholic Schools Week

Below is a summary of events for Catholic Schools Week.

Saturday, Jan 25:

  • Thank you to everyone who helped with the spaghetti supper!  Special events/activities don’t just happen; they happen because of you!

Monday, Jan 27:

  • Dodgeball for Diapers Day.  Forms for this 3rd-8th grade fundraiser were made available by Mrs. Tilkens.
  • Athletic dress day — out of uniform (but following the out of uniform guidelines in our handbook as all our special dress days must)
  • PS puppet show is cancelled due to staff absences.  Regular PS classes.

Tuesday, Jan 28:

  • Talent Show
    • 7:45     Grades 4, 1, 2, 3 in this order.
    • 12:25   Grades K, 5, 6, 7, 8 in this order.
    • All acts and music must be approved by homeroom teachers.
      • Forms due January 21st.  Forms went home before Christmas break
  • Class dress alike day.  Look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
  • Students may bring a pillow upon which to sit.

Wednesday, Jan 29:

  • Regular Wed. All School Mass, 7:40
  • Bring an Adult Guest to Lunch Day
    • Visit the book fair after lunch
    • 10:40 – 11:10  K
    • 11:10 – 11:40  3rd and 4th grades
    • 11:40 – 12:10  1st and 2nd grades
    • 12:10 – 12:40  5th and 6th grades
    • 12:40 – 1:10    7th and 8th grades
    • Parents may take their students home after lunch.  However, both a child’s homeroom teacher and office need to be informed.
    • A lunch note will be sent home to pre-purchase your adult meal.  School lunch for adults will only be available through this pre-payment requirement so we have time to order enough food for everyone.
  • Green and white and/or JFK spirit wear out of uniform dress day (Mass appropriate)

Thursday, Jan 30:

  • All Catholic schools Mass at AHS for grades 2-8.  Permission slips were emailed to parents and sent home hard copy with students.
  • Everyone will be in uniform/dress code.
  • PS puppet show is cancelled due to staff absences.  Regular PS classes.

Friday, Jan 31:

  • Wacky Tacky Out of Uniform Day
  • 8th grade vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 1:30
  • Special activities in grades K-2
  • 4 year old preschool puppet show and PS book fair are cancelled due to staff absences.  (All our puppeteers will be gone or are ill.)  Regular PS classes.
  • Quad City Storm players are special guest readers
  • Conclude Catholic Schools Week with a Storm game, supporting JFK Home & School.  Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen.  90’s Night!http://fevo.me/JFKHomeandSchool

Trivia Night

The Music Boosters’ Trivia Night is Saturday, February 1st at the Knights of Columbus.  Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., and trivia will start at 7:00 p.m.  Invite your friends and family for a fun, adults-only, night out.  The price is $100 per table with a maximum of 8 people per table.  “Double Downs” and “Mulligans” are included in the price of the table.  Bring your own snacks and drinks may be purchased from Knights of Columbus.  Contact Ethan Connors at ethan.connors@olvjfkmail.com to reserve your space.  All proceeds will go to the JFK Music Boosters in support of the 5th – 8th grade bands and music programs.

8th Grade Career Fair

Preparations for the 8th annual Scott County Catholic Schools and St. Ambrose University 8th Grade Career Fair have begun.  The career fair is held on in the Rogalski Center on SAU’s campus and will be Friday, March 6, 2020.  We would like to extend the opportunity for area businesses, employers, colleges and universities, health care professionals, law enforcement agencies and various career-related organizations to join us in educating our eighth grade students about the numerous employment opportunities available to them.  Presenters are asked for a time commitment of 8:15 am-2:00 pm. Presenters prepare a booth with information about their career (job duties, professional expectations, hours, required education/training, technology, general salary range, likes and dislikes, etc). The students enjoy hands-on activities so anything you wish to do or bring that is interactive is most appreciated. The students will rotate in groups and complete a career questionnaire about each booth they visit. A thank you lunch for all presenters will be provided. All presenters are invited to join us for the celebration of Mass at 1:15 in the Christ the King Chapel on campus. If you are interested in being a presenter at the career fair, please email the following information to Mrs. Wolf:  emma.wolf@olvjfkmail.com.

  • Career Field/Occupation
  • Business Name or Place of Employment
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Special needs at the fair (Ex:  access to electricity, WiFi/Internet access, space for a drone to work)

School Cancellations

Messages regarding cancellations, late starts, or early dismissals are shared with JFK families via phone, text, and email.  If you did not receive a text message two weeks ago, it is most likely because you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK.   (This primarily applies to families new to JFK in 2019 and/or new preschool families.)  To receive JFK text messages, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/01/January-26-2020.pdf

7/8 STEM Showcase 2020 Results
Congratulations to all participants of the 2019-2020 John F. Kennedy Catholic School STEM Showcase. From crystal radios and machine learning to cat color preference and germs on shoes, students investigated and presented a wide variety of quality science fair projects.   Special congratulations to those students selected to showcase their projects at the Assumption High School Regional Science Fair on February 7th:
7th Grade
Amalie Y.: Can electricity be used to separate hydrogen and oxygen from water?
Lucy N.: Does the breed of dog affect the amount of bacteria it carries?
Justin M.: Will increasing the weight of the counterweight extend the trebuchet’s throwing distance?
8th Grade
Grant S.: Does propeller size affect max altitude?
Anika E.: Does caffeine affect heart rate in children and teens?
Haylee J: DOes a horse’s shoulder angle affects its stride length?

Math Rules/Procedures vs. Understanding Math

Quick!  What’s 112 minus 78?  (No using a calculator!)

Now, how did you solve it?  Did you line up the numbers?  Did you then “borrow” to make 12 minus 8 and change the 1 to a 0, and then subtract 7 from 10?  Did you even understand what I just wrote?  Did you have to write the math problem down on a piece of paper because you can’t keep all that work lined up in your head?  This method would likely be more of a rules/procedures basis to math, and probably more like how we learned math ourselves.  I remember trying to help my kids with math.  I’d say, “Just follow the rule.”  They’d ask me, “But, why do you do it that way?”  I’d respond, “Because that’s just the rule.  Just do it that way every time.”

Today’s math instruction (including the Iowa Core) goes beyond the rules and procedures to help kids understand why math works.  In my head, I can more easily do 112 minus 80 and then have to subtract 2 more.  Or, I can add two to each number and then determine 114 minus 80 pretty easily.  Or,  I can add 22 to 78 and then add another 12 to get to 112 to determine that my answer is 34.  I can probably only solve the math problem these ways if I understand the math concepts involved.

Yes, I still need to know my “math facts,” and I still have to have a great deal of automaticity if I’m to free my brain to work on the harder aspects of a math problem.  But, when the going gets tough, understanding how math works can really help because, let’s face it, 112 minus 78 is not a math fact that I need to memorize.  I need to know how math works so I can use a strategy to get to the answer.

Talent Show Regrets

My youngest two daughters tell me almost every year that one of their biggest regrets was to not “dance” with Dad in the talent show during Catholic Schools Week.  Every year, especially as they passed through the middle school years, I’d ask them if they wanted to do a dance/comedy/audience participation activity with me during the talent show.  We didn’t have to be good at anything or really even dance together.  We didn’t even have to speak.  I would do a couple of warm ups as if preparing for a big fancy dance, and, then, when the music would start playing, we’d have everyone up to do the “hokey pokey” or the “chicken dance.”  What could be more fun than that?  Each year, however, they’d tell me no.  It would be too embarrassing.  Now that they are almost 21 and 23, they regret not “dancing” with Dad.


January 20, 2020

Virtus Updates

Did you complete your annual renewal with www.virtus.org last week?  All employees and volunteers working with children and dependent adults within the parishes and Catholic schools of the diocese were assigned the online annual renewal module on January 2nd and given two weeks to complete it.  The module takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.  If you have not yet completed it, please do so ASAP.  In the near future, we will have to move to restricting access to children by those who have not completed the renewal.

Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Drop In K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. in classrooms.

Four/five year old PS conferences will be scheduled on Thursday and Friday.  There are no 4/5 yr old PS classes on either day.

Catholic Schools Week

Below is a summary of events for Catholic Schools Week.

Saturday, Jan 25:

  • All school Mass, 4:30.  Attendance is expected.  Students are encouraged to wear JFK spirit wear and/or green and white.
  • Spaghetti Supper and Open House, 5:30 – 7:30.  Book fair is open as well.  Tickets for the meal are also being sold through “backpack mail.”
    • Have you volunteered to help yet?  Click HERE or us the following link/url:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4baaab28a2fa7-spaghetti

Monday, Jan 27:

  • Dodgeball for Diapers Day.  Forms for this 3rd-8th grade fundraiser were made available by Mrs. Tilkens.
  • Athletic dress day — out of uniform (but following the out of uniform guidelines in our handbook as all our special dress days must)
  • Puppet show for MWF 3 yr old preschool, 7:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Jan 28:

  • Talent Show
    • 7:45     Grades 4, 1, 2, 3 in this order.
    • 12:25   Grades K, 5, 6, 7, 8 in this order.
    • All acts and music must be approved by homeroom teachers.
      • Forms due January 21st.  Forms went home before Christmas break
  • Class dress alike day.  Look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
  • Students may bring a pillow upon which to sit.

Wednesday, Jan 29:

  • Regular Wed. All School Mass, 7:40
  • Bring an Adult Guest to Lunch Day
    • Visit the book fair after lunch
    • 10:40 – 11:10  K
    • 11:10 – 11:40  3rd and 4th grades
    • 11:40 – 12:10  1st and 2nd grades
    • 12:10 – 12:40  5th and 6th grades
    • 12:40 – 1:10    7th and 8th grades
    • Parents may take their students home after lunch.  However, both a child’s homeroom teacher and office need to be informed.
    • A lunch note will be sent home to pre-purchase your adult meal.  School lunch for adults will only be available through this pre-payment requirement so we have time to order enough food for everyone.
  • Green and white and/or JFK spirit wear out of uniform dress day (Mass appropriate)

Thursday, Jan 30:

  • All Catholic schools Mass at AHS for grades 2-8.  Look for a separate permission slip yet to be sent home and emailed.
  • Everyone will be in uniform/dress code.
  • Puppet show for TTh 3 yr old preschool, 7:30 a.m.

Friday, Jan 31:

  • Wacky Tacky Out of Uniform Day
  • 8th grade vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 1:30
  • Special activities in grades K-2
  • 4 year old preschool
    • AM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  7:25 – 8:15ish for special activities.
    • PM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  11:40 – 12:30ish for special activities
  • Conclude Catholic Schools Week with a Storm game, supporting JFK Home & School.  Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen.  90’s Night!http://fevo.me/JFKHomeandSchool

Kindergarten Informational Session and Round-up

Kindergarten Informational Sessions and Round-up are right around the corner.  Parents will have an informational session, and students will get to be kindergartners for the “day.”  Find out how the difference in us will make a difference in your child’s education.

  • Feb 6:  7:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the parish center, or
  • Feb 6:  6-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria

Preschool and Daycare Registration

Three, four, and five year old preschool and daycare registration for OLV parishioners and current JFK families begins February 3rd at 7:30 a.m.  Open registration begins on February 6th.  Morning spots go fast so don’t delay registration.

Trivia Night

The Music Boosters’ Trivia Night is Saturday, February 1st at the Knights of Columbus.  Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., and trivia will start at 7:00 p.m.  Invite your friends and family for a fun, adults-only, night out.  The price is $100 per table with a maximum of 8 people per table.  “Double Downs” and “Mulligans” are included in the price of the table.  Bring your own snacks and drinks may be purchased from Knights of Columbus.  Contact Ethan Connors at ethan.connors@olvjfkmail.com to reserve your space.  All proceeds will go to the JFK Music Boosters in support of the 5th – 8th grade bands and music programs.

8th Grade Career Fair

Preparations for the 8th annual Scott County Catholic Schools and St. Ambrose University 8th Grade Career Fair have begun.  The career fair is held on in the Rogalski Center on SAU’s campus and will be Friday, March 6, 2020.  We would like to extend the opportunity for area businesses, employers, colleges and universities, health care professionals, law enforcement agencies and various career-related organizations to join us in educating our eighth grade students about the numerous employment opportunities available to them.  Presenters are asked for a time commitment of 8:15 am-2:00 pm. Presenters prepare a booth with information about their career (job duties, professional expectations, hours, required education/training, technology, general salary range, likes and dislikes, etc). The students enjoy hands-on activities so anything you wish to do or bring that is interactive is most appreciated. The students will rotate in groups and complete a career questionnaire about each booth they visit. A thank you lunch for all presenters will be provided. All presenters are invited to join us for the celebration of Mass at 1:15 in the Christ the King Chapel on campus. If you are interested in being a presenter at the career fair, please email the following information to Mrs. Wolf:  emma.wolf@olvjfkmail.com.

  • Career Field/Occupation
  • Business Name or Place of Employment
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Special needs at the fair (Ex:  access to electricity, WiFi/Internet access, space for a drone to work)

School Cancellations

Thanks for hanging in there regarding last week’s school cancellation.  It was a fluid situation all morning that began around 5:30 a.m. with the message that we principals should stay tuned as a delay or cancellation was being considered.  Messages regarding cancellations, late starts, or early dismissals are shared with JFK families via phone, text, and email.  If you did not receive a text message last Wednesday, it is most likely because you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK.   (This primarily applies to families new to JFK in 2019 and/or new preschool families.)  To receive JFK text messages, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/01/January-19-2020.pdf

I See

Or, at least, I hope to see better.  Since Friday, I had been dealing with a large number of both big and very small “floaters” in my left eye.  When I woke up Saturday morning, I noticed two flashes of light but dismissed it as still being half asleep.  After shoveling and going about my business Saturday, I thought things might be getting better.  During the clean up for the parishioner appreciation dinner, however, my vision became even more hazy and stayed that way through most of Sunday.  On Monday, I called the eye doctor, and they got me in by 10:00 a.m.  During the appointment in the Bettendorf office, they scheduled me right away for an afternoon appointment with the retina specialist, who was in Rock Island office.  By 3:30, I was finished with the process of basically having my torn and weakened retina spot welded in place.  That ought to do the job!  (But, I hate to tell them that when they say there may be some discomfort, what they really mean to say is “It will HURT!”)


January 12, 2020

Special Dismissal This Week

There is a special early dismissal this week marking the end of the second quarter.  K-8 classes are dismissed at 12:40 on Thursday.  There are no afternoon preschool classes on Thursday.

Friday is a teacher in-service day.  Teachers will be receiving training regarding the Tessera assessment and social-emotional-behavioral lesson system, looking at how we use academic assessment results, and examining research regarding reading instruction.  There are no classes on Friday, but ECLC is open.

Catholic Schools Week Preview

Below is a summary of events for Catholic Schools Week.

Saturday, Jan 25:

  • All school Mass, 4:30.  Attendance is expected.  Students are encouraged to wear JFK spirit wear and/or green and white.
  • Spaghetti Supper and Open House, 5:30 – 7:30.  Book fair is open as well.  Tickets for the meal are also being sold after Masses on January 18th and 19th.

Monday, Jan 27:

  • Dodgeball for Diapers Day.  Forms for this 3rd-8th grade fundraiser will be emailed and sent home in “backpack” mail.
  • Athletic dress day — out of uniform (but following the out of uniform guidelines in our handbook as all our special dress days must)
  • Puppet show for MWF 3 yr old preschool, 7:30 a.m.

Tuesday, Jan 28:

  • Talent Show
    • 7:45     Grades 4, 1, 2, 3 in this order.
    • 12:25   Grades K, 5, 6, 7, 8 in this order.
    • All acts and music must be approved by homeroom teachers.
      • Forms due January 21st.  Forms went home before Christmas break
  • Class dress alike day.  Look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
  • Students may bring a pillow upon which to sit.

Wednesday, Jan 29:

  • Regular Wed. All School Mass, 7:40
  • Puppet show for MWF 3 yr old preschool, 7:30 a.m.
  • Bring an Adult Guest to Lunch Day
    • Visit the book fair after lunch
    • 10:40 – 11:10  K
    • 11:10 – 11:40  3rd and 4th grades
    • 11:40 – 12:10  1st and 2nd grades
    • 12:10 – 12:40  5th and 6th grades
    • 12:40 – 1:10    7th and 8th grades
    • Parents may take their students home after lunch.  However, both a child’s homeroom teacher and office need to be informed.
    • A lunch note will be sent home to pre-purchase your adult meal.  School lunch for adults will only be available through this pre-payment requirement so we have time to order enough food for everyone.
  • Green and white and/or JFK spirit wear out of uniform dress day (Mass appropriate)

Thursday, Jan 30:

  • All Catholic schools Mass at AHS for grades 2-8.  Look for a separate permission slip yet to be sent home and emailed.
  • Everyone will be in uniform/dress code.
  • Puppet show for TTh 3 yr old preschool, 7:30 a.m.

Friday, Jan 31:

  • Wacky Tacky Out of Uniform Day
  • 8th grade vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 1:30
  • Special activities in grades K-2
  • 4 year old preschool
    • AM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  7:25 – 8:15ish for special activities.
    • PM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  11:40 – 12:30ish for special activities
  • Conclude Catholic Schools Week with a Storm game, supporting JFK Home & School.  Quad City Storm vs. Peoria Rivermen.  90’s Night!http://fevo.me/JFKHomeandSchool

Kindergarten Informational Session and Round-up

Kindergarten Informational Sessions and Round-up are right around the corner.  Parents will have an informational session, and students will get to be kindergartners for the “day.”  Find out how the difference in us will make a difference in your child’s education.

  • Feb 6:  7:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the parish center, or
  • Feb 6:  6-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria

Preschool and Daycare Registration

Three, four, and five year old preschool and daycare registration for OLV parishioners and current JFK families begins February 3rd at 7:30 a.m.  Open registration begins on February 6th.  Morning spots go fast so don’t delay registration.

Other Special Schedules or Events

January 13/14:  Crusader Theater Tryouts for 8th graders

January 14:  7th/8th Science Fair Showcase, 6:00

January 15:  8th Grade Parent Meeting at AHS, 6:30

January 16:  End of 2nd Quarter.  Special 12:40 Dissmissal.  No PM preschool classes.

January 17:  In-service.  No classes.  ECLC open

January 18:  Parishioner Appreciation Dinner, parish center.  Doors open at 5:30 with food served at 6:00.  Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts provided FREE.  Light entertainment is included.  Free childcare and kid-friendly food are also available.   RSVP to the parish office (563-391-4245 or davolv@diodav.org).

January 20:  M.L.King Day.  No classes.  ECLC open.

January 23:  Drop In K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Four/five year old PS conferences will be scheduled.  No 4/5 yr old PS classes.  Skate Night.

January 24:  Four/five year old PS conferences will be scheduled.  No 4/5 yr old PS classes.

Trivia Night

The Music Boosters’ Trivia Night is Saturday, February 1st at the Knights of Columbus.  Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., and trivia will start at 7:00 p.m.  Invite your friends and family for a fun, adults-only, night out.  The price is $100 per table with a maximum of 8 people per table.  “Double Downs” and “Mulligans” are included in the price of the table.  Bring your own snacks and drinks may be purchased from Knights of Columbus.  Contact Ethan Connors at ethan.connors@olvjfkmail.com to reserve your space.  All proceeds will go to the JFK Music Boosters in support of the 5th – 8th grade bands and music programs.

Photos on Facebook

Did you see all the students dress like their teachers or other adults at JFK on Friday?  We captured a few in photos on our Facebook page.  There were little Mr. Steimles, Mrs. Posters, Mr. Connors, Ms. Burkens, and too many little Mrs. Tilkens to photograph.  One of my favorite photos had to be of Mrs. Whelchel and her special dress-alike student!

You can also find some photos of students participating in STEM activities through the Putnam outreach services on our closed group, JFK Moms & Dads.  Please send a request to be added to that group to angie.hillebrand@olvjfkmail.com.

Baby Wolf Is Here

Congratulations to JFK’s student support specialist, Emma Wolf, and her husband!  A beautiful baby boy was born on Jan. 4th.  Mrs. Wolf will be on maternity leave until February 3rd.  Mrs. Weiser will be helping with some of Mrs. Wolf’s duties until that time.

8th Grade Career Fair

Preparations for the 8th annual Scott County Catholic Schools and St. Ambrose University 8th Grade Career Fair have begun.  The career fair is held on in the Rogalski Center on SAU’s campus and will be Friday, March 6, 2020.  We would like to extend the opportunity for area businesses, employers, colleges and universities, health care professionals, law enforcement agencies and various career-related organizations to join us in educating our eighth grade students about the numerous employment opportunities available to them.  Presenters are asked for a time commitment of 8:15 am-2:00 pm. Presenters prepare a booth with information about their career (job duties, professional expectations, hours, required education/training, technology, general salary range, likes and dislikes, etc). The students enjoy hands-on activities so anything you wish to do or bring that is interactive is most appreciated. The students will rotate in groups and complete a career questionnaire about each booth they visit. A thank you lunch for all presenters will be provided. All presenters are invited to join us for the celebration of Mass at 1:15 in the Christ the King Chapel on campus. If you are interested in being a presenter at the career fair, please email the following information to Mrs. Wolf:  emma.wolf@olvjfkmail.com.

  • Career Field/Occupation
  • Business Name or Place of Employment
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Special needs at the fair (Ex:  access to electricity, WiFi/Internet access, space for a drone to work)

Civic Oration Finals

Congratulations to the following students who placed in the final round of civic oration:

7/8 Division:  Macie R. (1st), Elexa A. (2nd), and Max S. (3rd)

5/6 Division:  Brooklyn M. (1st), Aubrey R. (2nd), and Maggie A. (3rd)

We would also like to thank our guest judges:  Andy Burman, Andy Craig, Connie Creen, Aaron Gunnare, Dave Hinchman, and Denny Prior.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/01/January-12-2020.pdf

Best Month?

As the last of our children returned to college today, I think this past month may have been the best four weeks of the year.  All of our children were home for Christmas, and some had extended visits before and after the holidays (or both).  They were here for all of the big family holiday events, but they were also here long enough to have lounged around in PJs on a Saturday morning that spilled into the afternoon.  They were here for the big meals but also here long enough for everyone to have opened the refrigerator ten times in five minutes and proclaim that there’s “nothing to eat” even when we all knew that really wasn’t the case.  They were here to stay up late while talking and catching up with one another but also here long enough that going to bed early was OK too.  Even though they just left, I miss them already!



January 6, 2020

Catholic Schools Week Preview

Below is a summary of events for Catholic Schools Week.

Saturday, Jan 25:

  • All school Mass, 4:30.  Attendance is expected.  Students are encouraged to wear JFK spirit wear and/or green and white.
  • Spaghetti Supper and Open House, 5:30 – 7:30.  Book fair is open as well.

Monday, Jan 27:

  • Dodgeball for Diapers Day.  Forms for this 3rd-8th grade fundraiser will be emailed and sent home in “backpack” mail.
  • Athletic dress day — out of uniform (but following the out of uniform guidelines in our handbook as all our special dress days must)

Tuesday, Jan 28:

  • Talent Show
    • 7:45     Grades 4, 1, 2, 3 in this order.
    • 12:25   Grades K, 5, 6, 7, 8 in this order.
    • All acts and music must be approved by homeroom teachers.
      • Forms due January 21st.  Forms went home before Christmas break
  • Class dress alike day.  Look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
  • Students may bring a pillow upon which to sit.

Wednesday, Jan 29:

  • All School Mass, 7:40
  • Puppet show for MWF 3 yr old preschool
  • Bring an Adult Guest to Lunch Day
    • Visit the book fair after lunch
    • 10:40 – 11:10  K
    • 11:10 – 11:40  3rd and 4th grades
    • 11:40 – 12:10  1st and 2nd grades
    • 12:10 – 12:40  5th and 6th grades
    • 12:40 – 1:10    7th and 8th grades
    • Parents may take their students home after lunch.  However, both a child’s homeroom teacher and office need to be informed.
    • A lunch note will be sent home to pre-purchase your adult meal.  School lunch for adults will only be available through this pre-payment requirement so we have time to order enough food for everyone.
  • Green and white and/or JFK spirit wear out of uniform dress day (Mass appropriate)

Thursday, Jan 30:

  • All Catholic schools Mass at AHS for grades 2-8.  Look for a separate permission slip yet to be sent home and emailed.
  • Everyone will be in uniform/dress code.

Friday, Jan 31:

  • Wacky Tacky Out of Uniform Day
  • 8th grade vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 1:30
  • Special activities in grades K-2
  • 4 year old preschool
    • AM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  7:25 – 8:15ish for special activities.
    • PM classes:  Snack, puppet show, book fair.  Adults welcome.  11:40 – 12:30ish for special activities
    • Kindergarten Informational Sessions and Round-up are right around the corner.  Parents will have an informational session, and students will get to be kindergartners for the “day.”  Find out how the difference in us will make a difference in your child’s education.
      • Feb 6:  7:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the parish center, or
      • Feb 6:  6-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria

Other Special Schedules or Events

January 6:  Band Boosters, 6:30 p.m.

January 9:  Kick off for Kids Heart Challenge.  Home & School, 6:30, Parish Center

January 12:  Confirmation Sponsor Service Day

January 13/14:  Crusader Theater Tryouts for 8th graders

January 14:  7th/8th Science Fair Showcase, 6:00

January 15:  8th Grade Parent Meeting at AHS, 6:30

January 16:  End of 2nd Quarter.  Special 12:40 Dissmissal.  No PM preschool classes.

January 17:  In-service.  No classes.  ECLC open

January 18:  Parishioner Appreciation Dinner, parish center.  Doors open at 5:30 with food served at 6:00.  Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts provided FREE.  Light entertainment is included.  Free childcare and kid-friendly food are also available.   RSVP to the parish office (563-391-4245 or davolv@diodav.org).

January 20:  M.L.King Day.  No classes.  ECLC open.

January 23:  Drop In K-8 Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Four/five year old PS conferences will be scheduled.  No 4/5 yr old PS classes.  Skate Night.

January 24:  Four/five year old PS conferences will be scheduled.  No 4/5 yr old PS classes.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/01/January-5-2020.pdf

Nice to Spend Time with Family

It was nice to spend time with family members over the break.  My oldest daughter and her boyfriend were here for about a week.  Tom has been here for about three weeks and flies back to Charleston, SC early this week.  Kirsten was here for five days, and Caitlin is still home on her break from college for another week.  We didn’t do anything real exciting or special other than our regular Christmas Eve/Day traditions.  It’s just nice to have family with whom one can eat, go to the store, play cards, watch a movie or football, talk and tease one another.  Yes, we could do these things with friends, but there’s just something different when doing it with family.
