HVAC Project to Parish Finance Council and Diocesan Building Commission
Fr. Jake and I will be discussing our updated HVAC plan for JFK with the parish finance council and the diocesan building commission this week. Our latest plan provides updates since the fall 2016 plan. In the fall of 2016, a complete Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plan for JFK was developed. That plan acknowledged that our heating issues were twofold: an aged boiler and pipes that were beyond their life expectancy. The boiler, water heater, cafeteria and north stairwell fin tube/fan units, and controls were replaced in the summer of 2017. Now, we’re ready to present phase two to deal with the pipes.
Phase two would install a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system to the 1964 and 1987 parts of the school building. (The 2011 sections of the building are up-to-date.) The VRF system can not only provide heat, allowing the worn heating water pipes to be shut down, but it is also efficient in providing air conditioning! When coupled with a new mechanical ventilation system, we can also efficiently control humidity.
Having modern HVAC systems would allow JFK to continue to lead the way in Catholic school education in Scott County. Let’s pray that our meetings go well this week.
Busy Day on Friday
Friday was a busy day on campus. Not only did we have the Fall Fest in the evening and multiple meetings for teachers during the day, we also had plenty of work done on campus. Blacktop cracks were cleaned and resealed, and sewage pump wells were completely emptied and cleaned. We also had all exterior door locks and multiple other locks re-keyed. There’s a lot of work done on campus when students are not around.
Fall Fest Thank You
Thank you to our Home & School officers (Erin Pape, Cassandra Tatman, Kathy Knox, and Allison Arlt) and everyone else who helped with the Fall Fest. We even had people help who haven’t had kids at JFK for years!
Report Cards
First quarter report cards should be sent via email early this week. Just as our mid-quarters had a new look to them so too do the quarter report cards, particularly in grades 3-8. The ratings under each core subject that were used at mid-quarter time are not on the quarterly report cards. There is only the letter grade. For more detailed information about how the letter grade was determined, you can always look at Progress Reports in JMC.
Specials (art, music/choir, PE and band) meet only twice per week when there’s a regular schedule and less often when we have adjusted schedules for other activities like assemblies. For the report card, these specials are included with ratings for things like participation/effort, skills, understands concepts, and sportsmanship but do not have an overall grade.
Upcoming Dates
Oct 31: Black/Orange Dress Day. Students may be out of uniform if they are wearing black and/or orange. The Out of Uniform Guidelines policy from our handbook, however, still applies.
Oct 31: All Saints Day Vigil Mass, 6:00 p.m.
Nov 1: All Saints Day Masses (7:00 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 7:00 p.m.). All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation. Following the 8:15 Mass, we will have our annual “parade of saints.”
Nov 2: Bazaar, 8-4
Nov 3: “Fall back:” Don’t forget to change your clocks
Nov 3: Bazaar 9-1
Nov 4: Student Hunger Drive Out of Uniform. Students who brought in 3 or more “cans” for the Student Hunger Drive can be out of uniform today. The Out of Uniform Guidelines policy from our handbook still applies.
Nov 5: Parent/teacher conferences, 5:30-8:30. PS-5th grade are scheduled. If you haven’t scheduled your child’s through the Sign Up Genius link from your child’s homeroom teacher, please contact her. Conferences for grades 6-8 and specials are “walk in.”
Nov 7: Parent/teacher conferences, 8-12:30 and 4-8. No classes. ECLC is open.
Nov 7: Fundraiser pick up.
Nov 8: No classes. ECLC is open.
Nov 11: Staff in-service. No classes. ECLC is open. JFK staff members have an in-service on November 11th, Veterans’ Day, which allows us to take off on Good Friday in the spring.
OLV parish bulletin: Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/1032800048C-102719.pdf
Butter Braid Bread Sale
Butter Braid Bread sales have begun. The JFK Music Boosters/students are selling Butter Braid Bread. This hand-braided pastry is a delicious addition to any holiday meal. There are a variety of fillings, and each includes a frosting packet: Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze. These are sold individually for $14/package. Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $15/package. The bread comes to you frozen. When you’re ready to use it, just let it rise 8 – 12 hours and bake about 20 minutes. The sale ends November 4th with delivery on November 22nd. If you have any questions or would like to order, please call or text: Melanie Rubemeyer at 563-505-1080.
Student Hunger Drive
JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive concludes November 1st. Canned/boxed food items are appreciated. The homeroom with the most cans per student wins ice cream or pizza (homeroom choice).
Where Did We Go Right?
It seems that there’s hardly a week that goes by when one (or more) of our four children doesn’t thank Lynn and me for being such good parents. It always surprises us. Just as when one might ask the question “where did we go wrong?” Lynn and I always ask one another “where did we go right?” We didn’t have the secret formula. We don’t have “the book.” We made plenty of mistakes, and there were probably plenty of times along the way when our kids didn’t think we were such great parents. We didn’t do anything special. We, like most everyone else, just tried to do our best with the knowledge and skills that we had at the time. I think that’s really all that can be asked of any of us. Just keep parenting and letting your kids know that, no matter what, you still love them.