October 27, 2019

HVAC Project to Parish Finance Council and Diocesan Building Commission

Fr. Jake and I will be discussing our updated HVAC plan for JFK with the parish finance council and the diocesan building commission this week.  Our latest plan provides updates since the fall 2016 plan.  In the fall of 2016, a complete Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plan for JFK was developed.  That plan acknowledged that our heating issues were twofold:  an aged boiler and pipes that were beyond their life expectancy.  The boiler, water heater, cafeteria and north stairwell fin tube/fan units, and controls were replaced in the summer of 2017.  Now, we’re ready to present phase two to deal with the pipes.

Phase two would install a variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system to the 1964 and 1987 parts of the school building.  (The 2011 sections of the building are up-to-date.)  The VRF system can not only provide heat, allowing the worn heating water pipes to be shut down, but it is also efficient in providing air conditioning!  When coupled with a new mechanical ventilation system, we can also efficiently control humidity.

Having modern HVAC systems would allow JFK to continue to lead the way in Catholic school education in Scott County.  Let’s pray that our meetings go well this week.


We knew you loved us! JFK “placed” in the private schools, preschools, and child care categories.

Busy Day on Friday

Friday was a busy day on campus.  Not only did we have the Fall Fest in the evening and multiple meetings for teachers during the day, we also had plenty of work done on campus.  Blacktop cracks were cleaned and resealed, and sewage pump wells were completely emptied and cleaned.  We also had all exterior door locks and multiple other locks re-keyed.  There’s a lot of work done on campus when students are not around.

Fall Fest Thank You

Thank you to our Home & School officers (Erin Pape, Cassandra Tatman, Kathy Knox, and Allison Arlt) and everyone else who helped with the Fall Fest.  We even had people help who haven’t had kids at JFK for years!

Even the adults got into the action as they slurped “worms” from the whipped cream.

Report Cards

First quarter report cards should be sent via email early this week.  Just as our mid-quarters had a new look to them so too do the quarter report cards, particularly in grades 3-8.  The ratings under each core subject that were used at mid-quarter time are not on the quarterly report cards.  There is only the letter grade.  For more detailed information about how the letter grade was determined, you can always look at Progress Reports in JMC.

Specials (art, music/choir, PE and band) meet only twice per week when there’s a regular schedule and less often when we have adjusted schedules for other activities like assemblies.  For the report card, these specials are included with ratings for things like participation/effort, skills, understands concepts, and sportsmanship but do not have an overall grade.

Upcoming Dates

Oct 31:  Black/Orange Dress Day.  Students may be out of uniform if they are wearing black and/or orange.  The Out of Uniform Guidelines policy from our handbook, however, still applies.

Oct 31:  All Saints Day Vigil Mass, 6:00 p.m.

Nov 1:  All Saints Day Masses (7:00 a.m., 8:15 a.m., 7:00 p.m.).  All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation.  Following the 8:15 Mass, we will have our annual “parade of saints.”

Nov 2:  Bazaar, 8-4

Nov 3:  “Fall back:” Don’t forget to change your clocks

Nov 3:  Bazaar 9-1

Nov 4:  Student Hunger Drive Out of Uniform.  Students who brought in 3 or more “cans” for the Student Hunger Drive can be out of uniform today.  The Out of Uniform Guidelines policy from our handbook still applies.

Nov 5:  Parent/teacher conferences, 5:30-8:30.  PS-5th grade are scheduled.  If you haven’t scheduled your child’s through the Sign Up Genius link from your child’s homeroom teacher, please contact her.  Conferences for grades 6-8 and specials are “walk in.”

Nov 7:  Parent/teacher conferences, 8-12:30 and 4-8.  No classes.  ECLC is open.

Nov 7:  Fundraiser pick up.

Nov 8:  No classes.  ECLC is open.

Nov 11:  Staff in-service.  No classes.  ECLC is open.  JFK staff members have an in-service on November 11th, Veterans’ Day, which allows us to take off on Good Friday in the spring.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/1032800048C-102719.pdf

Butter Braid Bread Sale

Butter Braid Bread sales have begun.  The JFK Music Boosters/students are selling Butter Braid Bread.  This hand-braided pastry is a delicious addition to any holiday meal.  There are a variety of fillings, and each includes a frosting packet:  Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  These are sold individually for $14/package. Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for $15/package.  The bread comes to you frozen. When you’re ready to use it, just let it rise 8 – 12 hours and bake about 20 minutes.  The sale ends November 4th with delivery on November 22nd.  If you have any questions or would like to order, please call or text: Melanie Rubemeyer at 563-505-1080.

Student Hunger Drive

JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive concludes November 1st.  Canned/boxed food items are appreciated.  The homeroom with the most cans per student wins ice cream or pizza (homeroom choice).

Where Did We Go Right?

It seems that there’s hardly a week that goes by when one (or more) of our four children doesn’t thank Lynn and me for being such good parents.  It always surprises us.  Just as when one might ask the question “where did we go wrong?” Lynn and I always ask one another “where did we go right?”  We didn’t have the secret formula.  We don’t have “the book.”  We made plenty of mistakes, and there were probably plenty of times along the way when our kids didn’t think we were such great parents.  We didn’t do anything special.  We, like most everyone else, just tried to do our best with the knowledge and skills that we had at the time.  I think that’s really all that can be asked of any of us.  Just keep parenting and letting your kids know that, no matter what, you still love them.


October 20, 2019

Fall Fest Friday

The Fall Fest and Pumpkin Run is Friday from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.  The Run is at 5:30 in the back of the school.  The new “Slurp-A-Worm” contest is at 6:30.  Be the first to get all of the gummy worms out of the whipped cream using only your mouth.  Prizes awarded for both events according to grade level.

Food is for sale by Nombos Food Truck.  They specialize in mac and cheese varieties, hot dogs, and walking tacos.  After dinner (it’s a “rule!”), have a snow cone from the Kona Snow Cone Truck or decorate a caramel apple or cookie.

Volunteers are still needed.  Please direct questions regarding volunteering or other topics to jfk.homeandschool@outlook.com

Cracks/joints in the parking lot are being re-sealed on Friday , but the lot should be open again for evening activities.

Trunk or Treat Saturday

Come back Saturday for Trunk or Treat at 5:30 in the south part of our parking lot.

Oct 24 and 25

Oct 24:  End of the quarter.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  (I think the paper lunch menu said no school.  A corrected menu is online.)  No PM preschool classes.

Oct 25:  No classes.  ECLC open.  (Parking is on the street until the parking lot cracks are re-sealed.)  Fall Fest, 5:00.

Fire Prevention Month

October is Fire Prevention Month.  Not only did preschoolers through fifth graders have a presentation from the fire department and get an up close look at a fire truck, but we had two fire drills to practice new attendance taking methods.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:  https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/October-20-2019.pdf

Butter Braid Bread Sale

Butter Braid Bread sales have begun.  The JFK Music Boosters/students are selling Butter Braid Bread.  This hand-braided pastry is a delicious addition to any holiday meal.  There are a variety of fillings, and each includes a frosting packet:  Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry
with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  These are sold individually for $14/package. Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for
$15/package.  The bread comes to you frozen. When you’re ready to use it, just let it rise 8 – 12 hours and bake about 20 minutes.  The sale ends November 4th with delivery on November 22nd.  If you have any questions or would like to order, please call or text: Melanie Rubemeyer at 563-505-1080.

Student Hunger Drive

JFK’s participation in the Student Hunger Drive begins on Oct 21st and concludes Nov 1st.  Canned/boxed food items are appreciated.

Flu Shots

Students registered to have a flu shot will receive them on Tuesday.  I have yet to receive mine.  Did you get your shot yet?

Blue Out Dress Day

Thursday, October 24th is Blue Out Dress Day in support of anti-bullying at JFK.  Students may be out of uniform, if they are wearing blue.  JFK’s Out of Uniform Guidelines in the parent and student handbook still apply.

Programming Rhythm

I’m out of the rhythm.  When I was a high school student or when I worked at Assumption, there was a definite rhythm to the week, particularly in the fall and winter.  Like it or not, everything seemed to revolve around “game day,” especially when the games were on Friday nights.  There was a feeling in the air that built from the beginning of the week and reached its pinnacle on game day.  Fine arts programs rhythms too.  Their rhythms were usually longer but culminated in the big play or the big concert held a couple of times per year.

When my own children were growing up, I felt the rhythm in  a different way.  With four children, it seemed that there were practices or games nearly every evening or day:  soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, spirit cheerleading, competitive cheerleading, softball, baseball, “fall ball,” golf, etc.  My kids played on school teams, and a few played on more competitive mixed teams.  Add in the mock trial, speech and debate tournaments, youth ministry activities, etc., and it seemed like there was always some kids’ programming.  We wanted our kids to be involved in something, and, many times, the events also aided some good family times.  Competing at Six Flags allowed for us to have a weekend together staying in a hotel, eating out, going on rides, and swimming in a hotel pool.  Tournaments in Dewitt allowed us to check out Dewitt Dairy (now Cups and Cones) for special ice cream treats.  We also, however, recognized that sometimes it was just too much, and we were all just stressed.  Six people in a small hotel room doesn’t give anyone his/her own space.  Sometimes the “divide and conquer” to make things work meant that we were not together as a family anyway.

It’s now been a few years since my family was in the thick of kids’ programming, and I feel a little out of the rhythm.  When the diocesan superintendent, Lee Morrison, asked if there was an elementary school principal willing to volunteer to discuss diocesan concerns about keeping Sunday for worship and family rest, I didn’t know whether to be involved or not.  On the one hand, I always want to be involved in something that may come back to affect us.  On the other hand, I’m not sure where I am on this issue myself and where younger families are.  What are your thoughts?


October 13, 2019

Holy Fire:  Seventh Graders Retreat in Chicago

Seventh graders from JFK and other middle school students from the Diocese of Davenport, the Midwest, and the nation will be gathering in Chicago for Holy Fire on Friday.  This remarkable experience combines powerful music, witness talks, Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Adoration for young people to create, for many, a once-in-a-lifetime faith experience.  Please pray for our 7th graders on their faith journey.

First Reconciliation Parent/Child Meeting

Monday, October 14th:  6:00-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.

Fire Prevention Month

October is Fire Prevention Month.  Preschoolers through fifth graders will have a presentation from the fire department and get an up close look at a fire truck on Thursday.

Oct 24 and 25

Oct 24:  End of the quarter.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  (I think the paper lunch menu said no school.  A corrected menu is online.)  No PM preschool classes.

Oct 25:  No classes.  ECLC open.  Pumpkin Run and activities in evening.

Sign up now to help with the Fall Fest/Pumpkin Run on the 25th:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4baaab28a2fa7-fall


It’s Catholic League girls’ basketball tournament time! Pictured above is JFK’s 8th grade team.

Welcome Alyssa Millard

We are pleased to welcome Alyssa Millard to the JFK staff.  Mrs. Millard is starting on October 14th as our evening custodian.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:  https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/1032800046C-101319.pdf

Butter Braid Bread Sale

Butter Braid Bread sales have begun.  The JFK Music Boosters/students are selling Butter Braid Bread.  This hand-braided pastry is a delicious addition to any holiday meal.  There are a variety of fillings, and each includes a frosting packet:  Apple, Cherry, Blueberry with Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Raspberry, Strawberry
with Cream Cheese, Caramel Rolls with Caramel Glaze.  These are sold individually for $14/package. Also returning this year is the Four Cheese & Herb Bread for
$15/package.  The bread comes to you frozen. When you’re ready to use it, just let it rise 8 – 12 hours and bake about 20 minutes.  The sale ends November 4th with delivery on November 22nd.  If you have any questions or would like to order, please call or text: Melanie Rubemeyer at 563-505-1080.

Fees Reduced?

The Catholic elementary school principals and their boards are discussing how we can reduce those back to school fees paid in late July or August.  Those fees can be from about $150 to more than $600 depending upon how many students a family has, the grade levels of the students, and the activities in which the students participate.  At JFK, families may be paying a lunchroom duty fee, technology fee, technology insurance fee, before/after school childcare registration fee, sports activities fee, and band fee.   While each of the schools has different fees and amounts, we believe we can eliminate or reduce most fees at each school by having a larger than normal tuition increase.  Blending fees into tuition would allow families to take advantage of the 10 month or 12 month tuition payment plan and avoid the August tuition bill AND fee bill due at the same time.

10-15 Seconds of the Iowa Wave is Not Enough

Last September, I wrote about having to hurry so I’d have my lawn work done in time to see the “Iowa Wave” at the end of the first quarter of the Iowa Hawkeye football game.  The “Iowa Wave” is when all the fans, players and coaches of both teams, referees, and everyone in the stadium turn to wave to those watching the game from the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.  It is a touching spectacle that reminds us that football is just a game, and other things are more important.  This fall, I have been very disappointed.  While the broadcasters describe what the Iowa Wave is and mention that it’s the best new tradition in football, the television stations break away for their full commercial break at the end of the quarter.  When the game comes back on, there’s only about 10 – 15 seconds of the Iowa Wave replayed.  It’s not the same!


October 6, 2019

Another Warm Start to the School Year

Students and staff at JFK experienced another warm start to the school year.  Prior to Oct 1st, there were already 36 cooling days, making the start of the 2019-20 school year one of the warmest ever.  The number of cooling days is actually on an upward trend since JFK was built in the 1960s.  During the last three school years of the 1960’s, there were 46 cooling days.  By the last three years of the 2010s, there were 71.

In the fall of 2016, a complete Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) plan for JFK was developed.  The boiler replacement aspect of the plan was completed in the summer of 2017.  The remaining parts of the plan would address the heating issues associated with the hot water pipes, which are anywhere from five to 35 years past their life expectancy, ventilate the building using mechanical means, and allow for air conditioning.  The remaining parts of the HVAC plan are currently being reviewed and updated.  It sure would be nice to have them done before next school year!

Marching Bands at Assumption Thursday

The 7th/8th grade Catholic elementary bands will be marching with the Assumption band at Thursday’s football game at Brady Street.  Come out for an enjoyable evening!

School Pictures

October 8th:  Retakes and make-ups

Oct 24 and 25

Oct 24:  End of the quarter.  Special dismissal at 12:40.  (I think the paper lunch menu said no school.  A corrected menu is online.)  No PM preschool classes.

Oct 25:  No classes.  ECLC open.  Pumpkin Run and activities in evening.

Locals Love Us – Do You?

Vote for JFK on LocalsLoveUs.com.  Preschool, childcare, and K-8 Private school categories.

Thank You, Jeff Edens

Jeff Edens will be concluding his second term as evening custodian with us on Friday.  We have been blessed with about a year and a half of his service this time around.  Not only is Jeff a good employee who takes pride in his work, but he’s an even better person, and we’re glad to have had him in our lives at JFK.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:  https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/10/October-6-2019.pdf

Read about the OLV Foundation reaching its $1,000,000 goal!  With a $1,000,000 endowment, the foundation is able to donate nearly $50,000 per year to OLV and JFK.

The Unwritten Rules

Last weekend, as one of my daughters was getting ready for bed, she spotted a big spider near the bed in a room that she was sharing with her sister.  She came downstairs and told us about it.  Others of us then went upstairs to try to find the spider but were unsuccessful.  That event has set off a little back and forth about “unwritten rules:”

  • Large spiders near beds must be killed.
  • It’s OK if you don’t kill it yourself, but you cannot let it out of your sight, and you must call out to have someone else come kill it.

During and after this event, the following types of phrases seemed very common:  “Everyone knows these rules.  How do you not know the spider rules?”  I fed the sisterly back and forth again on Friday when I took a picture of the hallway at school with all of the paper spiders made by students on the walls and sent it to the two girls.  That reignited the comments:  “It’s OK not to kill paper spiders!”  Apparently, there are just some rules that you’re supposed to know.

The older I’ve become, the more lenient I’ve become with “the rules.”  I remember that when my kids were younger, we didn’t go down the back-to-school aisle in the store until August, the Halloween aisle until October, and the Christmas aisle until Thanksgiving.  Everything needed its own special time; let’s not rush our lives away.  Now, I’m a little more flexible.  When Caitlin was bringing her roommate home for Thanksgiving and really wanted to show her how beautiful the house would look when we decorated for Christmas, what’s a week earlier?

“No desert unless you finish your supper” was another one of those rules.  Now, once in a while, Whitey’s is supper.  Perhaps it even tastes better because we all know that we’re really “breaking the rules.”

I hope you have your own special sets of family rules and can even enjoy breaking them once in a while!

