Catholic Schools Week
Monday, Jan 29:
- Dodgeball for Diapers Day. Forms for this fundraiser are available from Mrs. Tilkens. The tournament will, again, be during the day this year. Third/4th graders will start at 8:00, 7/8 at approximately 9:30, and 5/6 at 1:30. Proceeds from the tournaments held at all of the Scott County Catholic schools benefit Women’s Choice Center, Bethany, and/or Humility of Mary.
- Athletic dress day — out of uniform (but following the out of uniform guidelines in our handbook)
Tuesday, Jan 30:
- Talent Show
- 8:00 Grades 4, 1, 2, 3 in this order. When a particular student or grade performs depends upon the number of acts in each homeroom and the actual length of each act.
- 12:40 Grades K, 5, 6, 7, 8 in this order.
- In the past, we have had an amazing variety of acts: skits, puppet shows, drawing, instrument playing, singing, dancing, joke-telling, sports demonstrations, etc.
- All acts in grades K – 6 must be approved by homeroom teachers, and acts in grades 7/8 must be approved my Mrs. Hinchman. The informational slip went home last week and must be returned no later than Jan 24th. Extra forms can be obtained from a homeroom teacher. Please keep in mind that music, lyrics, movements, and attire of participants should reflect our Catholic values. Anyone having a song with lyrics as part of an act must have a copy of the lyrics approved by the teacher. Approval of acts and music should happen as soon as possible to avoid any last minute changes being required. Students don’t want to practice something for days only to have a staff member require that it be revised or changed when they present it to the staff member for final approval.
- Class dress alike day. Look for information from your child’s homeroom teacher.
- Students may bring a pillow upon which to sit.
- 3 year old PS puppet show during their class time.
Wednesday, Jan 31:
- All School Mass with individual blessings of throats
- Bring a Guest to Lunch Day
- Visit the book fair after lunch
- 10:40 – 11:10 K and 1Y
- 11:10 – 11:40 1E and 4th grade
- 11:40 – 12:10 2nd and 3rd grades
- 12:10 – 12:40 5th and 6th grades
- 12:40 – 1:10 7th and 8th grades
- Parents may take their students home after lunch. However, both a child’s homeroom teacher and office need to be informed.
- Look for a lunch note this week to pre-purchase your adult meal. School lunch will only be available through this pre-payment requirement. Lunches should be pre-purchased by January 22nd to allow ample time for us to order enough food for everyone. As adult meals receive no government subsidy, they are $3.55 each.
- Green and white dress day (Mass appropriate)
Thursday, Feb 1:
- All Catholic schools Mass at AHS for grades 2-8. Look for a separate permission slip.
- Everyone will be in uniform/dress code.
Friday, Feb 2:
- Adoration
- Crazy Sock & Out of Uniform Day
- 8th grade vs. Staff Volleyball Game, 1:50
- Special activities in grades K-2
- 4 year old preschool
- AM classes: Snack, puppet show, book fair. Adults welcome. 7:45 – 8:30
- PM classes: Snack, puppet show, book fair. Adults welcome. 12:00 – 12:45
Flu Season
- He/She has had a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or above within the past 24 hours. Children should be fever free for 24 hours when not using medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to lower the temperature.
- He/She has been diagnosed with a contagious illness and has not yet received medication for at least 24 hours or been released by a physician.
- He/She is too ill to do school work due to conditions that might include diarrhea, pink eye, vomiting, severe rashes, a continuous runny nose, bad coughing spasms, etc.
Children who come to school sick are not productive learners and are often miserable all day. More importantly, they can spread the illness to classmates and teachers. (When school officials worry about having to close buildings due to illnesses, it’s often not because of the number of students ill, but because of the number of staff members absent due to their own illnesses or that of their own children.)
Preschool and Childcare Registration for 2018-19
3, 4, and 5 year old preschool and/or childcare registration for parishioners and families with siblings already at JFK begins on February 12th at 7:30 a.m. Open registration for all others begins on February 15th at 8:00 a.m.
Kindergarten Round-Up for 2018-19
Kindergarten Round-Up is on February 15th. Two sessions are available: 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. and 5:45 – 7:15 p.m. Please call ahead so we can have a special package ready for your child. Informational packets will be available soon.
St. Anne’s Circle is sponsoring a Euchre tournament on March 3rd at 5:30 in the parish center. Proceeds benefit OLV. Entry fee is $25 per person or $50 for a team of two. Teammates will plan together the entire night. Single players are welcome. Table assignments will be given the night of the event. Heavy snacks provided, and BYOB. For more information, please contact Loretta Reed (563-650-3040) or Helen White (563-391-3791).
Congratulations to all 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th graders for participating in the 2017-18 JFK STEM Showcase. Special congratulations to the following students who will present their science fair projects at the Scott County Catholic Schools’ Science Fair on February 8th:
7th grade: Grace H (Sponges), Sophia M (Painrelievers), Isabella K (Five Second Rule)
8th grade: Colin Y (DIY Lithium Battery), Brandon S (Snackbags/Slackbags), Sam L (Mouthwashes)
Consider saying “yes” to a Christian Experience Weekend retreat at OLV. In the 17 years I have been at JFK, I cannot say that I know of anyone who has attended a CEW who hasn’t had his or her life transformed. It provides a profound experience that allows one’s faith life to take a quantitative and/or qualitative leap, and it creates relationships in the faith community that will enhance one’s life now and ten years from now. The retreats are held in the school building and church. The women’s weekend is Feb 2-4, and the men’s weekend is Feb 16-18. Please call Hollie Matthys (563-343-1910) or Charlie Jones (563-940-9350), if you have questions or to register. The actual applications can be found by clicking HERE.