Additional Resources

Schools & Organizations

Assumption High SchoolScott County's Catholic high school.

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Assumption Daily Announcements

Assumption Athletics
Assumption Fine Arts
Davenport DioceseInformation on Diocesan wide programs and resources.
Embracing Our FutureInformation on the Embracing our Future campaign as well as the application for the Family Tution Plan.
Scott County Catholic SchoolsGeneral information about Catholic School education in Scott County, Iowa.
St. Ambrose UniversityLocal Catholic Liberal Arts University affiliated with the Davenport Diocese.
Virtus TrainingOnline registration, training and news regarding the Protecting God's Children Program. Please contact Lisa Willows at 563-391-4245 to register.


Math Presentation SlideshowSlideshow presentation from the parent event on math education at JFK.


Davenport Parks & Recreation Youth Sports (formerly Dad's Club)Look up information on registration deadlines, season dates, and schedules. Dad's Club has been absorbed into Davenport Parks & Recreation.
Future Lady KnightsFind out how your Favorite Future Lady Knights team is doing.
Rising Knights FootballRising Knights Football program.


Box Tops for EducationCheck out this web site for additional ways to earn money for our school. Join the booster club and get valuable coupons and recipe ideas.
Land's EndOutfit your children with School Uniforms from Lands’ End. Every purchase with or without a logo helps the school when you use our preferred school number 9000-9789-0.
Magazine Sales - QSPDid you miss the magazine sale? Click on the SHOP NOW button, then select John F. Kennedy so that the Athletic Club will still get the 40% profit from your purchase. Thank you!
Victory Vouchers Special OrdersVisit this site and click on Retailers to see the available stores that we can special order for you. Orders are placed on Monday mornings and usually arrive sometime that same week.

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