September 30, 2018

Second Place in Davenport Library’s Summer Reading Program

JFK students took second place among all of the elementary schools in Davenport in the Davenport public library’s summer reading program.  We had 85 students complete the program!

Picture Retakes – October 12th

Pictures can still be ordered online.  To order online please visit and enter your event number 27055787. Every child will be receiving a free 8 x 10 class composite; you do not need to add this to your order form unless you would like to purchase additional ones (Item 13).  Retakes will be taken on Friday October 12th.

If you would like to pay by credit card, please order online by clicking HERE or using the following link/url:  All completed orders will be dropped off at the school.

BoxTop Labels Competition

You have until Monday 10/1 to turn in your BoxTop labels for your class.  The homeroom with largest amount turned in wins cupcakes!

Magazine Sales Deadline is Wednesday

Magazine Sale orders are due by Wednesday, October 3rd.  The magazine sale is the second largest fund-raiser with which the school is associated.

How Much Fundraising Is There?

JFK’s fundraising is actually quite low when compared to many of our other Catholic schools.  Taking into account the Gala, 8th grade fundraising for their Chicago trip, Home & School, Band Boosters, Drama, and Student Council, we have about $112,000 in revenue from fundraising.  That figure represents less than 5% of our annual budget.  On a per pupil basis, however, it is about $315 per K-8 student.  Thank goodness fundraising allows us to generate revenue from sources other than tuition paying families!

Cost per Pupil

With fundraising bringing in about $315 per pupil and tuition for OLV participating members being $3,370 for the first child, is the per pupil cost of education at JFK about $3,700?  Not even close.  Our K-8 per pupil cost this year is about $5,516.  Approximately $1,671 per child comes from envelope giving at OLV.  With the parish paying for nearly 30% of a student’s education, there is no doubt why parishioners expect JFK students and their families to be in the pews and fully participating in the life of the parish.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Has Resumed

Children’s Liturgy of the Word has resumed at the 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Masses.  Targeting children under second grade (those who have not yet received First Communion), the Children’s Liturgy of the Word breaks the message down into children specific language.  Children sit with their parents until right after the opening of Mass and then are invited to go to the altar servers’ sacristy on the “Mary side” of the church.  The children rejoin their families before Communion.

Do You Know What Kids Are Doing with Cell Phones?

With about 45% of 10 to 12 year olds in the US having not only their own smartphones but smartphones with a service plan (Nielsen report from February 2017), do you know what the kids are doing with their phones?

  • What apps are they using?  Have you tried them yourself?
  • What social media accounts are they using, how are they using them, and how often do you monitor their activity?  Just because a social media company says that no one under a certain age can have an account, doesn’t mean kids don’t fudge on their age.
  • Are they “roasting” each other or doing “burns?”  How should they respond when they are the target of the burns?  You’d be shocked at the vulgar and vile language that students will use in the “anonymity” of the electronic age.
  • What will they (and you) do when they receive inappropriate pictures taken off the Internet and from people they actually know?  The average age of first exposure to pornography is around eleven.  If 11 is average, what will they and you do when they are even younger?
  • What shows are they watching in an era when family members are watching more and more shows independently on their own Internet connected devices than gathered around a television as a family?  What are the ratings on the shows they watch?
  • What group chats are they in?  Who monitors them?  What will they (and you) do when the chat turns ugly?

So far, the youngest students at JFK we have seen with issues regarding cell phone use have been eight.  Will you be ready?

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Breakfast Program Discontinued

The last day for our new breakfast program was September 28th.  There just weren’t enough students participating, and we were losing money each day.  Perhaps in the future we’ll try a different type of configuration of its operations.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

The Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) is underway.  The goal provided to us by the diocese went up $9,000, a reflection of our overall parish income having increased.  The ADA is a “mandated goal.”  If we do not meet the ADA goal through the campaign, we would have to cut expenses in order to pay the shortage.  Please support OLV/JFK and the Diocese of Davenport.

Lisa Project:  October 20 and 21st

The OLV Wellness Committee and Health Ministry Team are working with Scott County Kids to bring the Lisa Project to our church community on October 20th and 21st.   This 10-minute, self-guided audio tour educates about child abuse.  It will be available in the Gathering Space Meeting Room on October 20th from noon – 6 p.m. and on October 21st from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  You could make
the difference in a child’s life by being better educated about recognizing the signs of abuse.  The state of California requires all freshmen to attend this program.  Trained staff from the Lisa Project will be on hand to answer questions.  Because the display is rated PG-13, there will be an area set aside for younger children to be entertained while their parents take the tour.

Did You Miss the Parish Directory?

Photos for new parishioners, anyone not included in the last directory and anyone who wants to have his/her household’s photo retaken will be scheduled for the Gathering Space during October.  Photo sessions are October 25th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m. and October 26th from 2:00 – 9:00 p.m.  Photos will be taken and viewed the same day.  You will receive a free 8 x 10 and have the option to purchase
additional portraits.  If you do not wish to have your photo taken, you can provide us with a photo of you and your family.  (There is a $10 charge for processing a photo submitted this way for the directory.)  You can email your photo to:  If the submitted photo is professionally taken, a release from the original photographer is also needed.  Everyone will receive a free directory in 2019.

Diocesan Vision 2020

As part of his initiative “Vision 20/20: From Pentecost to Pentecost,” Bishop Zinkula asks each parish to hold a study session and a listening session regarding evangelization based upon Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel.  OLV’s study session is October 21st from 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space.  The listening session will be led by a diocesan representative, with the parish responses recorded and presented to the bishop.  The listening session is October 28th from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Gathering Space.  All are welcome to attend one or both sessions.

Rising Knights Wrestling Club

The signup period for the Rising Knights Wrestling Club has started. For information regarding the club, as well as to register your wrestler, please visit On the website is a link for online registration, as well as a paper form that can be used instead.  Any questions can be directed to Ben Jobgen (cell 563-370-2495, email


September 23, 2018

Picture Day Orders Online

Pictures can still be ordered online.  To order online please visit and enter your event number 27055787. Every child will be receiving a free 8 x 10 class composite; you do not need to add this to your order form unless you would like to purchase additional ones (Item 13).  Retakes will be taken on Friday October 12th.

If you would like to pay by credit card, please order online by clicking HERE or using the following link/url:  All completed orders will be dropped off at the school.

Sad to See Tree Go – Thanks for the Ideas — More?

Thanks to those who have submitted ideas for what we might do behind the school when the final grading of our drainage project is done in the spring.  If you still have ideas, please send them my way.  Let’s think about how we might utilize the land with which we have been blessed.

Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers Fundraiser

Mention JFK or present the flyer for us to receive the donation on September 25th from 4 – 9 p.m.

We’re also in the midst of the magazine sale, which is still the second largest fund-raiser with which the school is associated.  Do you know what the largest one is?  (Answer below.)

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Breakfast Program To Be Discontinued

Our new breakfast program will be discontinued at the end of the month.  Under its present operations with service before regular drop off time beginning at 7:10, the program is only serving about four students per day and losing money.  We started it as an aid to families whose children ride the bus.  All of our morning bus riders were expected to arrive at JFK between 7:04 and 7:06 and could spend as much as an hour on the bus.  We thought a breakfast program might be helpful for these early risers and early arrivers.  Most of our bus riders, however, are not arriving until after 7:10, the same time as those getting car rides in the morning.  It also seems as most students are spending 30 minutes or less on the bus.  The most students we’ve had at school between 7:00 and 7:10 has been 17.  Our break even point for breakfast is approximately 20 students purchasing breakfast.  With the low numbers of actual breakfast eaters and the pool of possible breakfast eaters also being below the break even point, it is not fiscally sound to continue it in its present format.  Our last day of serving breakfast will be Sept 28th.

If your child was a regular user of our breakfast program and you need childcare between 7:00 and 7:10, please contact Mrs. Temming, and we’ll see what we can do.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Has Resumed

Children’s Liturgy of the Word has resumed at the 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Masses.  Targeting children under second grade (those who have not yet received First Communion), the Children’s Liturgy of the Word breaks the message down into children specific language.  Children sit with their parents until right after the opening of Mass and then are invited to go to the altar servers’ sacristy on the “Mary side” of the church.  The children rejoin their families before Communion.

Annual Diocesan Appeal

The Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA) was kicked off this weekend.  The goal provided to us by the diocese went up $9,000, a reflection of our overall parish income having increased.  The ADA is a “mandated goal.”  If we do not meet the ADA goal through the campaign, we would have to cut expenses in order to pay the shortage.  Please support OLV/JFK and the Diocese of Davenport.

Imagine the Amazing Contest Opens Sept 17

Use the following link/url to vote for JFK between September 17 – 30:

All K-12, non-profit public and private state accredited schools within the 99 counties of Iowa and the primary counties served by UnityPoint Health in Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska and South Dakota are eligible.  The site isn’t open yet so I can’t tell you what types of information is required of you in order to vote.  You can vote multiple times, and anyone, regardless of school affiliation, can vote.  The winning school receives $25,000 and the next ten schools get $1,000 each.

Largest fundraiser:  Gala


September 16, 2018

Picture Day on Thursday

Pictures will be taken on Thursday September 20th, with the exception of MWF 3 year old preschoolers and absent students, who will have their pictures taken on Friday.  Retakes will be on Friday October 12th.  It is an out of uniform day, and our out of uniform dress day guidelines do apply (see below).

To order online please visit and enter your event number 27055787. Every child will be receiving a free 8 x 10 class composite; you do not need to add this to your order form unless you would like to purchase additional ones (Item 13).

Payment is expected on picture day.  TSS accepts cash, checks payable to “TSS”, and all major credit & debit cards. If you would like to pay by credit card, please order online by clicking HERE or using the following link/url:  All completed orders will be dropped off at the school.

Out of Uniform Dress Day Guidelines

Even when there is an out of uniform dress day, certain guidelines are appropriate for the modesty expected in a Catholic school.  These guidelines are not intended to limit the fun of theme days, but they are intended to provide a minimum standard.

Tops:  Modest tops without holes, low necklines, spaghetti straps, or visible undergarment straps.

Pants/shorts/skirts:  Lengths of shorts/skirts must meet the requirements of the above uniform policy.  Loose fitting jeans and loose fitting pants may be worn.  If wearing tightly fitted jeans/pants/leggings, one’s top (shirt, sweater, etc.) must be mid-thigh or longer.

Socks must be worn unless formal attire is worn.

Footwear must be worn.

If a student’s attire is not within these guidelines, the student will be asked to change his/her clothing.  If the clothing cannot be changed, a dress code demerit will be issued, and the student will not be allowed to participate in the next out of uniform day.

Sad to See Tree Go – Thanks for the Ideas — More?

Thanks to those who have submitted ideas for what we might do behind the school when the final grading of our drainage project is done in the spring.  If you still have ideas, please send them my way.  Let’s think about how we might utilize the land with which we have been blessed.

Thanks for Supporting Home & School

I read a week ago that teachers nationwide are spending an average of $652 of their own money on classroom supplies, instructional materials, and professional development.  At JFK, we would like to thank you for your support of Home & School.  Through Home & School’s fundraisers like spirit wear sales, the directory, the magazine sale, the plant sale, Spaghetti Supper, movie nights, etc., H & S provides each teacher with a $300 bonus that he/she can use toward things in their classroom.

The first Home & School meeting is September 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  We have the skate night coming up on the 17th from 6 -8 p.m at the Eldridge skate park, and our first fund-raiser, the magazine sale, begins on the 20th.  There’s also a JFK fundraising night at Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers on the 25th from 4 – 9 p.m.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Social Media Article

I found the following ARTICLE regarding kids’ views of social media to be enlightening:

Accreditation by Department of Education; Licensure by Department of Human Services

Our four year old preschool through 8th grade educational and extracurricular programs (except for Catholic League athletics) are under the guidelines of the Iowa Department of Education from whom all of the Catholic schools in our diocese receive accreditation.  Our three year old preschool, daycare and after school care programs are licensed through the Department of Human Services.  (I, personally, think it’s ridiculous for two agencies to be involved when all of the operations are within a school, but, essentially, it has to do with the money.  At the state level, education and childcare have separate funding streams.)

On Wednesday, we had our annual unannounced site visit for three year old preschool, daycare, and after school care.  I would like to thank the staff members for implementing such quality programs which allow us to receive such positive comments from the DHS representative.  I would also like to thank all of our parents who utilize these programs and provide us with all of the extra paperwork that is required.  I understand how much of a hassle it can seem to provide separate documents for K-8 and for childcare/after school care.  Believe me, when we use a room from 7:25 – 2:40 for K-8 education and then have to make sure the room meets a separate set of guidelines for 2:40 – 5:30 childcare even when the same ages of children are being served, it seems ridiculous.  Without following the guidelines and enforcing what’s required from parents, however, we could lose our license and not be able to serve anyone.

Sign Up for This, That, and the Other Thing?

The beginning of the school year brings so much paperwork and now emails for parents.  It’s hard for me to preview it all in the Principal’s Post, especially when some things are grade(s) specific.  Lately, we have had the following registrations/permission slips:  Girl Scouts, Boy/Cub Scouts, JFK’s Running Club (gr 2-4), Mock Trial (gr 6-8), CART (tutoring by invitation), and more.  Thank you for being so diligent in checking for papers and emails.  Students in grades K-2 usually manage to get the materials home in their backpacks.  Students in grades 3-5 can sometimes act as a filter, making sure you see the items they want you to see.  Students in grades 6-8 just leave everything at school!

Breakfast Program To Be Discontinued

Our new breakfast program will be discontinued at the end of the month.  Under its present operations with service before regular drop off time beginning at 7:10, the program is only serving about four students per day and losing money.  We started it as an aid to families whose children ride the bus.  All of our morning bus riders were expected to arrive at JFK between 7:04 and 7:06 and could spend as much as an hour on the bus.  We thought a breakfast program might be helpful for these early risers and early arrivers.  Most of our bus riders, however, are not arriving until after 7:10, the same time as those getting car rides in the morning.  It also seems as most students are spending 30 minutes or less on the bus.  The most students we’ve had at school between 7:00 and 7:10 has been 17.  Our break even point for breakfast is approximately 20 students purchasing breakfast.  With the low numbers of actual breakfast eaters and the pool of possible breakfast eaters also being below the break even point, it is not fiscally sound to continue it in its present format.  Our last day of serving breakfast will be Sept 28th.

If your child was a regular user of our breakfast program and you need childcare between 7:00 and 7:10, please contact Mrs. Temming, and we’ll see what we can do.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Has Resumed

Children’s Liturgy of the Word has resumed at the 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Masses.  Targeting children under second grade (those who have not yet received First Communion), the Children’s Liturgy of the Word breaks the message down into children specific language.  Children sit with their parents until right after the opening of Mass and then are invited to go to the altar servers’ sacristy on the “Mary side” of the church.  The children rejoin their families before Communion.

Imagine the Amazing Contest Opens Sept 17

Use the following link/url to vote for JFK between September 17 – 30:

All K-12, non-profit public and private state accredited schools within the 99 counties of Iowa and the primary counties served by UnityPoint Health in Illinois, Wisconsin, Nebraska and South Dakota are eligible.  The site isn’t open yet so I can’t tell you what types of information is required of you in order to vote.  You can vote multiple times, and anyone, regardless of school affiliation, can vote.  The winning school receives $25,000 and the next ten schools get $1,000 each.



September 9, 2018

Sad to See Tree Go – What Will Replace It?

To make way for the drainage project behind the school, a large tree had to be removed.  What might we do instead when the final grading is done in the spring?  A rosary garden?  Butterfly garden?  Outdoor Stations of the Cross?  Let’s think about how we might utilize the land with which we have been blessed.  Send me your ideas!

Thanks for Supporting Home & School

I just read that teachers nationwide are spending an average of $652 of their own money on classroom supplies, instructional materials, and professional development.  At JFK, we would like to thank you for your support of Home & School.  Through Home & School’s fundraisers like spirit wear sales, the directory, the magazine sale, the plant sale, Spaghetti Supper, movie nights, etc., H & S provides each teacher with a $300 bonus that he/she can use toward things in their classroom.

The first Home & School meeting is September 20th at 6:30 p.m. in the library.  We have the skate night coming up on the 17th from 6 -8 p.m at the Eldridge skate park, and our first fund-raiser, the magazine sale, begins on the 20th.  There’s also a JFK fundraising night at Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers on the 25th from 4 – 9 p.m.  I tried Freddy’s the other night and thought the burger was really good.  Unfortunately, I took my custard home to eat it during the Thursday night football game and fell asleep with it in the freezer.  Frozen custard just doesn’t taste the same as fresh!

Changes to Dress Code

The board made a couple of changes to the dress code on Tuesday.  Two identical logos on each sock will be allowed as long as they meet the size requirement.  The board also changed the policy so that the style and and vendor of girls’ plaid skirts and jumpers do not matter.  The skirts and jumpers just have to be JFK’s blue-colored plaid.  The new wording is on the separate dress code policy on our website under “Policies and Forms.”  It is also contained in the complete handbook also on our website.

Handbook Sign-Off

Speaking of the handbook, please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Parish Picnic and Outdoor Mass

September 15th — Outdoor Mass at 4:30

Picnic following:  bounce houses, Iowa/UNI game available, huge pork tenderloins

Price:  $1 and a dish to share.   Please bring a serving utensil and mark all dishes and utensils with your name for return.

Last name ending in: A – H bring Salads
I – P bring Desserts
Q – Z bring Vegetables

6th-8th Grade Mixer with Catholic Schools

There is a “mixer” on Friday, September 14th for Catholic school students in 6th-8th grades at QC Family Entertainment Center (4401 44th Ave, Moline).  The mixer is from 6 – 9 p.m. and costs $20.  The $20 includes two games of Glow Bowl,  one game of Laser Tag, shoe rental, two slices of pizza and pop.  Transportation will not be provided, and an adult must sign the participants in and out with a school staff member/designee.  Parents are also welcome to stay, and additional chaperones are also always appreciated.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word Has Resumed

Children’s Liturgy of the Word has resumed at the 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Masses.  Targeting children under second grade (those who have not yet received First Communion), the Children’s Liturgy of the Word breaks the message down into children specific language.  Children sit with their parents until right after the opening of Mass and then are invited to go to the altar servers’ sacristy on the “Mary side” of the church.  The children rejoin their families before Communion.

Busy Weekend Coming Up

We have a busy weekend coming up at OLV.  At 4:30 on Saturday, there is an outdoor Mass.  The parish picnic will begin after Mass.  On Sunday at the 9:00 Mass, JFK students will have “Mass parts,” and staff and catechists will receive their commissioning to spread the Word.



September 3, 2018

Campus Safety

Work on campus safety projects should conclude within the next week or two.  All but one camera has been installed, and final wiring is being completed.  Security cameras can help staff monitor the entire campus, serve as a deterrent, provide an early warning to potential suspicious or dangerous situations, be used by first responders should an event be in progress, and help with after the fact investigations.  We received a Scott County Regional Authority grant for this project.  We will soon have approximately 22 cameras covering the outside of the school, the main church entry, and several large common areas/hallways within the school.

Lovewell Fencing should be back this week to finish installing the gates and the fence that goes down the divider.  Yellow sleeves will be placed over the bollards by the concrete barriers as well.  Lovewell also finished the concrete work for two new basketball hoops, but “some assembly required” may slow us down for the rest of the work there.

Phase III of the parking lot safety plan, when funded, will create a new visitor and handicapped parking area off of 42nd Street level with the office entrances.  With all the work we have happening on campus already, however, there is no timeline for phase III.

Sad to See Tree Go – What Will Replace It?

To make way for the drainage project behind the school, a large tree had to be removed.  What might we do instead when the final grading is done in the spring?  A rosary garden?  Butterfly garden?  Outdoor Stations of the Cross?  Let’s think about how we might utilize the land with which we have been blessed.  Send me your ideas!

Thanks for Supporting Home & School

I just read that teachers nationwide are spending an average of $652 of their own money on classroom supplies, instructional materials, and professional development.  At JFK, we would like to thank you for your support of Home & School.  Through Home & School’s fundraisers like spirit wear sales, the directory, the magazine sale, the plant sale, Spaghetti Supper, movie nights, etc., H & S provides each teacher with a $300 bonus that he/she can use toward things in their classroom.

Approved Vendors for Skirts; Logos on Socks to be Discussed Again

We have noticed a few plaid skirts with buckles slip into the building.  Neither one of the approved vendors, Religious Supply and Denis Uniform, sells our plaid skirts with buckles.  Here’s a little history on the skirts.  Years ago, the only place one could get the skirts was through Religious Supply.   Then, we added Land’s End to offer families another option, and the uniform policy was changed to read “or approved vendor.”  (I believe all of the other Catholic schools still only have Religious Supply as the vendor for their skirts.)  A few years later, we added Denis Uniform, in particular, to allow families a good online option.  Over the past year or so, national chain stores started selling plaid skirts, and differences began to be seen here at school:  fit of skirts, types of pleats, base colors of the plaid, exterior buttons or buckles, etc.  (We have enough of a challenge identifying a new approved vendor skirt and an approved vendor skirt that has been handed down from child to child and family to family for years — I don’t know if we every bought a new skirt for any of my three daughters!)  Staff members were left wondering what to do.  When the policy committee met this past spring, the attempt was to put the “genie back in the bottle” and state clearly who the approved vendors were.  No sooner had we stated the three vendors in the policy itself than we discovered that Land’s End no longer sells our plaid, and we had to change the language again to just include Religious Supply and Denis Uniform.  Now, Denis Uniform doesn’t feature our plaid on its website; you have to ask for it.

When the board meets on Tuesday night, I will also ask it to review the issue of skirts and logos on socks at the request of several parents.  We thought we were doing great by adding that socks could have logos.  Now, the question is why can’t socks have two logos on them?  I love dress code!  It always consumes more than it should — can’t you just tell by the amount of space it’s taken up in this Principal’s Post?  (OK, I really do like having a dress code.  The problem is always in the details!)

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Parish Picnic and Outdoor Mass

September 15th — Outdoor Mass at 4:30

Picnic following:  bounce houses, Iowa/UNI game available, huge pork tenderloins

Price:  $1 and a dish to share.   Please bring a serving utensil and mark all dishes and utensils with your name for return.

Last name ending in: A – H bring Salads
I – P bring Desserts
Q – Z bring Vegetables

Spirit Day Snuck Up on Me

I almost forgot about last week’s spirit dress day myself.  I wasn’t even thinking about it for a Thursday.  However, it was the first home football game for our Assumption Knights.  Thank goodness I look at the school calendar regularly!

The Wave on Saturday

No sooner had I spoke about my kids being scattered than Kirsten’s boyfriend came for the weekend, and Tom is taking some vacation time to spend here and probably in North Carolina with Colleen.  I really need to finish the master bedroom remodeling project that I began last Christmas and get the other bedrooms set up for company!

I couldn’t work too hard on Saturday though as I had to catch some important TV.  First, it was services for Senator John McCain.  While there were some political jabs, I couldn’t help but shed a tear as I listened to Meghan McCain talk not about the public life of John McCain but about his private life as a father to her.  It makes me wonder what my kids will say of me.

Then, as I mowed the lawn, I had to hurry so I would finish in time for the Iowa game.  In an add sort of way, though, it wasn’t the game itself that I really wanted to see.  I had to be done in time for the end of the first quarter so I could see the “Iowa Wave” when all the fans, players and coaches of both teams, referees, and everyone in the stadium turn to wave to those watching from the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital.  Football is just a game; some things are just more important.

