Principal’s Post for April 30, 2023

JFK GROWS Students of the Month

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Below are the students being recognized at each grade level who have exhibited these traits particularly well in April:

  • Kindergarten:  Liam H.
    • Liam is kind and compassionate.  He strives to do well with everything he does and always puts his best foot forward. He is nice to his friends and just enjoys having fun!
  • 1st Grade:  Evelyn F.
    • Evelyn is always happy and has a positive attitude. Her classmates enjoy her silliness at recess!  In the classroom, Evelyn is hard working and enjoys helping others when needed. She brings a little sunshine to school every day!
  • 2nd Grade:  Benny S.
    • Benny is the definition of a generous heart. He’s been seen to give his own coat to another student who didn’t have one. He always puts others’ needs before his own and is constantly looking for ways to help. Benny is a great representation of the JFK Difference.
  • 3rd Grade:  Harper W.
    • Harper shows up to school everyday ready to learn. She sets positive examples for her classmates and puts her best effort into everything she does. She does a great job of participating in class, turning in high-quality work, and following directions. Harper is a wonderful student to have in class everyday!
  • 4th Grade:  Marcus K.
    • Marcus is Motivated and wants to do his best.  He is Agreeable and would never test one’s patience.  He is Respectful, sweet, and kind.  He is Caring and won’t leave a friend behind.  He is Upstanding and follows every rule.  He is Successful, and together, our student of the month in 4th grade.
  • 5th Grade:  Greyson C.
    • Greyson is kind and friendly with always a smile on his face!  He is willing to lend a helping hand without being asked, and he thinks about the feelings of others.  Greyson does a nice job following the JFK difference!
  • 6th Grade:  Zander S.
    • Zander is always friendly and willing to help classmates and teachers alike.  He is a great role model to not only his little brother but also to the other Kindergarten buddies as well.
  • 7th Grade:  Alison J.
    • Alison could be nominated every month.  She is compassionate and honorable.  Alison is admired by her classmates as not only a great student but a truly good human being, and, for that, she is a role model.
  • 8th:  Dominic N.
    • Dominic is always willing to help his teachers and work with his classmates in a positive manner. He has volunteered for multiple Mass parts throughout the school year, even when his class is not otherwise involved in leadership roles.

ISASP Testing Make Ups this Week

We had great attendance through ISASPs last week!  We have just a few make ups to do this week.  Now, if we could just figure out how to have a few students spend more than ten minutes on an hour long test,…!

Marzano High Reliability Schools Framework

JFK is involved in a long-term strategic planning and improvement process based upon 40 years of educational research from Dr. Robert Marzano and associates.   This framework defines five key areas of school performance that a school must master in sequence to become a high reliability school where all students learn the content and skills needed to be successful in college, careers, and beyond.  The five levels are the following: (1) Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture, (2) Effective Teaching in Every Classroom, (3) Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, (4) Standards-Referenced Reporting, and (5) Competency-Based Education.

Level I addresses the factors considered foundational to the well-being of a school.  The most crucial step at Level 1 is to build a safe, supportive, and collaborative school culture by operating as a professional learning community (PLC).  As we worked through Level I, Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture, survey results from students, parents, staff, and administrators indicated that the following areas were strengths:

  • Having a safe and orderly school environment
  • Teachers being involved in the decision-making process regarding school initiatives
  • Teacher teams and collaborative groups interacting to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students
  • Having the fiscal, operational, and technological resources managed in a way that directly supports teachers

Relative to these areas of strengths, we indicated we wanted to do better with appropriately acknowledging our successes and with more formal ways for students, parents, community members, teachers and staff to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school.  To help address the former, we’ve added the the JFK GROWS student of the month and the preschool focused Facebook page.  To address the latter, we’ve been using more Google Form surveys and exit cards from meetings, and we’ve created formal suggestion boxes.  The digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members can be found on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

Ways To Get Involved

There are three ways for parents to currently get involved:  Board of Education, Home & School, and Policy Committee.

Even as we regionalize to become Scott County Catholic Schools, there will still be an advisory board needed at JFK.  A recent example of the board’s feedback was to help prioritize our next areas of focus in relation to our winter safety/security assessment.  The nine member board meets monthly.  Terms are for three years.  If you are interested, please contact me at

We know some policies, like dress codes, will remain local rather than SCCS regional policies.  JFK reviews about 1/3 of our parent and student handbook policies every year.  If you are interested in participating in this year’s review, please contact me:

Our Home & School Association also needs officers and active participants.  H & S plans many of the fun activities for families like the event at the pumpkin patch and Snowstar.  Recently, they provided feedback regarding parameters for a new replacing our entire playground out back.  If you are interested in being active with Home & School, please send a message to

ESA Administrative Rules and Tuition Rates for Paying Families

The administrative rules are ready for action by the Iowa State Board of Education at its May 4th meeting.  With the additional information, a letter from SCCS was distributed via email to current families on Friday regarding ESAs and tuition rates for those that will still be paying tuition.  As anticipated the tuition rates for those not eligible for ESAs increased by about 5% at the elementary level and 3% at Assumption.  Please note that the actual cost to educate a student in SCCS is over $8,000.  Tuition covers just over about 50% of the cost.  Parish subsidies and fundraising cover the rest.  The letter can be found here:  ESA Letter and Tuition Rates for Paying Families Letter, 4-27-23

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

How Many Current Students Will Be Eligible for ESAs?

On a three year phase in timeframe, it is estimated using past FTP financial assistance that approximately 30% of the current students in Scott County Catholic Schools will be eligible for ESAs next year.  The families of approximately 30% of our current students have incomes at 300% or below poverty level.  This figure does not include next year’s transfer students or kindergartners.  Not bad for the first year of ESAs!


JFK now has about 80% of its current students pre-registered for next school year.  Enrollment decisions will be made based upon pre-registration information.  Waiting lists and the number of sections needed for each grade level at each building will be based upon completed pre-registrations.  Current families will not want to lose a spot at JFK because they waited too long.

Registration process for 2023-24:

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  The computer application being developed is in test phase now and should be available within one to two weeks.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.  As of the end of April, questions are already being asked about how many/which current families should be allowed to continue with the enrollment process.

Educational Savings Accounts Application Process

Once the state produces the ESA application process, eligible families will want to move quickly.  The deadline for application is June 30th, and it seems as if this deadline will be firm regardless of when the state’s application process becomes live.  It will be to families’ advantages to have their taxes completed as line items will likely be referenced on the application.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline 300% Poverty
1 $14,580 $43,740
2 $19,720 $59,160
3 $24,860 $74,580
4 $30,000 $90,000
5 $35,140 $105,420
6 $40,280 $120,840
7 $45,420 $136,260
8 $50,560 $151,680
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.



Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty, depending.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.

JFK’s Production of Seussical, Jr.

What a hit!  I was able to attend two of the three performances, and they were outstanding!  On stage and behind the scenes, JFK’s middle school students did a fantastic job!  Many thanks to our parents, Mrs. Potter, Ms. Siefers, Mrs. VanSpeybroeck, and those who helped us perform this musical on the Assumption stage.

With the 5/6 grade spring show two weeks ago, the musical this past weekend, and the 7/8 showcase on Thursday, Mrs. VanSpeybroeck ought to be exhausted!

JFK’s Summer Leaps & Bounds and Vacation Bible School

Due to federal funding, Leaps & Bounds will be free again this summer.  We have three sessions on the calendar.  Each two week session runs from 8:00 – 11:30 a.m.  Two hours are for reading, one hour is for math, and 30 minutes are for recess and other fun.  Leaps & Bounds is for those students currently in kindergarten through 5th grade.

June 19 – June 30

July 17 – July 28

July 31 – August 11

Vacation Bible School will be held July 10 – 14.

Registration materials were made available via email.  They will also be posted on our website soon.

JFK Office Position Open Yet this School Year

JFK has an opening in the school office beginning immediately.  Summer and year round work is required.  School year hours are typically 6:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.  Summer hours are more flexible.  The rate of pay is about $14 per hour.  An employee with children at JFK not qualifying for an ESA will receive a tuition discount.  Please contact me at school, if interested.

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • May 1:  Vision screening.  Music Boosters Mtg
  • May 2:  End of 4th mid-qtr.  Vision screening.  Seussical cast and crew out of uniform
  • May 4:  7/8 Showcase
  • May 8/9:  Putnam Museum’s Discovery Dome at JFK
  • May 11/12:  5th grade golfing.  Skate night’
  • May 15-19:  Guest fitness instructor in PE
  • May 18:  Band concert



Principal’s Post for April 23, 2023

ISASP Testing This Week

Students in grades 3-8 will take the Iowa Statewide Assessments of Student Progress this week.  Please make sure your students have plenty of sleep and a good breakfast.  Test administration begins early each morning so being on time is also critical.  Reading, ELA, and math are on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, respectively.  Only 5th and 8th graders take the science assessments on Friday.  Wednesday has our all school Mass in the morning.  Most testing is finished by about 9:00 except on Tuesday when we finish around 9:35.

JFK Musical

JFK’s first middle school musical, Seusical, has performances this week:  Friday and Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m.  All performances are in the Assumption auditorium.

Marzano High Reliability Schools Framework

JFK is involved in a long-term strategic planning and improvement process based upon 40 years of educational research from Dr. Robert Marzano and associates.   This framework defines five key areas of school performance that a school must master in sequence to become a high reliability school where all students learn the content and skills needed to be successful in college, careers, and beyond.  The five levels are the following: (1) Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture, (2) Effective Teaching in Every Classroom, (3) Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum, (4) Standards-Referenced Reporting, and (5) Competency-Based Education.

Level I addresses the factors considered foundational to the well-being of a school.  The most crucial step at Level 1 is to build a safe, supportive, and collaborative school culture by operating as a professional learning community (PLC).  As we worked through Level I, Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture, survey results from students, parents, staff, and administrators indicated that the following areas were strengths:

  • Having a safe and orderly school environment
  • Teachers being involved in the decision-making process regarding school initiatives
  • Teacher teams and collaborative groups interacting to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and the achievement of all students
  • Having the fiscal, operational, and technological resources managed in a way that directly supports teachers

Relative to these areas of strengths, we indicated we wanted to do better with appropriately acknowledging our successes and with more formal ways for students, parents, community members, teachers and staff to provide input regarding the optimal functioning of the school.  To help address the former, we’ve added the the JFK GROWS student of the month and the preschool focused Facebook page.  To address the latter, we’ve been using more Google Form surveys and exit cards from meetings, and we’ve created formal suggestion boxes.  The digital suggestion box for students, parents, and community members can be found on the Contact Us page on our website.  Suggestions will be reviewed and considered regularly.

Ways To Get Involved

There are three ways for parents to currently get involved:  Board of Education, Home & School, and Policy Committee.

Even as we regionalize to become Scott County Catholic Schools, there will still be an advisory board needed at JFK.  A recent example of the board’s feedback was to help prioritize our next areas of focus in relation to our winter safety/security assessment.  The nine member board meets monthly.  Terms are for three years.  If you are interested, please contact me at

We know some policies, like dress codes, will remain local rather than SCCS regional policies.  JFK reviews about 1/3 of our parent and student handbook policies every year.  If you are interested in participating in this year’s review, please contact me:

Our Home & School Association also needs officers and active participants.  H & S plans many of the fun activities for families like the event at the pumpkin patch and Snowstar.  Recently, they provided feedback regarding parameters for a new replacing our entire playground out back.  If you are interested in being active with Home & School, please send a message to

Still No ESA Administrative Rules

The large gathering of private school administrators and school choice advocates came and went last week without ESA administrative rules from the Department of Education.

Registration Information

JFK now has about 80% of its current students pre-registered for next school year.  Interestingly, in two of the four elementary schools in SCCS, rates are much higher, and they are already trying to make decisions about whether one section grade levels should become two and what to do about two sections that are filling to capacity.  At JFK, it seems we’re still doing our slow and steady pace.   It seems a lot harder to do that in a system’s approach, however.  Enrollment decisions will be made based upon pre-registration information.  Waiting lists and the number of sections needed for each grade level at each building will be based upon completed pre-registrations.  Current families will not want to lose a spot at JFK because they waited too long.

Registration process for 2023-24:

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  Due to delays in the computer app development, this process will likely not be available until at least April 20th.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.

K-12 Tuition Rates for 2023-24

Tuition rates for K-12 have not yet been finalized for 2023-24 as we are still waiting for state guidance regarding Educational Savings Accounts.  Tuition rate increases will likely not exceed historical trends:  5% for the grade schools and 3% for the high school.  The 2022-23 tuition rate for a parish supported child was  $4,170 and $6,170 for a non-parish supported child.  Please note that the average cost per pupil for a child in a SCCS elementary school is over $8,000.  The difference between cost per pupil and tuition is made up by parish subsidy and fund-raising/donations.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, have been set.  They are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

Educational Savings Accounts

Once the state produces the ESA guidelines and application process, eligible families will want to move quickly.  The deadline for application is June 30th, and it seems as if this deadline will be firm regardless of when the state’s application process becomes live.  It will be to families’ advantages to have their taxes completed as line items will likely be referenced on the application.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline 300% Poverty
1 $14,580 $43,740
2 $19,720 $59,160
3 $24,860 $74,580
4 $30,000 $90,000
5 $35,140 $105,420
6 $40,280 $120,840
7 $45,420 $136,260
8 $50,560 $151,680
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.




Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty, depending upon how the ESA administrative regulations are written.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.  Parents can even submit the FTP application before tuition rates have been set.  Having the application in place will just speed things up once rates are set.

Planning for New Playground at JFK

We have begun design conversations for a new playground at JFK, replacing the equipment behind the school.  We are appreciative of the feedback provided by representatives from Home & School, student council, and JFK staff.  The design process, ordering, securing of funds, etc. will take some time.  It is not anticipated that any work will be done prior to 2024.  All of our current equipment “out back” is more than 22 years old and shows its age.

Middle School Position, with Math Emphasis, Open for 2023-24

JFK is seeking a middle school, primarily math, teacher for 2023-24.  Mrs. Clark will be moving back to Utah where family resides.  Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, resume, copy/link of one’s Iowa license, and list of references to  More information is on

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • Apr 24-28:  ISASP Testing
  • Apr 24:  Penny War for JDRF begins
  • Apr 26:  Info Knight at AHS, 5:30, Carroll Lab at AHS
  • Apr 27:  Hearing Screening for PS, K, 1, 2, 5.  Plant sale pick up
  • Apr 28:  Plant sale pick up.  JFK musical.  Special dress day.  Cookies and Dreams pop up sale.  Penny War ends.
  • Apr 29:  Upon This Rock capital campaign kick off at OLV.  JFK musical
  • Apr 30:  JFK musical
  • May 1:  Vision screening
  • May 2:  End of 4th mid-qtr
  • May 4:  7/8 Showcase

What’s with this Weather?

I tried to cut some boards for a project on Saturday but got chased in when little ice crystals were coming down fairly hard at my house.  (I had ignored the snowflakes!)  Then, on Sunday, I was wearing my winter coat, wool hat, and winter gloves to mow the lawn.  What’s with this weather in late April?


Principal’s Post for April 16, 2023

ESA Administrative Rules Getting Closer

We have heard that the state is getting closer to releasing the administrative regulations/rules for ESAs, and various elements are being vetted.  On Thursday and Friday of this week, there is a large gathering of private school administrators and school choice advocates in Ankeny.  I anticipate that the regulations/rules will be released for at least public comment no later than the end of this week.

Great Weekend of Events

With the kickball tournament and food truck on Friday night and the Gala on Saturday, it was a fun weekend at OLV/JFK.  Thank you to everyone who helped prepare for, organize, and implement these events.  We can’t do it without you!

Registration Information

JFK now has about 80% of its current students pre-registered for next school year.  Interestingly, in two of the four elementary schools in SCCS, rates are much higher, and they are already trying to make decisions about whether one section grade levels should become two and what to do about two sections that are filling to capacity.  At JFK, it seems we’re still doing our slow and steady pace.   It seems a lot harder to do that in a system’s approach, however.  Enrollment decisions will be made based upon pre-registration information.  Waiting lists and the number of sections needed for each grade level at each building will be based upon completed pre-registrations.  Current families will not want to lose a spot at JFK because they waited too long.

Registration process for 2023-24:

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  Due to delays in the computer app development, this process will likely not be available until at least April 20th.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.

K-12 Tuition Rates for 2023-24

Tuition rates for K-12 have not yet been finalized for 2023-24 as we are still waiting for state guidance regarding Educational Savings Accounts.  Tuition rate increases will likely not exceed historical trends:  5% for the grade schools and 3% for the high school.  The 2022-23 tuition rate for a parish supported child was  $4,170 and $6,170 for a non-parish supported child.  Please note that the average cost per pupil for a child in a SCCS elementary school is over $8,000.  The difference between cost per pupil and tuition is made up by parish subsidy and fund-raising/donations.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, have been set.  They are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

Clarification on PS Tuition and Wraparound Care

Several weeks ago, I indicated that there would not be the separate weekly billing for ECLC (now called wraparound care in SCCS).  There will, however, still be separate tuition and wraparound care charges.  These can be seen on the Preschool Tuition Rates JFK document link above.  This distinction can be important for those families using employer pre-tax benefits for childcare and/or those seeking tax deductions for child care.

Educational Savings Accounts

Once the state produces the ESA guidelines and application process, eligible families will want to move quickly.  The deadline for application is June 30th, and it seems as if this deadline will be firm regardless of when the state’s application process becomes live.  It will be to families’ advantages to have their taxes completed as line items will likely be referenced on the application.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline 300% Poverty
1 $14,580 $43,740
2 $19,720 $59,160
3 $24,860 $74,580
4 $30,000 $90,000
5 $35,140 $105,420
6 $40,280 $120,840
7 $45,420 $136,260
8 $50,560 $151,680
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.




Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs may provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty, depending upon how the ESA administrative regulations are written.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.  Parents can even submit the FTP application before tuition rates have been set.  Having the application in place will just speed things up once rates are set.

SCCS Davenport Elementary School Academic Calendar for 2023-24

The 2023-24 unified academic calendar for the Davenport Catholic elementary schools for 2023-24 is now available off the front page of our website and linked directly here:  Academic Calendar for 2023-24.   (It’s also below in the Principal’s Post, but it is a little small and hard to read in the Principal’s Post.)

Important Highlights of the 2023-24 academic calendar:

  • The one hour early dismissals on Wednesdays have been discontinued.
  • There are eight school days with two hour early dismissals scattered throughout the year.
  • There are a few more full day in-services with no classes for students.
  • There are four days without DCSD bus transportation:  Sept 29, Nov 10, Feb 5, and Apr 8.
  • There is no school for students or staff on Good Friday or Easter Monday.
  • The Davenport SCCS have 176 days of school for students.  The DCSD has 173.  JFK will officially have 1,187:40 “instructional hours” next year.  The DCSD will have 1,108.
SCCS Elementary School 2023-2024 Academic Calendar
SCCS Elementary School 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Wednesday 4/5 Yr Old Preschool Class Times Changing for 2023-24

Without the early dismissals on Wednesday in 2023-24, the times for 4/5 year old preschool will be the same on Mondays – Fridays:  7:25-10:25 and 11:40-2:40.

Planning for New Playground at JFK

We have begun design conversations for a new playground at JFK, replacing the equipment behind the school.  We are appreciative of the feedback provided by representatives from Home & School, student council, and JFK staff.  The design process, ordering, securing of funds, etc. will take some time.  It is not anticipated that any work will be done prior to 2024.  All of our current equipment “out back” is more than 22 years old and shows its age.

Text Messages from JFK

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.

Middle School Position, with Math Emphasis, Open for 2023-24

JFK is seeking a middle school, primarily math, teacher for 2023-24.  Mrs. Clark will be moving back to Utah where family resides.  Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, resume, copy/link of one’s Iowa license, and list of references to  More information is on

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • Apr 18:  5/6 Grade Spring Show
  • Apr 20:  First Communion practice
  • Apr 23:  First Communion
  • Apr 24-28:  ISASP Testing
  • Apr 24:  Penny War for JDRF
  • Apr 27:  Hearing Screening for PS, K, 1, 2, 5.  Plant sale pick up
  • Apr 28:  Plant sale pick up.  JFK musical.  Special dress day
  • Apr 29:  Upon This Rock capital campaign kick off at OLV.  JFK musical
  • Apr 30:  JFK musical
  • May 2:  End of 4th mid-qtr
  • May 4:  7/8 Showcase


Principal’s Post for April 10, 2023

Gala is Here

The 2023 OLV/JFK Gala is this weekend:  Saturday, April 15th.  Celebrate the completion of your taxes!  Proceeds above the normal budgeted amount will go toward new playground equipment out back.

Registration Information

JFK now has about 78% of its current students pre-registered for next school year.  Interestingly, in two of the four elementary schools in SCCS, rates are much higher, and they are already trying to make decisions about whether one section grade levels should become two and what to do about two sections that are filling to capacity.  At JFK, it seems we’re still doing our slow and steady pace.   It seems a lot harder to do that in a system’s approach, however.  Enrollment decisions will be made based upon pre-registration information.  Waiting lists and the number of sections needed for each grade level at each building will be based upon completed pre-registrations.  Current families will not want to lose a spot at JFK because they waited too long.

Registration process for 2023-24:

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  Due to delays in the computer app development, this process will likely not be available until at least April 20th.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.

K-12 Tuition Rates for 2023-24

Tuition rates for K-12 have not yet been finalized for 2023-24 as we are still waiting for state guidance regarding Educational Savings Accounts.  It appears that as the rules are being written there have been a couple of questions come up that they are determining if they can be addressed through the rules writing process or if the legislators must take action again.  These questions are not substantive and may even benefit families more.

Tuition rate increases will likely not exceed historical trends:  5% for the grade schools and 3% for the high school.  The 2022-23 tuition rate for a parish supported child was  $4,170 and $6,170 for a non-parish supported child.  Please note that the average cost per pupil for a child in a SCCS elementary school is over $8,000.  The difference between cost per pupil and tuition is made up by parish subsidy and fund-raising/donations.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, have been set.  They are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

Clarification on PS Tuition and Wraparound Care

Several weeks ago, I indicated that there would not be the separate weekly billing for ECLC (now called wraparound care in SCCS).  There will, however, still be separate tuition and wraparound care charges.  These can be seen on the Preschool Tuition Rates JFK document link above.  This distinction can be important for those families using employer pre-tax benefits for childcare and/or those seeking tax deductions for child care.

Educational Savings Accounts

Once the state produces the ESA guidelines and application process, eligible families will want to move quickly.  It will be to families’ advantages to have their taxes completed as line items will likely be referenced on the application.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline 300% Poverty
1 $14,580 $43,740
2 $19,720 $59,160
3 $24,860 $74,580
4 $30,000 $90,000
5 $35,140 $105,420
6 $40,280 $120,840
7 $45,420 $136,260
8 $50,560 $151,680
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.




Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs will provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.  Parents can even submit the FTP application before tuition rates have been set.  Having the application in place will just speed things up once rates are set.

SCCS Davenport Elementary School Academic Calendar for 2023-24

The 2023-24 unified academic calendar for the Davenport Catholic elementary schools for 2023-24 is now available off the front page of our website and linked directly here:  Academic Calendar for 2023-24.   (It’s also below in the Principal’s Post, but it is a little small and hard to read in the Principal’s Post.)  Lourdes, dealing with the Bettendorf school district and its transportation, and Assumption, which has different scheduling needs than the elementary schools, will have schedules slightly different than JFK, All Saints, and St. Paul’s.

Important Highlights of the 2023-24 academic calendar:

  • The one hour early dismissals on Wednesdays have been discontinued.
  • There are eight school days with two hour early dismissals scattered throughout the year.
  • There are a few more full day in-services with no classes for students.
  • There are four days without DCSD bus transportation:  Sept 29, Nov 10, Feb 5, and Apr 8.
  • There is no school for students or staff on Good Friday or Easter Monday.
  • The Davenport SCCS have 176 days of school for students.  The DCSD has 173.  JFK will officially have 1,187:40 “instructional hours” next year.  The DCSD will have 1,108.
SCCS Elementary School 2023-2024 Academic Calendar
SCCS Elementary School 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Wednesday 4/5 Yr Old Preschool Class Times Changing for 2023-24

Without the early dismissals on Wednesday in 2023-24, the times for 4/5 year old preschool will be the same on Mondays – Fridays:  7:25-10:25 and 11:40-2:40.

Planning for New Playground at JFK

We have begun design conversations for a new playground at JFK, replacing the equipment behind the school.  We are appreciative of the feedback provided by representatives from Home & School, student council, and JFK staff.  The design process, ordering, securing of funds, etc. will take some time.  It is not anticipated that any work will be done prior to 2024.  All of our current equipment “out back” is more than 22 years old and shows its age.

Text Messages from JFK

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.

Spring Weather

Text, email, and, to a lesser extent, phone calls are important to receive from JFK regarding weather influenced decisions regarding school and events.  We used some or all of these means to communicate messages on two of the last five school days.

Students did an amazing job on Tuesday in their severe weather locations, where we were for almost an hour.  When the first thunderstorm warnings for Scott County were issued, we began to carefully monitor weather radar.  Everything on radar was far north of JFK, but the sky kept getting darker.  As the morning went on, we had four people in the office doing almost nothing but monitoring radar on both cell phones and websites.  Interestingly, cell phones apps from the same source as the apps’ websites did not always have the same radar images!  Everything was still going well north of us.  Then, I heard the weather radio say that the storm was approaching the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds.  That’s not far north of us.  It was right at about that time when we looked away from the radar screens and again across the parking lot.  It was darker than night!  Time to head to the lower level severe weather locations!  We just about settled in when the hail started at JFK.  I’d say it was about pea to quarter sized hail with several larger pieces as well.  I don’t think anyone’s car escaped damage, but we haven’t discovered any significant damage to the school.  Just down the block from us at Adams, Williams, and Assumption, I hear, there was no hail at all!

Middle School Position, with Math Emphasis, Open for 2023-24

JFK is seeking a middle school, primarily math, teacher for 2023-24.  Mrs. Clark will be moving back to Utah where family resides.  Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, resume, copy/link of one’s Iowa license, and list of references to  More information is on

Thank You, Mrs. Baker

Julie Baker was recognized for her work at JFK during National School Librarian Week

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • Apr 6:  Holy Thursday school activities, 8:55.  Special seating in the church
  • Apr 7:  Good Friday.  No School/No ECLC.
  • Apr 9:  Easter
  • Apr 10:  Easter Monday.  No School/No ECLC
  • Apr 11:  7th to Finance Park
  • Apr 14:  Kickball tournament
  • Apr 15:  Gala
  • Apr 16:  Ignite Sunday
  • Apr 18:  5/6 Grade Spring Show
  • Apr 20:  First Communion practice
  • Apr 23:  First Communion
  • Apr 24-28:  ISASP Testing
  • Apr 24:  Penny War for JDRF

Holy Thursday Activities

Our Holy Thursday activities were very successful.  Back when we began planning, Jennifer Wemhoff and Kaye Meyers asked me what our goal should be.  I replied that we wanted everyone to be so moved that they would not be able to do any work the rest of the day.  With readings, reflection, video, music, artwork, and mirrors as part of our activities, I think we came pretty close!  To the left is the artwork produced by Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Wolf using Post-Its with students’ names.  I especially would like to thank Mrs. Wemhoff and Mrs. Meyers for their persistence and patience.  In every planning meeting, I kept pushing, “We can do better.  What if…?  How can we….?”  I felt like a proud father during the final activities — they really nailed it!



I must admit that I really did become unable to do any work by Thursday afternoon.  I even had to leave at about 1:15.  I’d like to say it was those Holy Thursday activities, but I think it also had something to do with that 24-30 hour stomach bug that had me curled up in a fetal position on the couch until about Saturday morning!


Principal’s Post for April 2, 2023

JFK GROWS Students of the Month

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Below are the students being recognized at each grade level who have exhibited these traits particularly well in March:

  • Kindergarten:  Daniel K.
    • Daniel has a sweet personality and is kind to his friends.  He is always willing to share.  He is a hard worker and always has a smile on his face.  Daniel is a good helper and a great example of the JFK Difference.
  • 1st Grade:  Sofia B.
    • Sofia has made great academic strides this year due to her hard work and never give up attitude!  She has a kind heart and is a good friend to all her classmates.  Sofia is a very responsible student.
  • 2nd Grade:  Annie W.
    • Annie always has a smile on her face and will help anyone in need. Her assignments are always done neatly and well. She participates in class and can always be counted on for anything that is needed!
  •   3rd Grade:  Dallas M.
    • Dallas is very determined to accomplish her best work on all of her assignments and takes the time to think things through. When she needs help, she always raises her hand to ask a question to assist her in the goal of coming up with the correct answer.  Her determination and hard work are outstanding!
  • 4th Grade:  Maggie C.
    • Maggie never hesitates to help a teacher or a classmate in need. She participates in class and is always on task. Maggie models the JFK Difference by choosing to welcome all and behave respectfully.
  • 5th Grade:  Grant S.
    • Grant demonstrates the JFK Difference daily. He is responsible and brings positivity and pride to the classroom. His leadership skills are unparalleled, and he is always willing to help others.
  • 6th Grade:  Howie E.
    • Howie is a hard worker and always tries his best.  His quiet sense of humor keeps everyone laughing, and he is always willing to help out.
  • 7th Grade:  Aiden N.
    • Aiden’s consistency makes him stand out.  If he says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it. He listens carefully to directions and participates in class with thoughtful responses.  With his kind heart, he is extremely helpful, often volunteering to do things or even taking the initiative to do them without being asked.
  • 8th Grade:  Marissa B.
    • Marissa comes into the room from Algebra in a quiet manner. She is willing to help the teacher and her peers and always participates well in assignments. Marissa has a positive attitude that helps the class stay focused and works well with her peers.

New Information for Registration

More details are available for the registration process for 2023-24:

  1. All preschool, kindergarten, returning, and new families will need to enter information through the pre-registration/application survey.  A QR Code and link/url are available on the front page of our website.  Submissions are time/date stamped.  For those unable to complete the pre-registration/application survey online, physical copies will be available at school.  Enrollment decisions will be made based upon pre-registration information.  JFK currently has only 74% of its current students pre-registered for next school year.  Waiting lists and the number of sections needed for each grade level will be based upon completed pre-registrations.  Current families will not want to lose a spot because they waited too long.
  2. Pay the registration fee for K-8, three year old preschool, or “non-qualifying” four/five year old preschool* OR the extra time fee for an “IA preschool” four year old preschool.  The registration fee is regularly $125 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $375 per family.  The early bird fee rate has been extended until May 1st.  If paid prior to May 1st, the early bird amount is $100 per PK-12 student for a maximum of $300 per family.   The extra time fee for four year old preschoolers is $250 per child.  These fees can be paid online by following the link in the pre-registration/application survey.  You can also go directly just to this payment link, without having to pre-register your child, which is especially handy if you already pre-registered but did not make the payment initially.  Scroll down to the one time payment option to pay registration or extra time fees.  Checks can also be made payable to JFK and sent to the school office.
    1. *A non-qualifying preschooler is a non-Iowa resident or student who turns 5 on or before Sept 15th.  Tuition is charged for this student, and there is a registration fee.  There is no extra time fee.
  3. Complete a more detailed online process that will take the place of the collection of paper Student Information Sheets in August.  Due to delays in the computer app development, this process will likely not be available until at least April 20th.
  4. Online tuition contracts to establish the payment plan agreement will be made available to those who have completed the pre-registration process.  The availability of the online tuition contracts is targeted for May.  Being in good-standing with one’s tuition and fees may also impact the timing of receiving a tuition contract and finalizing enrollment.  Those families who agreed to one or two tuition payments should be finished paying.  Those who are on the ten month payment plan should finish in April.  (The payment period began in July.)  Please remember that, in addition to tuition, payments should be up to date for all fees, like aftercare, band, athletics, etc. and for lunches.

K-12 Tuition Rates for 2023-24

Tuition rates for K-12 have not yet been finalized for 2023-24 as we are still waiting for state guidance regarding Educational Savings Accounts.  It appears that as the rules are being written there have been a couple of questions come up that they are determining if they can be addressed through the rules writing process or if the legislators must take action again.  These questions are not substantive and may even benefit families more.

Tuition rate increases will likely not exceed historical trends:  5% for the grade schools and 3% for the high school.  The 2022-23 tuition rate for a parish supported child was  $4,170 and $6,170 for a non-parish supported child.  Please note that the average cost per pupil for a child in a SCCS elementary school is over $8,000.  The difference between cost per pupil and tuition is made up by parish subsidy and fund-raising/donations.

Scott County Catholic School tuition rates for preschool, with or without wraparound care, have been set.  They are in the linked document:  Preschool Tuition Rates JFK

Educational Savings Accounts

Once the state produces the ESA guidelines and application process, eligible families will want to move quickly.  It will be to families’ advantages to have their taxes completed as line items will likely be referenced on the application.

Who is eligible for an ESA in 2023-24?

  1. All kindergartners
  2. Students who were not in a private school the year prior
  3. All students whose family income is below 300% of poverty
Persons in family/household Poverty guideline 300% Poverty
1 $14,580 $43,740
2 $19,720 $59,160
3 $24,860 $74,580
4 $30,000 $90,000
5 $35,140 $105,420
6 $40,280 $120,840
7 $45,420 $136,260
8 $50,560 $151,680
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $5,140 for each additional person.




Family Tuition Plan Financial Assistance

Current families who do not qualify for ESAs should apply for financial assistance through our Family Tuition Plan Application.  When applying, please make sure you use the drop down menu to select the 2023-24 school year.  There may be more financial assistance available for next year or more families may be able to receive assistance as ESAs will provide assistance for our families who are below 300% of poverty.  (There are still income guidelines and other restrictions to stay within the legal parameters of the Student Tuition Organization rules that will apply.)

Current families who know they are not eligible for ESAs or who might be on the edge should apply for the Family Tuition Plan.  Parents can even submit the FTP application before tuition rates have been set.  Having the application in place will just speed things up once rates are set.

How Much Time Does Your Child Spend on Social Media?

A 2022 report by Common Sense Media indicates that children between the ages of 8 and 12 spend about 5 1/2 hours PER DAY on social media.  Teenagers spend even more time on social media:  a little over 8 1/2 hours PER DAY.

Gala is Sneaking up on Us

The 2023 OLV/JFK Gala is sneaking up on us.  It’s April 15th.  Celebrate the completion of your taxes!  Proceeds above the normal budgeted amount will go toward new playground equipment out back.

SCCS Davenport Elementary School Academic Calendar for 2023-24

JFK’s board will vote on a unified academic calendar for the Davenport Catholic elementary schools for 2023-24 on Tuesday.  Lourdes, dealing with the Bettendorf school district and its transportation, and Assumption, which has different scheduling needs than the elementary schools, will have schedules slightly different than JFK, All Saints, and St. Paul’s.

New Future School Name for Lourdes

Bishop Zinkula announced on Saturday the name for the new school that will be built in Bettendorf and replace Lourdes:  St. Joan of Arc.  With the creation of the regional Scott County Catholic School system, a future replacement for Lourdes, and ESAs, it is truly an exciting time to be in Catholic school education.

Planning for New Playground at JFK

We have begun design conversations for a new playground at JFK, replacing the equipment behind the school.  We are appreciative of the feedback provided by representatives from Home & School, student council, and JFK staff.  The design process, ordering, securing of funds, etc. will take some time.  It is not anticipated that any work will be done prior to 2024.  All of our current equipment “out back” is more than 22 years old and shows its age.

Text Messages from JFK

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.

Middle School Position, with Math Emphasis, Open for 2023-24

JFK is seeking a middle school, primarily math, teacher for 2023-24.  Mrs. Clark will be moving back to Utah where family resides.  Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, resume, copy/link of one’s Iowa license, and list of references to  More information is on

Highlighted Events

See the calendars on our website for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • Apr 6:  Holy Thursday school activities, 8:55.  Special seating in the church
  • Apr 7:  Good Friday.  No School/No ECLC.
  • Apr 9:  Easter
  • Apr 10:  Easter Monday.  No School/No ECLC
  • Apr 11:  7th to Finance Park
  • Apr 14:  Kickball tournament
  • Apr 15:  Gala
