Welcome to JFK’s After School Care program. This program provides supervised activities for students in need of an extended school day. During the program, students will have time to do homework, enjoy a snack, play outside, and become involved in other activities. This extended day program is available to all JFK students in afternoon Preschool through students who are 12 years old but not yet 13.
Hours for After School Care are 2:40 – 5:30 p.m. On Wednesdays, care is provided from 1:40 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. The After School Care program follows the school calendar. After School Care will be available on days with early dismissal due to weather (extreme heat or snow). If the Davenport School District announces that it is canceling school and/or evening activities due to expected inclement weather, parents should pick up children as soon as possible due to the anticipation of unsafe travel conditions. Parents will be notified of any special changes in the schedule as well.
The location of After School Care for K through and including 12 year olds is the JFK lunchroom. The location for preschool students is the ECLC classroom, located on the southwest side of the building nearest the Parish Center. Both locations are equipped with a doorbell to notify the staff of your arrival to pick up a child.
To pick up K – 12 year old students from After School Care, use the main (north) entrance to the building on 42nd Street, and ring the bell to gain admittance.
To pick up Preschool students from After School Care, use the (southwest) entrance for the ECLC classroom and ring the bell to gain admittance.
The person picking up the student must provide the time of pick-up and a signature on the check-in/out sheet. In the interest of safety, students will not be allowed to leave with anyone except those designated to pick the child up on the registration form. Anyone who is not recognized by sight will be asked to produce a photo I.D. When a child is going home with someone besides the parent, permission needs to be provided via a phone call, an email, or a written note to the school office.
To phone the After School Care staff after the school office closes at 3:30 pm, use the school’s phone number, 563-391-3030, and follow the guidance of the voice menu. You will be connected to the program’s staff phone, and your call will be answered.
A registration fee of $25.00 per student is to be paid prior to your child’s attendance in this program.
Method of Payment: After school care is a pre-paid service. Parents deposit an amount in their childcare account, and withdrawals are made based upon usage. A child care account must be established by every family using JFK Child Care Services. This can be accomplished by making an initial deposit on the day of registration of an estimated amount to cover the cost of the first two weeks of child care expenses. Families are expected to continue to make regular deposits into this account to cover the cost of child care services. (See registration form for further information.)
Behavior Expectations: Students will be expected to follow the JFK school rules as written in the John F. Kennedy School Parent and Student Policy Handbook and the guidance of staff members while in attendance in the program.
Exclusion from After School Care may occur due to failure of the student to follow the rules and procedures of the program or lack of payment for childcare.
To register a child for the After School Care program, please complete a registration form available at the beginning of the school year or any time thereafter and return it to the school office along with the $25.00 registration fee per child.
Wrap Around Childcare Registration For Preschool Age Students 2024-25