May 5, 2019

OLV/JFK Campus Expanded with Donation

OLV/JFK’s campus was expanded with the donation of two lots just to the south of the drive by the ball field.  KwikTrip, Inc., owner of KwikStar, added these two lots to their donation of land to OLV.  Our southern property line is now a straight line that backs up to KwikStar and extends from Division to Sturdevant.    (OLV owns and rents out the white house and brown house on Division.)  Volunteers have already begun the process of cleaning up the properties so we can better maintain the land in the future.

Rosary Themed Project by Playground – Fully Funded

Thank you to everyone who donated to the rosary themed project to be put in by the playground.  The project is now fully funded.  We are currently waiting for a dump truck of dirt to be spread and final grading to take place after the winter settling of the ground.

Scott County Catholic Schools Strategic Plan Draft Meetings

About a year ago, Meitler was hired by the Assumption Foundation to examine how Catholic school education is provided in Scott County and provide suggestions on how we might continue to improve in the future.  The executive summary was presented to administrators about ten days ago and will be presented to pastors on May 13th.  From there, the draft will be presented to the staffs of our Catholic schools and then to boards of education, finance councils, and other parish leadership organizations.  From there, the executive summary will be shared with the larger community of parents, stakeholders, and other interested parties.

Holy Fire 6th Grade Parent Meetings

We had an amazing experience with 7th grade students last year at Holy Fire-Chicago.  Holy Fire is a day long mini-NCYC experience for middle school youth.  We will again be using this awesome retreat experience for 7th graders next fall.  Evan Brankin is hosting two information meetings for 6th grade parents:  May 5th at 12:00 in the parish center (carpeted side) and May 6th at 6:00 p.m. in the parish center.

Gala:  What an Enjoyable Evening

The Gala is always a major undertaking that yields such a wonderful evening!  Thank you to everyone who made it possible.

Candy Bar Sale

With the loss of fundraisers over the last few years or the reduction in revenue, we thought we would try a low key candy bar sale with World’s Finest Chocolate.  The candy bar sale is very popular at Regina and some of the other Catholic schools in our diocese.  We’ve been doing so well that the company sent us more boxes.  If you need another box, please send in the $60 for the first box, and let Angie H. know in the office.

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health affects many families.  According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, 1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness, 20% of youth ages 13-18 live with a mental health condition, and depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.  Fifty percent of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14, and there is an 8-10 year gap between the onset of symptoms and intervention.  Recognizing these issues, major legislation was passed this spring in Iowa that will establish a Children’s Behavioral Health System State Board that will guide age-appropriate universal screening and help provide services in the areas of prevention, early identification, early intervention, community prevention, and comprehensive crisis services.

To draw attention to mental health, we will have an out of uniform day on May 10th if students wear green and/or the green ribbon provided by student council.

Home & School News

Home & School board members are needed for next school year.  Andrea Schuster would be glad to answer any of your questions.

Wasn’t the plant sale a smooth operation?!  Please thank the Schusters, Gerlachs, Millers, Wichelmanns, and others that I’m sure I missed.

Our last H & S meeting is May 23rd at 6:30 p.m. in the parish center.  Share your thoughts about this past year, brainstorm ideas for the future, and prepare the budget for next year.

Family Movie Night: May 31st, time TBA.  Lego Movie 2 will be the featured show.

Crusader Theater on May 10 and 11

“How I Met Your Mummy” will be performed by JFK’s 8th grade Crusader Theater on May 10 and 11.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m.  with the play beginning at 7:00. Tickets are available now.  Please contact the school, Mrs. Bauer, or an 8th grade theater member for more information.  It’s always great to see the student actors/actresses, set design, stage crew, parents, and staff pull together for such a great activity.  This year’s play is hilarious!

Five Year Employment Recognition

On Sunday, we recognized several employees for their five year employment increments with OLV/JFK.

5 years:  Meredith Ash, Kayelyn Blake, Kim Burken, Angie Hillebrand, Kathy Knox, Sasha Lundquist, and Jodi Weiser

10 years:  Julie Baker, Sara Tilkens, and Alicia Turnquist

15 years:  Michelle Jordan

30 years:  Shelly Furlong

May God bless all who do the service of the Lord through their employment in the ministries of Our Lady of Victory.

End of 4th Mid-Quarter May 8

May 8th is the end of the 4th mid-quarter.  Since the Easter break, we are actually in one of the longest uninterrupted periods of school.  We have a lot of school left.  Don’t let your students drift!

Field Day Volunteers

We are in need of field day volunteers!  If you can help on June 5, please contact Sara Tilkens.

Position Open at JFK

School Counselor:  We will have a full-time school counselor position available for the 2019-20 school year.   Iowa licensure is required.  To apply for this position, please send a copy of one’s license, resume, letter of interest, and references to

Bulletin Link:   May 5, 2019
