February 23, 2020

Wave Two of Flu

It seems like wave two of the flu has picked up with both the A and B strain affecting people.  If you’ve had one, you can still get the other too!  Remember to have your children wash/sanitize their hands and cover sneezes and coughs.  Please keep them home if they are sick.

Kindergarten Round-up Has Occurred

If you missed kindergarten round-up, please contact the school office, (563) 391-3030.

Preschool and Daycare Registration

Three, four, and five year old preschool and daycare registration has begun and waiting lists have begun for some classes.  Spots can go fast so don’t delay registration.  Click HERE for a church bulletin from a couple of weekends ago that contains an insert with more information.

AHS Production of Freaky Friday

Save the Date for the Assumption Knight Players’ production of Freaky Friday, a heartfelt, comedic, and unexpectedly emotional update on an American classic!  When an overworked mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they come to appreciate one another’s struggles, learn self-acceptance, and realize the immeasurable love and mutual respect that bond a mother and daughter.  Performances are on March 6th and 7th at 7:00 p.m. and March 8th at 2:00 p.m..  Tickets available at http://www.showtix4u.com   or at the door.

Policy Committee

Each year, an ad hoc committee of parents, staff, and board members examine about 1/3 of the policies in the student handbook and make recommendations to the school board.  We typically meet 2-3 times and choose a date/time that will work for the most people.  If you would like to be a part of this spring’s policy committee or have feedback regarding something in our handbook, please contact me via email.

One of the policies that will be reviewed is the fund-raising policy (see below):

All fund-raising activities at JFK must have prior approval from the principal and/or pastoral administrative staff.  Fund-raising activities will be coordinated throughout the entire parish with attention given to the number of fund-raisers taking place concurrently, the impact on our families, and whether the purpose is to benefit our programming (Ex.:  Gala) or to benefit others (Ex.:  Holy Childhood Association).

Prior to approval, fund-raising activities must have the following clearly identified:

Purpose of the fund-raising

Specific person in charge of the fund-raising

Duration of the fund-raising

Extent of the solicitation of the funds (Ex.:  parents, parish members, and neighborhood/city community)

Plan for disbursement of the funds

How Much Fund-Raising Do We Do?

It seems like there’s always some fund-raising happening.  Scouts, band boosters, Kids Heart Challenge, $1 out of uniform for some cause, Gala, etc.  Fund-raising, including by Home & School and Band/music boosters, for purposes that actually stay at JFK, however, account for less than 4% of the school budget.  That figure is actually quite low in comparison to many other Catholic schools.  The difference is made up with a larger OLV parish contribution toward education than many other Catholic schools receive from their sponsoring parishes.  The leadership at OLV has decided that being good stewards and giving regularly to the church through envelopes is a better method of financing Catholic school education than huge or constant fund-raisers for school operating purposes.  The really big fund-raisers will be saved for capital campaigns such as for the 2011 additions to the church and school or for future projects, such as HVAC work at JFK.

Highlighted Upcoming Events

Feb 23-25:  Parish Mission.  Attend one or all three sessions.  Sunday’s session is at 3:00.  Monday’s and Tuesday’s sessions are at 7:00 p.m.

Feb 26:  Ash Wednesday Masses at 7 and 8:15 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

Feb 27:  QC Veterans’ Outreach Center Out of Uniform Day (Decades Day)

Feb 28:  JFK Reconciliation

Mar 12:  Home & School Mtg

Mar 13:  Green/White Dress Day

Mar 16-20:  Spring Break.  No Classes.  ECLC Open.

Mar 23:  Classes Resume

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:  https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/02/February-23-2020.pdf

How Fast the Time Goes

Time seems to fly by!  As I write this Post, I’m already putting in Ash Wednesday and spring break.  Not only am I looking in the schedule ahead to March, but I’m starting to look into April and even the summer.  Even Home & School’s flower sale begins order-taking this week.  At school, current budgeting talk is not about this school year, but next school year, and we’re trying to organize our summer programming as well because we know how early families make summer plans!  At home, two of my children visited this weekend.  As I looked forward to their arrival on Friday, the work day seemed to go on forever.  Then, they finally arrived Friday evening.  In what seemed to be the blink of an eye, however, we were wrapping up brunch after Mass on Sunday, and they had to leave again.   Where does the time go?
