December 4, 2022

JFK GROWS Students of the Month

Each morning, students and teachers at JFK recite the JFK Difference:  JFK GROWS.  We put God first, use Respectful behaviors, find Opportunities to serve, are Welcoming to all, and make Safe choices.  Below are the students being recognized at each grade level who have exhibited these traits particularly well this past month:

  • Kindergarten: Elias F.
    • Elias is a shining star! He works hard, is kind to everyone, has a winning personality, and is a great student overall.  He knows what it means to try and work hard to meet goals and isn’t afraid to ask for help.
  • 1st Grade: Olivia M.
    • Olivia is a positive role model for her classmates as she makes safe/good choices consistently, independent of whether or not there is direct adult supervision.  She is a responsible, kind, and hard working first grader!
  • 2nd Grade: Lani A.
    • Lani always has her classmates’ backs. She is there to lift them up when they are sad or frustrated.  She gives 150% all day, everyday.
  • 3rd Grade: Peyton P.
    • Peyton works very hard on every assignment and has an awesome attitude towards learning.  She can always be counted on to stay focused when a lesson is being presented, showing her desire to learn.  She also can always seem to find something positive happening in the classroom and shares it with others in such a happy voice that it creates an amazingly positive atmosphere.
  • 4th Grade:  James E.
    • James is kind and respectful to everyone.  He works extremely hard as well.
  • 5th Grade:  Sierra M.
    • Sierra is always positive toward others, and she treats her classmates and teachers with respect.  She takes school seriously and does a nice job following directions.  She never complains, and she acts in a mature manner.
  • 6th Grade:  Alayna A.
    • Alayna  is very respectful and follows classroom rules and procedures.  She is always willing to help those around her.
  • 7th Grade:  Noah F.
    • Noah is truly ‘Mr. Dependable.’  If you ask something of Noah, consider it done, sometimes before you even asked for it! Noah is extremely self-motivated and often times only needs to be guided and encouraged in his own learning.  The level of his passion for music and band set him apart from many others.  Finally, Noah is a living embodiment of being impeccable with one’s word.
  • 8th Grade:  Maizy E.
    • Maizy has done a fantastic job with her participation in Civic Oration. She asks questions, accepts feedback, and works hard in class. She is adept at helping others to stay on task as well.

Scott County Catholic Schools and St. Ambrose University 8th Grade Career Fair

School counselors for the Scott County Catholic Schools are asking for your help as we begin preparing for our annual 8th grade career fair which will be Friday, March 3rd, 2023 at the St Ambrose Rogalski Center.  Presenters are needed for a variety of careers!  Presenters are asked for a time commitment of 8:15am-1:30pm. We ask you to prepare a booth with information about your career (job duties, professional expectations, hours, required education/training, likes & dislikes, etc).  The students always enjoy hands-on activities as well!  Students rotate in groups and complete a career questionnaire about each booth they visit.  A thank you lunch will be provided for presenters and an invite to join us for the celebration Mass at 1:30 at Christ the King Chapel on campus is extended to presenters.  If you are interested in helping please contact Mrs. Wolf at

Substitutes Still Needed

JFK is in need of substitutes.  Prior to the pandemic, we had ten people available to substitute for JFK.  We currently have three substitutes on our list.  We are averaging about 2.8 staff members absent per day since the school year began, and 4.4 for the past month.  Luckily, we don’t always need a substitute to cover a position, but there are times when shifting duties seems like an every day occurrence.

We are in need of substitutes for both long-term assignments (like maternity leaves) and short-term assignments (like when a teacher needs to stay home with his/her own sick child or has an appointment).  You do not need a teaching degree to work as a substitute.  A minimum of an associate’s degree or 60 college degree hours from a college/university are enough to qualify.  The process to become a substitute teacher includes completion of a 15-20 hour workshop, multiple background checks, and applications with the Iowa Board of Education Examiners and JFK.  Most workshops, such as the ones below, are now virtual:

  • Dec. 12-15, 6:00p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • Jan. 10-13, 6:00p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • Feb. 6-9, 6:00p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
  • Mar. 7-10, 6:00p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

There is even a self-paced option for the workshop.  Iowa’s Keystone Area Education Agency has good information:  Substitute Authorization

Recognizing the need for substitute teachers, JFK’s board has authorized a $450 bonus at the pay period following the fifth day of substituting at JFK to the first five people to take advantage of this offer. The bonus will essentially cover the workshop fee, license application fee, background check fee, and pay an amount for the workshop time.  Subs earn just over $100 per day at JFK.

For more information about substituting, please contact me.

Mississippi Valley Student Tuition Organization

The Mississippi Valley Student Tuition Organization (MVSTO) funds most of the financial assistance for students attending Catholic schools in Scott County, including JFK.  Over 100 students from OLV receive financial assistance to JFK or Assumption.  Donations to the MVSTO are not only greatly needed by students, but they also have a tax incentive for the donors:  Iowa taxpayers can claim a 75% direct state tax credit for donations made to the MVSTO.  A donor making a $500 donation can take a $375 credit off what they would otherwise owe the state of Iowa.  Donors may also be eligible for a federal tax credit, depending upon their tax status.  In order to qualify for the tax credit on one’s 2022 taxes, donations must be made before January 1st.

For more information, please contact Assumption High School, 563-326-5313.

Highlighted Events

Things keep getting added to the calendar.  Check online for more complete information as the below are only some of the highlights.

  • Dec 5:  3rd Grade Gingerbread Houses in cafeteria.  Civic Oration First Rnd
  • Dec 6:  3/4 Christmas show in gym
  • Dec 7:  1st/2nd Grades Field Trip to AHS’ Children’s Theater
  • Dec 8:  Feast of the Immaculate Conception.  Dental & Vision screening for K, 1, 3, 5, 7.
  • Dec 9:  4/5 Yr Old PS Family Events.  3rd/4th grades out of uniform
  • Dec 12:  Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
  • Dec 13:  K-2 Christmas program
  • Dec 14:  3 Yr Old PS Family Event
  • Dec 15:  Civic Oration Final Round.  Band Concert at AHS Auditorium
  • Dec 16.  Red/Green/White Dress Day.  2 Hr Early Dismissal (12:40).  No PM PS
  • Dec 17 – Jan 1:  Christmas break
  • Dec 23/26:  ECLC Closed
  • Dec 29/30:  ECLC Closed

What’s with Wednesdays?

I wish I could figure out why I always seem to be running later on Wednesdays than any other day.  I get up at the same time and follow the same routine:  read the newspaper and look at my online city game while I try to wake up,  check messages for last minute staff absences, and get dressed/ready for school.  Without any change in routine, it always seems as if I’m running behind just on Wednesdays.  Then, I remember it’s also garbage day at our house on Wednesdays, and I really start running behind.  This whole process has been the same for many years so I know it’s going to happen, and yet it still does!  What’s with Wednesdays?

