
We embrace and celebrate Christian stewardship as an intentional and proportionate sharing of our time, talent and resources with a loving and generous God. In addition to prayer, worship and love of neighbor, we are called to volunteer our time and talents in church and community activities that help others and promote justice. We truly understand that God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well and we are responsible for developing those talents to build up God’s kingdom.

OLV Parish Stewardship Prayer

“Father, we give thanks to you for the gifts you have given us: life, family, friends, time, talent and treasure. All that we have comes from you. Help us to remember this, rejoice in your goodness, and live as true disciples of Christ. Send us your Spirit to form us as Church and guide us so that we may use these gifts to build your kingdom. Bless our parish and strengthen us as we seek to make stewardship a way of life. Amen.”

Stewardship Events

Parishioners are asked to pray for the success of stewardship “as a way of life” in our parish and in our families.
Click here for a Handbook of Ministries with information regarding opportunities for stewardship of time and talent.

“Serving One Another with Whatever Gift Each of You has Received” – 1 Peter 4:10


Committee Members & Meetings

The Stewardship Committee works to foster an awareness of stewardship as a way of life and seeks to motivate individuals to realize the personal and communal benefits of stewardship. The Committee formulates plans for the ongoing implementation of stewardship in the parish.

Members: Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf, Judy Johnson, Peg Macek, Chuck Gerlach, Monica Flathman and Deanne Mainey.

Meetings are 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Gathering Space Meeting Room.


Opportunities within this parish community for returning gifts of time and talent to God are featured in the Handbook of Ministries & Organizations. As stewards of our unique abilities, volunteering with a group or activity provides a way to thank God and enhances the life or our parish and school. If you have a gift or talent to share, please let us know. Contact the ministry leader listed in the Handbook or call the parish office and we will put you in touch with the appropriate coordinator.

Our Children’s Offertory encourages young people to place their own gifts to God in the offering basket each week and provides a way for them to participate more fully in the Mass. Two styles of children’s envelopes are available. Both allow the children to write down how they’ve used a gift of time or talent to serve others. During the preparation of the altar the priest invites them forward to place their envelope in the special children’s basket. It is suggested that any money enclosed in the envelope comes from the child’s own funds, rather than a parent’s wallet.

In an effort to connect children with God’s work throughout the world, some of the proceeds received are used to sponsor Jaemelyn Yabut, who lives in the Philippines. The children’s sponsorship helps Jaemelyn and her family meet basic needs for nutrition, medical care and education. Periodically messages from Jaemelyn and outstanding acts of stewardship as noted on the envelopes are reported in the bulletin or parish newsletter.

Single children’s envelopes are always available at the doors of church. Families wishing to take home a complete boxed set may request them. Parents and grandparents find the children’s offertory to be a positive experience and a good conversation starter at home.

Guidelines for Giving

When making the decision about how much to give to our parish, we hope that you will consider these principles drawn from scripture.

Give to God out of Gratitude: It is impossible to give to God. God already owns everything. Our giving should be done in gratitude, as a return to God for the generosity bestowed on us.

Give to God First: Don’t wait until all your other bills are paid before you do your giving. Write your checks to God first, through gifts to the Church and to the poor. This practice is a powerful symbol of what, or Who, truly comes first in our lives.

Plan Your Giving: Take the time to prayerfully decide what to give. Don’t give out of habit or “whatever is in the purse,” but plan your gift as carefully as you would choose a gift for someone you love.

Give Proportionately: One suggestion is that we base our giving on the biblical tithe, or 10% of income. This practice was common in the Old Testament. Regardless of the percentage, your gift should reflect a personal decision that truly indicates the ways you have been blessed.