This sacrament requires special consideration and preparation. Engaged couples must contact the parish office at least six months in advance of the desired wedding date. At least one of the parties should be a registered, participating parishioner.
Preparation includes discussion and instruction on the theology of marriage, assistance with the wedding liturgy, and discussion of an inventory (FOCCUS), which explores each person’s understanding and expectation of various areas of married life.
Additionally couples choose one of the following:
- Sponsor Couple – a series of five meetings with a trained married couple from the parish for face-to-face, couple-to-couple discussions on the gift and challenge of two becoming one.
- Engaged Encounter – a weekend get-away offered by the Diocese of Davenport that concentrates on broadening and deepening the love relationship through effective communication and sharing.
A handout with information about music, stipends, flowers, rehearsal, etc. is given to all engaged couples when they schedule a wedding. Wedding Guidelines