Ladies Council

The Ladies Councils primary purpose is to provide service to our parish community. This group provides financial and hands on support through the numerous circles that are outlined below. Feel free to contact a circle that interests you…new members are always welcome.

All circles participate in the annual bazaar in November. Crafts, great food, and a raffle are part of this great event.

Contact: Helen White, President (Parish Office 563-391-4245)

Funeral Luncheons

As a service to families grieving the loss of a loved one, this group of men and women provide a luncheon in the Parish Center after the funeral liturgy.

Contact: Carole Smith (Parish Office 563-391-4245)

Communion of Saints Prayer Circle

An extensive group of 50+ men and women who participate in a phone tree and are committed to prayer for the various needs and intentions of the community. Many enjoy the comfort and encouragement of knowing others care and are praying for them and their intentions.

Contact: Betsy Kuennen (Parish Office 563-391-4245)

Queen of Heaven Circle

Service projects:

  • Annual rummage sale
  • Funeral luncheons
  • Parish bulk mailings
  • Salvation Army meals
  • Assist with Annual Bazaar
  • Angel Blanket Ministry
  • Pictorial Directory

Meetings: the 2nd Thursday each month at 9:30 AM in the Parish Center

Contact: Jeanne Barnett – 563-391-4245 (Parish Office)

Saint Therese Lisieux Circle

Service projects:

  • Salvation Army meals
  • Birthright blankets
  • baptismal garments
  • provide crafts and assist at the Bazaar

Meetings: the 3rd Thursday of each month – mornings

Contact: Judy Faktor (Parish Office 563-391-4245)

Saint Gabriel Circle

Service projects:

  • welcoming newcomers to the parish
  • CPC Pregnancy Center donations
  • Ribbon Tree at Christmas
  • adopt a family at Christmas
  • Salvation Army meals
  • assist with Bazaar

Meetings: the 1st Tuesday evening of each month

Contact: Maureen Mosse (Parish Office 563-391-4245)

Saint Elizabeth Seton Circle

Service projects:

  • Social Sunday
  • Wishing Well for local nursing homes
  • Bazaar Bakeshop
  • Crafts for the Bazaar
  • Salvation Army meals

Meetings: the 2nd Tuesday evening of each month

Contact: Jenny Serrurier (Parish Office 563-391-4245).

Saint Anne Circle

Service projects:

  • Euchre night
  • Parish receptions
  • Candy for the Bazaar
  • Salvation Army meals

Meetings: the 1st Thursday evening of each month (September – May).

Contact: Helen White (Parish Office 563-391-4245).