Becoming Catholic

An invitation…from Jesus

We believe your desire to find out more about the Catholic Church is an invitation from Jesus to get to know Him through this community.

Becoming a full member of the Catholic Church empowers you to know the presence of Jesus through His sacraments and to continue to grow in life-long and ever-deepening commitment to Him. The sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist offer full membership in the church.

The response…from our church

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) provides the official structured process to help you on your journey of encounter with Jesus.

At Our Lady of Victory, in union with the pastoral staff, a team of volunteer parishioners carries out this Rite. We pledge to assist you as you explore the Roman Catholic Faith and your commitment to Jesus.

Spouses or friends are encouraged to be with you for all sessions. A parish sponsor accompanies you. Active participation in weekly sessions involving church prayer, worship, teachings, and mission activities provides the initiation experience. Affirmation of your progress occurs at church services. There is no monetary cost.

RCIA is a journey of faith and faithfulness. Your level of commitment progresses in the following stages:

A Journey….

INQUIRY – a time of questions and fundamentals.
Six weekly sessions are held Sunday mornings after the 9 AM Mass.
The Rite of Acceptance/Welcoming is celebrated at church.

CATECHUMENATE – a time of learning and increased commitment takes place after the homily at the 9 AM Sunday Mass.
This period includes reflection on the Word, an introduction to church traditions and teachings, and participation in parish life.
The Rite of Election is celebrated at church for those going forward to the sacraments at Easter.

ENLIGHTENMENT – the time for prayerful reflection and immediate preparation for the sacraments.
During the Lenten Season (six weeks before Easter).

EASTER VIGIL – time for initiation to the sacraments.

MYSTAGOGY – weekly meetings continue up to/including Pentecost Sunday.
Community offers support as needed after initiation to the sacraments.

How Long?  Discernment about the process duration is a joint effort, involving candidate, pastor and team. Interviews help clarify readiness. Candidates already baptized in another Christian church may already be well on the way in their journey. Church regulations concerning marriage/annulment may affect the length of the process.

Where?  Weekly informal sessions are held in the Gathering Space Meeting Room.

How to Get Started?  Call for information or interview. Church office – (563) 391-4245 and ask for Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf. Email address is RCIA will not start until after LABOR DAY with informational gatherings with RCIA team members the weekend of August 20/21st.