Phone Numbers
Phone: (563) 391-4245
Fax: (563) 445-1003
Name | Title | Location | Phone Number | |
Fr. Patrick Hilgendorf | Pastor | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Fr. Mike Snyder | Parochial Vicar | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Deacon Al Boboth | Deacon | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Deacon Marc Mosse | Deacon | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Deacon John Wagner | Deacon/Parish Nurse | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Mrs. Char McGovern, RDMS | Health Advocate | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Mrs. Bonnie Beyhl | Health Advocate | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Ms. Julie Kilburg | Health Advocate | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Mrs. Christina Dahl-Bright | Administrative Asst. | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Ms. Ann Lotspeich | Parish Bookkeeper | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Mrs. Lisa Willows | Director of Communications/Safe Environment | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 | |
Mrs. Jennifer Wemhoff | Adult Faith Formation Coordinator | Faith Formation Office | 563-391-8384 | |
Mrs. Jammie Jamieson | Director of Religious Education | Faith Formation Office | 563-391-8384 | |
Mr. Mark Mirr | OLV Maintenance/Custodian | Parish Office | 563-391-4245 |
Office Locations
Parish Office
Located on the first floor of the east end of the rectory. Hours are 7:30am – 4:00pm Monday through Friday.
Faith Formation Office
Located on the upper level at the north end of the school. Hours are 7:30am – 3:00pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30am – 8:00 pm on Wednesday and 7:30am – 12:00pm on Friday or by appointment as needed.
Please call the Parish Office (391-4245) to make arrangements.
Pre-Baptismal welcoming and information is held on the 3rd Monday of the month. Please call the parish office at 391-4245 to register.
Please contact the Parish Office to schedule desired wedding date.
Holy Communion to Shut-Ins
We’d love to serve you. Please call the Parish Office in advance to make arrangements.
Sick Calls or Emergencies
Emergency: 563-293-1177
Parish Nurse/Health Advocate
Our Parish Nurse or Health Advocate can answer your questions, present health information, facilitate access to services, listen to your concerns, and pray with you. Please let us know of your needs.