September 22, 2019

Locals Love Us – Do You?

Vote for JFK on  Preschool, childcare, and K-8 Private school categories.

Civic Oration Begins This Week

Can you believe we’re already going to start working on 5th-8th grade civic oration?  One of the reasons we switched to the fall was to enable students to be using the skills learned in civic oration through the rest of the school year.  This year’s topic deals with what freedom means.


JFK graduates in National Honor Society at Assumption.


New Report Cards and Mid-Term Progress Reports

Beginning this fall, our report cards and mid-term progress reports will have a new look to them.  The new reports will allow more feedback to be given.  The first mid-term ends Wednesday, and progress reports will be sent home the following Monday or Tuesday.

“Magazine” Sale

Home & School’s “magazine” sale continues.  This fund-raiser is the largest one by our Home & School.  Home & School helps provide for the needs of all students.  It is a major contributor toward the annual upkeep of the gym floor and the re-mulching of the two playgrounds.  It provides each teacher with $300 toward the needs in their classrooms.  (Did you know that teachers spend, on average nationally, about $500 of their own money each year on classroom supplies?  I wonder if this is common in other professions.)  Please support JFK’s Home & School Association.


Are You Registered to Receive Text Messages from JFK?

If you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK (primarily families new to JFK and/or preschool), type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

Handbook Sign-Off

Please read the parent and student handbook, available HERE, and on our website:  Then, print off the last page, sign it, and return it to the school office — one per family.  Thank you for helping us to reduce our printing costs.

Open Position

We have an instructional aide position available to assist students and teachers in elementary classes and supervisory duties.  To apply, please send a letter of interest, resume, and references or stop in the school office for an application.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url:


Will it sink or float?  Sixth graders working in science class.

School Pictures:

September 30th:  K-8, 4/5 yr old PS, MWF 3 yr old PS

October 1st:  Make-ups and T/Th 3 yr old PS

How Busy Are You?

It almost seems as if one”measure of success” is how busy our lives are, especially as they relate to our children:  this athletic practice, that extracurricular related to school, the other “club” sport or rehearsal.  (Whether or not this busyness is really a “measure of success” might be a topic for another Post.)  When Lynn and I were in the thick of it with four children, we were glad to just make it through the day, week, and season.  In retrospect, maybe it wasn’t so bad.  Loading everyone into the van for a weekend road trip and squeezing six people into a hotel room forced family time, which was also often without screen time.  Huddling together under the blanket in the wind and cold was often the equivalent of “date night.”  Giving the kids the money so they could make a “concession stand run” was a way for them to learn how to handle money and cooperate with each other.  Collective memories were created in our busyness.  As the kids grew older and became more independent with their activities, sometimes even driving themselves to/from practices and events, our lives probably became less hectic.  But our lives also had less family time too.  Yes, you, too can make it through the busyness, and don’t forget to remember to cherish the moments and memories too.
