February 2, 2020

Kindergarten Informational Session and Round-up This Week

Kindergarten Informational Sessions and Round-up are this week.  Parents will have an informational session, and students will get to be kindergartners for the “day.”  Find out how the difference in us will make a difference in your child’s education.  Please call the school office ahead of time, (563) 391-3030, so we can have a more personalized experience prepared for your child.  Click HERE for this week’s church bulletin, which contains more information.

  • Feb 6:  7:30 – 9:00 a.m. in the parish center, or
  • Feb 6:  6-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria

Preschool and Daycare Registration

Three, four, and five year old preschool and daycare registration for OLV parishioners and current JFK families begins February 3rd at 7:30 a.m.  Open registration begins on February 6th.  Morning spots go fast so don’t delay registration.  Click HERE for last week’s church bulletin, which contains more information.

Virtus Updates

Did you complete your annual renewal with www.virtus.org?  All employees and volunteers working with children and dependent adults within the parishes and Catholic schools of the diocese were assigned the online annual renewal module on January 2nd and given two weeks to complete it.  The module takes about 20-30 minutes to complete.  If you have not yet completed it, please do so ASAP.  In the near future, we will have to move to restricting access to children by those who have not completed the renewal.

Red Out for Kids Heart Challenge
For a donation to the Kids Heart Challenge, students can be out of uniform if they wear red on Friday.  Students will participate in the challenge during PE classes next week.

8th Grade Career Fair

Preparations for the 8th annual Scott County Catholic Schools and St. Ambrose University 8th Grade Career Fair have begun.  The career fair is held on in the Rogalski Center on SAU’s campus and will be Friday, March 6, 2020.  We would like to extend the opportunity for area businesses, employers, colleges and universities, health care professionals, law enforcement agencies and various career-related organizations to join us in educating our eighth grade students about the numerous employment opportunities available to them.  Presenters are asked for a time commitment of 8:15 am-2:00 pm. Presenters prepare a booth with information about their career (job duties, professional expectations, hours, required education/training, technology, general salary range, likes and dislikes, etc). The students enjoy hands-on activities so anything you wish to do or bring that is interactive is most appreciated. The students will rotate in groups and complete a career questionnaire about each booth they visit. A thank you lunch for all presenters will be provided. All presenters are invited to join us for the celebration of Mass at 1:15 in the Christ the King Chapel on campus. If you are interested in being a presenter at the career fair, please email the following information to Mrs. Wolf:  emma.wolf@olvjfkmail.com.

  • Career Field/Occupation
  • Business Name or Place of Employment
  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • Daytime phone number
  • Special needs at the fair (Ex:  access to electricity, WiFi/Internet access, space for a drone to work)

School Cancellations

Messages regarding cancellations, late starts, or early dismissals are shared with JFK families via phone, text, and email.  If you did not receive a text message two weeks ago, it is most likely because you are not registered to receive text messages from JFK.   (This primarily applies to families new to JFK in 2019 and/or new preschool families.)  To receive JFK text messages, type “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.  You will not receive text messages from JFK if you do not take action yourself.  There is no action required to receive email or phone messages.

OLV parish bulletin:  Click HERE or use the following link/url: https://www.olvjfk.com/olv/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/01/February-2-2020.pdf

YOLO — You Only Live Once

I have crossed over on the meaning of YOLO — You Only Live Once.  Before I had children, and when my own children tend to use YOLO, the meaning behind it emphasized living life to its fullest, taking risks and chances, don’t leave any regrets, etc.  When I was raising my own children, however, the phrase, for me and how I wanted my children to interpret it, transitioned to be safe, don’t do anything stupid, don’t make choices that will limit your future options, etc.  It’s amazing what parenthood does to one’s views!
